What You Don't Know About Driving Etiquette Around The World


Driving Etiquette Round The WorldSome people have cars. It really convenient and allows you to travel a lot. If you still don’t have it read why you should buy a car. However if you want to travel a lot you should know at first rules of the country you go to and also there some laws that are not fixed but not less important. It’s like some traditions of behavior on the road. In every country they are unique. That’s why you should know them.

Fortunately we gathered some of them in our article. We will talk about different countries such as Spain, France and Netherlands. So maybe, after reading this essay you will decide to go to some countries in order to check if these traditions and etiquette rules really work.

The first general thing we would like start with is to remind you that generally right-hand traffic is accepted in many countries. However somewhere it is left-hand and you should know these countries. There are quite many of them but the most popular and known are: Australia, Dominica, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, New Zealand, The UK. Want to know more about different countries? Take courses online and allow our company to help you with different subjects and we promise that it will be interesting. Before we will go further let’s make it clear what etiquette is? So, it is a stated list of norms and behavior in the society. Nowadays people who are drivers can be distinguished into separate society because they are very many.

Now, let’s talk about definite countries their features and rules of behavior on the road.

Traditions and strange things on the road

  • Germany

Germans are always associated with good character, respect of each other’s rights and law. So, it is clear that at the road they are mainly very polite and tolerant. Let’s look some features of German rules. Remember first of all, that there is right hand traffic in this country. Here are some other rules:

1. How to park a car?

If you decided to leave a car you can park it, but how to do it? Mostly in German drivers park the cars so that they are facing other ones which are moving. Maybe it’s just a tradition maybe it’s really convenient. Till you don’t try you won’t know.

2. Can I honk constantly?

What about next feature connected with beeping? Sometimes it can be very annoying especially if you are going home after hard working day. German are not those people who honking every time. However if you see a wedding cars don’t be surprised to hear this sound. They just want to give some good mood to surrounding people in this way. So, meet this with smile on your face.

3. Headlights as a sign

In German people use light of the headlamps as different signs and it depends on the situation. The most important one is at autobahn. These roads suggest fast moving. So if you are too slow be ready for flashlight towards you. Try to go faster, because in German they appreciate politeness and understanding.

4. Be sure to have full tank

Another thing connected with autobahn is that you must be aware if you have enough fuel because if you stop driving along autobahn having empty tank, you will get a fine.

5. What about speed limits?

Many drivers like speed. Unfortunately or maybe for best, there are always some limits. In Germany you can move not faster than 31 miles per hour in the city and 81 miles per hour along the highway. However speed along the highway is recommended but not obligatory. It’s because German think that driving at low speed leads to more herm for the road than driving at high speed.

Feel free to read also some unusual driving facts.

  • France

This country has right-hand traffic.

1. French people like no space between vehicles

If you want to park car feel free to do it even if the whole car won’t stay between two others. French people really do it even if only part of the car will be parked while other one will stick out the road.

2. Honk to woman

In France, some mail drivers can beep to a woman drivers. Maybe because he just want to get acquainted with her or because he don’t like woman in front of the wheel. Only he and she can understand it. Anyway it will be an occasion to talk to somebody interesting and unknown.

3. French warn each other in case of police

They use headlights to do it. So if you see somebody use his headlamps be thankful to him and ready to meet a police patrol. However it’s better not to break the rules.

4. Special symbol for some drivers

In some countries there are special signs that lady is in front of the wheel. It is doubtful question if this sign should be put or not. Sometimes men react in very impolite way if seeing that sticker.

In France there is a sticker with letter “S”. It means that driver has slow reaction and can’t move at high speed. However this symbol is not obligatory and it’s up to you to decide whether use it or no.

5. What about speed?

If you are in city don’t drive faster than 31 miles per hour. For highway limit is 81 miles per hour and it is a real limit not as in German.

  • Netherlands

1. Order in parking is above all

In this country you can park only if there is a free place and sign “P”. In other way you will need a special allow to do it.

2. Silence is appreciated

In Netherlands drivers will beep only in really extraordinary cases and in case of real danger. In other cases they won’t. Moreover they prefer to use headlights instead of honking at night. So we can see how these people appreciate silence and comfort of others.

3. Use of headlamps

If see a foot passenger who wants to cross the road and you are in a good mood to allow him, use headlights. The person will be very thankful to you and you will avoid that inane situation when you want foot passenger to go and he thinks that you will not allow him to do it. So, just use your headlights.

4. Rights of cyclists

If you want to turn somewhere you should give cyclists right to move. The same thing is with pedestrians.

5. Speed limits

The speed limit is quite standard and as it is in many other countries: 31 miles per hour in urban areas and 81 miles per hour for highways.

  • Spain

1. Siamese twins are happen even among cars

In Spain it is common to park car one near another but not in a row. One car may stay near another’s flank and it’s absolutely okay for Spanish to do that.

There are also so called “Blue zones” where you should pay for parking and can leave car only for not more than two hours.

2. Honk or not to honk?

The answer for many Spanish drivers is “honk”. Spanish are very temperamental and don’t bare any slowness. That’s why if you linger when traffic light turned into green you will be mercilessly honked.

3. Headlights

If you are at the highway and see somebody behind you using lamp lights it means that he wants to outrun you. So let him do it or move faster.

4. Speed

Talking about speed there is 31 miles per hour limit for urban areas and 75 miles one for highways.

  • United Kingdom

1. Pavements for pedestrians?

That may be true but not in Britain. Because of narrow streets drivers have to park cars on pavements. Don’t be angry because of that just try to leave some space for people to go through this pavement and it will be all right.

However there are a lot of officers who control parking and some signs that will help you. If you see one yellow line you can stop there for some time however driver should be in the car while passengers may leave it. Double yellow or red lines mean that it is prohibited to park at any time.

2. Honk to everybody

British like honking and they do it very often. To see a friend at the street for example is quite serious reason for drivers to honk.

3. Use of hazard lights

Drivers in the United Kingdom usually use hazard light if they want to thank another driver.

If you want to allow somebody moving you can simply use headlamps.

4. Roads and limits

One of the most important things is that traffic in Britain is left hand so mind that.

It should be said that some roads in the UK are not free and you should pay in order to move along it. Payment differs depending on the car class, size and some other factors. Tunnel under the English Channel is also paid. There are some types of tickets for crossing this tunnel which have different prices and give more or less abilities.

What about limits of speed it is 30 miles per hour in urban areas and 70 for highways.

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Some fines and how to avoid them

Here we will briefly talk about strange or unusual fines in some countries so you will be able to avoid them.

1. In Austria you must use winter tires since November till April.

2. In German you must have a special vest with reflectors and warning sign in every car.

3. If you have problems with sight and use glasses you should have two pairs of them if you are in Spain.

4. It is prohibited to use your beep signal in the UK if you are in the urban area since 11 o’clock p.m. to 7 a.m.

5. Strange fine exists in Switzerland: you are not allowed to wash car on Sunday.

6. In Finland law is very wise and fine for person with small salary will be small while for person with huge one it will be appropriate.

Of course, we couldn’t include all countries into our article, however we hope these ones were interesting for you and now you know what to do in certain country and how to be like fish in the water. Just remember that respect and tolerance is two main things every driver needs. With them driving will be pleasant and won’t give you problems and stresses.