Our Frequently Asked Questions

About OnlineClassMentor.com

  • Our website provides a wide range of services that students may need. In particular, we can handle your online test, quiz, or even a discussion post with replies. We can manage the entire course if you have no time to work on it. We offer an editing service to check whether or not your report meets the initial requirements. If you are in college or university and struggle with tasks, we can assist with the majority of school work.

  • Yes, our service is truly trustworthy. As you need to share your login credentials for our tutors to work on your school tasks, tests, or quizzes, the issue of trust is very important. Therefore, we guarantee the confidentiality of your data. Otherwise, our customers would not use our services on a weekly basis.

  • Yes! We have hundreds of reviews shared by our new and loyal customers. You are welcome to read them here: REVIEWS.

  • Yes! Our service is legit. Some people try to present academic services as cheating. However, not all students have the time and resources to work on courses that are mandatory and yet in no way contribute to their future job prospects. Thus, we are here to provide a legitimate form of assistance to help students pass through. We are legally registered, pay taxes, and serve customers across the world.

About Our Services

  • We have fixed prices for assignments such as essays, discussion posts, and reports because you know exactly how many words are to be written. You can check the prices here PRICES.However, if you require help with online test or quiz, we provide quotes for the service individually. Why? The answer is rather simple - your 10-minute quiz cannot cost the same as a 90-minute exam. Statistics final exam costs more than a one-hour essay-based management case study. Thus, we offer a fair price depending on the complexity. Please contact us on chat to get an estimate for your specific academic request.

  • We offer a wide range of services, namely writing, editing, formatting, and revising. We help with online tests, quizzes, exams, midterms, finals, discussion posts, reports, research papers, and many other tasks. The only thing we cannot do is take your in-person test for you. Any form of the online task - we can handle it. If you have an assignment due and wonder whether or not we can do it, just send us a message on chat and we will guide you through the process.

  • The process is very easy and rather straightforward. If you have an assignment due, you need to register and submit the details of your assignment (instructions, requirements, and any additional files or readings). Next, you proceed with the payment and we assign the most qualified tutor to work on your task. If you have an online test or quiz due, you need to first chat with us and provide the information needed for a quick estimate. Next, you need to register and place an order without paying for it. Once the tutor is assigned, you proceed with the payment. That is it! Completed assignments are delivered via email. Online tests are taken under your credentials using the login data you provide.

  • We write mostly customized resumes because we want to ensure your chances of landing a new job are as high as possible. However, if you need to update your resume or CV without having the specific job posting in mind, we can do that as well.

  • The only way for us to know what you need to is to get instructions. For this reason, you need to provide as much information as possible. In most cases, we ask not only for the instructions but also for the additional or required readings. In case of online tests or exams, we require full access to your course in order to prepare for the test and get you the highest score.

  • Yes! When we work on an entire course, we can guarantee the best results because the same tutor is working on all assignments, starting with week 1 discussion posts. Thus, the tutor has all the necessary information needed to succeed and get the best result. Moreover, when you order the entire course rather than separate assignments, you save almost 50% of the price! If you want to inquire about this option, just send us a message on chat and we will provide all the answers.

  • There are several free options you can take advantage of. First, we do not charge extra for cover pages, outlines, and reference lists. These pages are delivered for free. When you order a test-taking service, you are paying only for the time needed to take your test. You are not paying for the preparation time. In other words, if the test requires 90 minutes, you are paying for 90 minutes only, even if the tutor took 3 hours to prepare for it.

About Our Writers

  • Our test takes are tutors who have the knowledge in your field of study. When you place an order, we select the most qualified person. If the test taker does not have knowledge in your area of study, he/she is not assigned to help you out. Thus, you are assured the test will not be failed and instead you will get a good grade.

  • You can easily interact with the assigned tutor via message box available in your order. You can send a message at any time, whereas we guarantee a response within 12-24 hours.

  • No, usually our tutors do not interact with your instructor. However, the communication is possible when we are working on the entire course. In other words, when such communication is necessary as part of the course, we will communicate on your behalf. If such interaction is not needed, we do not engage in any form of communication with person other than you.

About Guarantees

  • We do understand that sometimes we cannot get you a 100% score because there are many factors outside of our control. For example, when the test is due tomorrow and you do not have any materials to provide to the tutor. Thus, there is no time for preparation. In such a case, most likely to you will not get an A. If you are not happy and there is the second chance to retake the test, we will gladly help you. As for the written assignments, revisions are free within 2 weeks.

  • If we do not have a qualified tutor to take your test, we inform you immediately. Thus, you do not risk your grade. If the test is failed by our tutor, you get a full refund immediately.

  • We do not guarantee you will land a job because we are not a recruitment agency. We can help you increase your chances of getting an interview invitation and give you information on how to prepare for it. However, the result depends on you only.

  • Yes, if we are working on the entire course, we guarantee our ability to pass it. It implies no failed or missed assignments. All tasks and quizzes will be taken on time and written in line with the requirements.

  • Our refund policy is transparent. You are guaranteed a full refund in the following cases: we failed your test, no test was taken on the date it was due, no tutor was assigned, or the assignment was delivered with a delay. Full refunds are also issued for duplicate payments.

  • Yes, our service is confidential. Your personal data is not shared with other tutors or third parties. Your data is fully protected. Written assignments are not stored. No screenshots of your tests or assignments are taken. We do care about your privacy and devote proper attention to the protection of sensitive data.

Help & Support

  • The process is rather easy. If you have instructions for the assignment, all you need to do is register and place an order. If you have an online exam due, please first contact us via chat to give answers to several questions.

  • No problem at all! You are not required to pay for the entire course if you need help with one task only. We will gladly complete it for you.

  • You can choose either option. However, when you want us to work on the entier course at once, you will save up to 50% by paying for the entire course rather than per assignment.

  • You are welcome to chat with us any time! Our chat is readily accessible and we have only human assistants to guide you through the process of ordering or clarifying any other issue.