15 Ideas What To Do During Lunch Break


Many people complain that work takes all energy and it is very hard to stay spirited for the whole working-day. “Of course there is a lunch break; however what can I do for this hour or two?” – that is what a lot of people think. Although lunch break is not long and you really can’t receive rest of full value as during one month vacation, there are some activities that will help to be in a good shape to till the end of working-day and provide you with a rest from first part of it.

Sometimes problems at work can be very stressful and people don’t want to do. In other cases you may just be too tired because of sitting at one and the same place on your armchair. If you have any troubles with your study consult online class mentor – source which is always ready to help. For now, we will give you some ideas what to do during a lunch break. They can make your life better and brighter.

How to spend lunch break?

We won’t talk about such things as to drink coffee or other usual variants. So be ready to something new and interesting. Hope you will use it in your own life.

1. Help our best friends

Unfortunately we still can find some stray animals at the streets. They need people’s help and can give you the most valuable thing – their kindness. So why not to spend your lunch break with both pleasure and benefit? You can buy some food for you and eat it and also buy something for stray animals and feed them. They will be very thankful although can’t tell that using human speech. But you will see it in their eyes.

You may also visit some animal shelters as well or some parks with ponds where some birds swim and feed them with bread. Of course you should know places where it is allowed.

This variant will give you good emotions for the rest of the day and your mood will be better too.

2. Why not to meditate?

If you have a silent park near the office you can take an underlay and go there to meditate. It is easy to find different ways and methods how to do it. Also it will take you not a lot of time, so you can spend the rest of it as you want.

Many people say that meditation gives a lot of energy and can help to overcome stress and strain accumulated during a working day.

3. Roam the streets to find beautiful places

It is extremely healthy to leave the office for lunch break and breathe fresh air. Some people can’t just walk along the streets aimlessly. If you are one of them, try to find beautiful places or buildings and make photos. It is exciting to feel as a photograph sometimes, even is f you can’t do that good. However many people just don’t try. There is a list of mobile apps that can help your photos to be brighter and more interesting.

4. Go jogging or do some activities

Some offices have shower so it won’t be a problem to go into jogging during a lunch break. You can observe different places and streets. Men can also go to the street and find some sportsgrounds to do some exercises there. Just don’t forget to take some food which is rich in proteins and other healthy things. Jogging can really help especially if all your working-day passes in front of computer in one pose.

5. Make the brain work well

Scientists have proved that new activities help your brain to work better and make it more active. So feel free to try some unusual and new activities: learn new language, try to play a music instrument, learn origami technique or solve some puzzles.

Try to choose some activities which you really want to try and that are not connected with your job: because lunch break is for distraction from it, don’t forget this.

6. Create club of similar interests

You can definitely do it and members of this club are in front of you: that’s your colleagues. Sometimes we know our mates from work only from one side while they have a lot of interesting hobbies from another. This club will help you to find more similarities and make working atmosphere friendly. All that without doubts, will make your collective job powerful and productive.

7. Shopping is good at any time

Even during a lunch break visiting some shops can make mood better especially if you find something interesting there. If you play music instrument and know that there is a shop near you, why not to go there? Look at new guitars or even play some of them. Buy some baubles that are not expensive. New purchase always raises mood.

8. Visit free events

Sometimes it’s possible to find real talents singing at the streets for example. Or some other events are usually held in big cities. So it’s possible to visit free concerts or painters that draw on the streets. Even if you don’t find some events like these, it’s better to walk along the streets then stay in office where you are for the whole day.

9. Spend some time dating

For those who can’t live without social websites this is a good variant. Search someone at the dating sites, plan a date or just communicate with new interesting people. However this variant is not so good because you spend in front of computer whole day and lunch break is an opportunity to go out from it. So you may try to make new meetings walking somewhere. It will be even more interesting.

10. For real fans of job

If you can’t live without your job, if you like it so much that can’t leave it even for hour, you can improve knowledge about it. Read some new information about this sphere or something connected with it. Feel free to learn something new even if it’s not directly connected with your profession. Smart person should be fully developed.

11. Don’t delay things for tomorrow

Maybe it’s not very pleasant activity but very useful one. We all have some things to do like to pay some bills or order something. Why not to do this during a lunch break? Although it may be tediously, you will have more free time after working day.

12. Plan your activity

What can be more pleasant that plan some interesting activities? Sometimes we want to go somewhere or to do something, but just have constant lack of time. With planning daytime carefully, this problem will decrease.

13. The best way to know somebody is to play with him

Play some board games with your colleagues. You can ask them about their interests and order some of these games. For example table football is very popular nowadays and many people like to play it. So, maybe some of your co-workers are professional table footballers? Why not to check it? It is possible to go even further and organize something like tournaments at definite board games. It will make atmosphere better and as a result work of everybody will be more productive.

14. Having a nap: strange or not?

It may sound very strange but some people like to have a nap during a lunch break. If there is any park near the office, go there to do it, or do it at your working place. Chinese people like this activity and there is even a special site where photos of napping people are published.

15. Last and general advice

Many successful people say that they always leave working place at least for some minutes even if they feel that have to work unceasingly. When you work without any break it’s hard to see mistakes even if they are very obvious, so remember: break is important part of every working day.

Hope this essay was interesting for you and gave some new ideas. Feel free to know something about online classes which our company provides people with. Be always in a good shape and mood and remember that lunch break can help you with it. Moreover now, you know how to spend your break and can choose any activity you like. Remember, even some minutes can give you energy for the rest of working day if they are spent doing something you really like!