Spanglish: New Language Or Just A Parody?


Each country of the world has its own language and speakers. In some countries there are some official languages in others only one. During ages languages have been exist near each other. Of course it couldn’t leave without changes. When existing one near another languages influence each other. It can be clearly seen especially when people who speak different languages live within one area. Of course there are many factors which influence languages. If you are ready to pay someone to take online class our community is happy to help you with essays on your own theme and we have some ready essays for you.

One of the examples is English. Nowadays English is an international language, it’s very flexible and a lot of people outside the UK and the USA speak it. As a result English has great amount of borrowings from many languages. It’s hard to imagine but only thirty percent of English words are native while other seventy percent are borrowings. However as every language English has its grammar history of development and native speakers. It allows us to say that it’s a language.

What about Spanish? It’s widely observed outside Spain and especially in the South and Central America. So how Spanish and English exist together and what history they have?

Puerto Rico was a center of Spanish language and this language was a total king there. Unfortunately after Puerto Rico had become a part of the USA in 1898. Firstly it was okay to speak Spanish and people did that. However later United States army and administration did their best for English come an official language. Of course that was logic in that: “Puerto Rico was part of the USA and they had to speak English as the official language”. So, as time had been passing, Spanish mixed with English. In different region this mixture was quite different. The mixture got name “Spanglish”. The word has in its structure two parts: one from word English and another from word Spanish. Spanglishes have varieties in different territories like New York, Florida, Texas, and California. The fact that Spanish language itself has some dialects makes things more complicated.

Nowadays many inhabitants of the USA speak Spanglish. Firstly it is connected with the fact that Hispanic population is a big part of population in the USA. Another reason is in the historical development. Many families spoke Spanish but their children go to the schools where all subjects are in English. So they are bilingual. But there are a lot of children who mix English and Spanish together and as a result they speak Spanglish. So they have all possibilities to speak Spanglish. Many Mexican-American emigrants speak different variations of Spanglish.

What are the main features of this language and is it a language at all? People have different attitude to Spanglish: some tell that it should be prohibited at all maybe they are right and people should avoid Spanglish like they avoid gluten foods. The problem with Spanglish is that not everybody can speak it. It seems to be easy to do it if you know English and Spanish. However, it’s not so. When you learn English and Spanish separately and Spanish is your second tongue, you have a strong distinction of these two languages. However those people who speak Spanglish mix different words from English and Spanish, or if they can’t find appropriate English word they use Spanish one. So as we can see there are no definite rules for Spanglish. It has only some rules but not for grammar or other things that every language has. First rule is to use a ping-pong method. This means that person who speaks Spanglish should “jump” from English to Spanish, using some English words then some Spanish words and then do it again and again. Another rule or not even a rule but another way of speaking Spanglish is to take English words and change them a little in order to pronounce hem like Spanish ones. For example to add some Spanish flexions to English words. Finally if you want nobody to understand you at all, even someone who understands Spanglish you can use the final way called Rapid Aggressive Spanglish. From the name it’s possible to guess that you should just speak loud and as fast as you can. No matter what you are talking about: just do it in that way and you will be a successful Spanglish speaker.

Want to know more about Spanglish? Read more about our site and order an essay about this unusual and strange language, or any other essay you want. Now let’s make a conclusion about what Spanglish is? Let’s try to answer this question. Is it a language? It is not language because it doesn’t have rules and structure. Is it just a Spanish dialect? The answer is “no” again, because dialect has some differences from certain language while Spanglish just has mixture of English and Spanish. So what is it? It’s not a parody of course; however it’s an example of flexibility of languages and how history can change languages. We can say exactly that Spanglish is just a mixture of English and Spanish and it’s an example of influence of one language on another. Of course, that is not good and normal if language is widely observed. But Spanglish is just a language for Spanish people who were influenced by English language. That began in 1898 and as we can see it has more than visible effects nowadays.

There exist some thought about Spanglish. One people say that Spanglish is just a pollution of Spanish language and it’s English language which do this pollution. However others think that Spanglish is an example of evolution of the language. Some people claim that it’s better to hear Spanish than English with awful Spanish accent. So it’s hard to say if Spanglish is just a pollution of language or mixture of languages, or maybe this is an example of how language can adapts to demands of people and certain speaking communities. We can definitely say that Spanglish is fun and interesting if one doesn’t think about it as a language, otherwise is can be very irritating .And of course people who fight for purity of language no matter if it is English or Spanish will be very furious while hearing Spanglish, however all we can do is try to understand people who speak Spanglish and reasons why they do it as well as try to predict what will be that next step of languages evolution and what will be with Spanglish language in some years, when Spanglish speaking children will have their families.