Sneak Peek On Popular Mobile Apps


Only about ten years ago people used mobile phones only to call and sometimes to send messages. Who could expect at that time such great evolution of phones? Nowadays smartphone is a very multifunctional and very useful thing. We can listen to music, search the Internet, hang out in Facebook and other social networks, use it for sport to track pulse and time and finally you will never lost yourself in unknown city if you have smartphone, because there are many applications connected with navigation such as google maps.

A lot of programmers now work on mobile apps development for users to enjoy all facilities of their smartphones. So it is never too late to learn programming by yourself. Although apple production with IOS systems is quite popular, phones with Android are the most common and more accessible. That’s why today, we will talk about Android apps, which everybody should try. We have chosen different categories such as browsers, cooking and food, photos, security and many others, so this article will be interesting for everybody.


Of course, you may use standard browser installed in your phone, however as usual it has not as many functions as developed browsers. As usual standard ones are less flexible and have less possibility. If you want to use good and powerful app to search the Internet look through our list below and choose one you like the most, or try some of them to compare:

1. Dolphin

It is good browser and moreover, it’s free. You don’t need to pay, just download it from play market and enjoy. You can use saved money with benefit and pay someone to take online class. Our service provides you with help in studying of many subjects and essay writing, so you will never be sorry for your money.

Talking about Dolphin, it has pleasant design and you will feel comfortable surfing the Internet with this app. It has some great things. At first, it has built-in tool that blocks all that ugly and intrusive ads and animations. At second, it has flash-player built in, so it allows you to watch all videos at any site.

2. Firefox

There is about 100% of probability that you have heard about this browser when worked in the Internet using PC. So Firefox for mobiles is great: if you had it installed on PC and liked it, you should try this for phone. It is convenient because has almost the same design and you won’t be puzzled. Firefox also has useful built-in tools one of them is for preventing different advertisement and pages with bad reputation.

3. Chrome

The brightest competitor of previous browser, Chrome has some obvious advantages. One of them is that it has capability of synchronization with you Gmail, clouds and you can even synchronize your phone with PC. It’s very convenient. Also it uses less resources of phone than Firefox. However it’s up to you to decide what browser to choose because it is mostly thing of taste and habit.

Cooking and food

A lot of people like to eat something delicious, others like to cook something good looking and tasteful. So this category is for you!

1. Cookpad Recipes

Every housewife and cook dreams about place where all or a lot of recipes will be gathered together. This free app provides you with great amount of different recipes. You can find the most interesting or share your own ones. So it’s like you have huge book for recipes but there are more of them and can be easily placed into the pocket of jeans.

2. Seamless

Sometimes we want to eat something tasty but too exhausted to cook it. Of course we can go to the restaurant. But what if you are so bored that don’t want to go anywhere? Does it mean that you will be hungry? No, it doesn’t. App “Seamless” will save you. It gives possibility to order food delivery from a local restaurant. Some cons are as follows:

  • You can order food for twenty four hours and seven days per week.
  • It is possible to track your order, so you will know where is your food
  • You can pay in many ways as PayPal, cash, or credit card.

So, it is the best variant if you don’t want to leave your house and cozy room, but want to eat.

Sport and healthcare

Although there is a wide meaning that smartphones can be only harmful it is not so. They can be very useful while doing some sport.

1. FitBit

This application will be necessary if you are fun of jogging. It has many different functions. You can plan your route using this app, track amount of calories you’ve burnt and how many steps you did. It also allows compete with friends in distance you’ve covered.

2. MyFitnessPal

You are a sportsman and need to follow a sensible diet, know how much calories you’ve burnt and what food is better to eat? This application will be a real friend for you. It shows how many calories, proteins and carbohydrates are contained in different products. Also it gives possibility to mark your goal (to put on weight or vice versa) and application will calculate your norm of calories for every day. You should only point what was eaten in order to know if this daily norm completed.

3. JEFIT Workout Exercise Trainer

Decided to go to the gym but don’t know what exercises to do and how to do them right? This application can be a personal trainer, because it has a great amount of different exercises (more than 1000) for every part of body. So just plan what group of muscles you want to work out and don’t worry about exercises because JEFIT workout will find them.

You may find more apps concerning sport and now we go further.


Many sportsmen listen to music. However not only they but a lot of people do it. One claims that it’s very hard to find something good in modern music because there are a lot of bands with low quality music. Fortunately, apps will help in this case too.

1. Slacker Radio

From the name one may think that this is application somehow connected with radio. It’s true because this app gives access to many unique radio stations and they are chosen for user due to his desires and preferences. There are also thematic stations. However you can not only listen to the radio but also listen to great amount of music and more than hundred stations. It also has unique sports and news programs.

2. Pocket Casts

This one gives you possibility to be always aware about podcasts and listen to them. Great design and high quality joined to good feedback and support of customers make this application really good. The only minus is that it is not free.

3. Songkick Concerts

Everyone has favorite bands which songs can be listened to for hours. However not everybody has possibility to serf Internet constantly and read about concerts of favorite bands. Songkick Concerts will do it for you. How it works? App analyzes music from your playlist and then scans new information about this artist. If there will be a concert somewhere near you application will tell you about it, provides with information about tickets and possibility of booking them. So, install it and never be afraid of missing favorite bands and concerts.


It’s not a secret that nowadays smartphones have good cameras and many people use them instead of specialized cameras. It’s very convenient because you can make a photo and correct it both with the help of phone. So let’s take a look at some good sources that will make your photos bright and beautiful

1. Adobe Photoshop Express

This app is not as complicated as for PCs so you can try it. A lot of useful features are able. For example you can delete red eyes effect or different defects, use preset of filters or create customer ones. Also it gives opportunity to change colors, contrast, saturation and sharpness. So, try it and make great photos even if you are not a professional photographer.

2. Autodesk Pixlr

Like to create collages of own photos? This app will help you even if you are only beginner. It has more than two million of different filters and effects, different variant of composition of collage and its form. You can also share results using social network like Facebook. You can make different stylization for photos; make good selfies thanks to special functions and a lot of more.

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3. Instagram

This one doesn’t need to be represented. Application has millions of fans and it is very popular. All is quite easy: you can share photos with other users of Instagram. It is a well-known fact that people like to be attended and that is the secret of application’s success. If you like to look at different photos and events in life of people described through them, Instagram is the best choice.


This is the last category in our list but very important. All applications listed above are for fun and enjoying your smartphone opportunities. But phone need care as well as every human. That’s why it is good decision to protect your gadget. Fortunately there are many special apps for this purpose.

1. Avast Mobile Security

This is one of the best free antiviruses. It has great amount of functions and all they are free. It is quite secure application so you won’t worry about your Android and smartphone. There are many useful tools such as blocking of applications, calls, messages, clean up, checking of Wi-Fi connection and its speed.

If you need simple antivirus easy for understanding, this one is the best.

2. Norton Family

Norton provides a lot of different security programs. This one serves to prevent children from content which is not intended for them. Many children now have access to Internet, phones and tablets, so use this app to know what sites your child visits and point limitations for certain sites and apps.

Of course there are a lot of other applications and we described only small part of them. However we made it mostly for you to understand that world of apps is huge and there is always a possibility to choose something great, interesting and even free. Hope this article was useful and you will try some applications. Have a good time and don’t be afraid of trying something new.