How to get ready for the AP exam? Tips & Strategies


Advanced Placement (AP) exams are standardized exams students take upon completion of the specific AP course. These exams take place in May every year and cover a variety of subjects from English Literature and Biology to Psychology and Computer Science. Keep reading to learn more about the AP exams and how to prepare for them successfully.

What do AP exam grades mean?

AP exams are scored on a scale from 1 to 5. They are college-level exams, and at many colleges, a high grade for them will earn you college credit. To gain credit or advanced placement, you need to score 3 and above. According to the College Board website, colleges award an A or A+ grade for a 5 score

How to prepare for your AP exam?

Usually, students start preparing for their AP tests 2 or 3 months in advance. Here are some pointers to help you study for the AP exams: 

Start with old material

Begin preparing for the AP exam by reviewing what you have already completed in class. Look through lectures, notes, completed tasks and recommended reading. Once you are sure you have memorized and understood everything, it’s time to move on to new material and topics. 

Set up a schedule and stick to it

To prepare effectively, you need a strict study schedule. Revising the material for a couple of hours a week will not take you anywhere. How many hours to allocate depends on how much material you need to cover. Aim for at least a few hours a week divided into 2-4 study sessions. Study in a quiet, comfortable place where nothing will distract you. Stay consistent and keep pace with your schedule so that you have time to cover all the material before the exam. 

Don’t rely on your teacher only

If you are aiming for a high AP exam score, don’t rely on your high school AP course and your teacher only. Your teacher’s goal is to cover all relevant material, not to ensure that you memorize and understand everything. Be sure to revise the material at home and ask questions if something is not clear. 

Make notes and mind maps

As you study new material, review it after class and make notes. Use graphs, mind maps, and other ways to organize and memorize new information. If you organize the new material early, you’ll find it easier to revise it before the AP exam and remember everything. Make a study plan – thus, you will be confident that you covered all topics and prepared for the exam well. 

Use online resources for AP test preparation

There are plenty of online resources for AP exam preparation in different topics. You can watch the AP Daily Practice Session videos from experienced teachers and practice the necessary topics and skills. Look for practice exams and questions – they will give you a better understanding of how the exam looks like from the inside and you’ll feel more confident taking the actual exam. You can browse completed exams from the past years and test your skills. 

Get expert help

AP exams are challenging and they put an additional workload on students. If you struggle to organize yourself to study, find an experienced AP tutor who can explain challenging tasks to you and get you prepared for the upcoming AP test. 

Our company helps students with all kinds of exams, from simple online tests to comprehensive exams that influence your GPA. We have tutors specializing in every high school and college discipline, so if you feel stuck with your AP or another exam preparation, contact us anytime!