What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You about Red Nose Day


A famous British charity organization, Comic Relief is specialized in raising funds the whole year round. It is widely known for its famous event, Red Nose Day, which is especially designed to conduct various charity projects and stimulate people to invest money for various worthy reasons. It also celebrates those people who have assisted in raising money for different charity projects. Although Comic Relief has started its charity event in 1985, not all people know much about this occasion. The following essay will discuss a number of curious facts about Red Nose Day that not everybody is aware of. It is known for sure that since its inception, Comic Relief has gathered more than 600 million pounds, and this is what not every charity organization can achieve throughout its history. The major role of this charity program is to ensure a positive change for the better through various entertaining events, while the funds raised are supposed to support communities and individuals who are in need of monetary assistance in various parts of Africa and Great Britain. In this regard, it’s not only the UK that is involved in this project. Many other countries also use the conception of Red Nose Day to raise funds for charity purposes. Here is a list of interesting facts about Red Nose Day that not all people are aware of:

  • Not many people know when the first Red Nose Day took place. In fact, this happened on Christmas Day back in 1985. At that time, the Comic Relief organization raised around 15 million pounds for various charity purposes. In the course of time, the organization was becoming more and more popular, so that in 2013, it has managed to raise funds equaling to more than a thousand million pounds. In later years, it continued to carry out its charity projects and has long managed to beat its previous totals. This is the best proof that Red Nose Day is a promising event that is likely to continue bringing happiness to people living in different parts of the world.
  • Besides, the noses used for Red Nose Day have also evolved over time. In fact, the Comic Relief organization uses different noses for every event it initiates. Such noses as the Nose with Toes, Nose in a Bag and others have been used for 20 different shows carried out by the charity organization. Many people enjoy such a tradition and even have their favorite noses among the available options. A Red Nose Day nose is supposed to encourage people to make donations and bring them many happy moments during the event.
  • Furthermore, not all people know where the raised donations are distributed. Basically, some of the money goes for education, and this really makes all the difference. Owing the hard work of the public, the number of kids who went to school during the years 1999-2008 in certain parts of Africa increased by more than 46 million people. This means that more children are now able to receive education and become literate. Besides, adults in Uganda now can also enjoy their educational experience, while the literacy in this district of Africa has risen by 70% only in 2010. This is one of the amazing results achieved thanks to Red Nose Day.
  • Not many people know that Comic Relief has organized around 17,000 charity projects throughout its existence. It has funded these projects in Great Britain alone since the time of its foundation back in 1985. Therefore, Comic Relief supports not only poor nations of Africa, but also local people living in the UK. All of the projects proved to be highly fruitful for the British people who are in need of support and financial assistance.
  • Comic Relief has also established a special helpline for everyone who is faced with the problem of domestic violence. This line is known as the National Domestic Violence Helpline, and was originated in 2013. Since that time, the line has received more than one million of phone calls from those people who are in need of protection against domestic violence. On average, around 30 women receive support from Comic Relief every day. This proves to be a highly useful invention because more and more people nowadays suffer from domestic abuse and do not know how to deal with it.
  • Comic Relief also provides support to HIV patients saving the lives throughout the country. Everyone who wants to help people suffering from HIV can donate money to the organization on Red Nose Day to improve the quality of life among people who are desperate about their health condition. In this regard, Comic Relief has helped around 3 million African people who were infected with HIV. Besides, the good news is that in Africa alone the rates of HIV transmission have decreased by 20% since the year 1997. Everyone can become a part of such change and make a real difference for the people suffering from this disease. Here is how Red Nose Day changes the lives of people not only in the UK, but in other parts of the world as well.
  • One more fact about Comic Relief that not all people are aware of is that the organization itself is based on so-called “Golden Pound Principle”. This means that all the money collected by means of Red Nose Day are spent on charity projects specifically. No single pound sterling is left behind. Some people might wonder how Comic Relief covers such costs as staff salaries. In this regard, Comic Relief receives the necessary funds from the sponsors of the corporation and the interest they gain in the course of their activity. The rest of funds collected by means of various projects are distributed for the benefit of the poor nations and people who are in dire need of financial support.
  • It is also curious to know that Red Nose Day was initially called National Day of Comedy. Since the time of its inception, it has been continuously held either on the second or on the third Friday of March. This has become a tradition that continues to flourish and bring fruitful results.
  • One more interesting fact about Comic Relief and Red Nose Day is the company’s support of the campaign known as Time to Change. The aim of this campaign is to bring the discrimination of mentally diseased individuals to an end. In England alone, more than one million people in 2012 stated that the attitude towards mentally sick people has improved considerably. This is truly a change for the better as people suffering from some kind of mental illness have always been treated with much negativity.

The above facts about Red Nose Day prove that the Comic Relief organization plays an important role in raising the quality of life of people across the world. Hopefully, Red Nose Day will continue to evolve and flourish to help more and more people live a happier life.

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