Beginners Guide: Leavers Lace


Sometimes it is quite hard to predict what will be the next step of fashion. It is almost impossible to do that. Fashion in different countries may be different and even can be seen as one of the strange traditions and habits. We should be careful with it. Almost everybody have seen movie about Harry Potter. In one of parts Ron had to wear jacket with lace for ball. He was very upset and everybody laughed at him because suit looked really old fashioned. So, be careful about what you are wearing.

Lace is very popular nowadays. Of course we are talking about women now. For men it may be also useful to know something, especially if you want to buy a present for your girlfriend for example, you should know where the best lace is made.

But does anybody know how all begun? Maybe a very few people know who was the first inventor of the machine for and where the first machine was created. So, the history of Leavers lace and lace in general. Have some difficulties with history? They are not more your problems all you should do is to write: “Do my online class”. Our company will provide you with online help and solving problems with any home task at any subject.

We decided to talk about it: we will tell you some interesting facts and short history of creation of Leavers lace. Hand-made lace was produced in 15th century and its home was Italy. But we will talk about mechanized production with the help of special machines. We distinguished six important steps in development of lace for you to better understand how thing were going. So just read it and enjoy hiss magic world.

History of creation

1. First idea of mechanization

Although history of producing lace with the use of machines dates back to 1808 year, we should mention one important invention that was the beginning of all this. It was made in 1589 by William Lee from England. This knitting machine was the first attempt to make process of lace producing more industrial. This invention was the early beginning, or better to say precursor of industrial revolution in Britain and revolution in the world of lace.

2. John Heathcoat invention

However only in 1804 the inventor and mechanic really began to think about making a machine for creating lace. He was working on it for about 4 years. He carefully looked at how handmade lace was created. Finally, only in 1808 the machine was made and first lace was produced with the use of it.

3. Machine made by French inventor

Nearly at the same time in 1808 but in another country, French mechanic created modification of machine which worked in different way. It used special cards with different schemes. It was huge step for industry in general and lace industry in particular. However, the machine was as huge: about 12 meters long! The inventor was Joseph-Marie Jacquard. Later a lot of his fabrics began to open. Still French lace is very expensive and one of the best in the world.

4. Alternative to French lace

At the same time in 1808 inventor John Heathcoat, mentioned above, decided to produce new modified machine. It was called Bobbinet. Unlike French one it worked with the help of special. This machine seems to be one of the grandfathers for all lace machines. Read more about this invention.

5. Creation of Leavers lace: the best lace in the world

John Heathcoat’s machine was modified by John Levers. It also appeared that new modification can also work using part of mechanism of Jacquard machine. It was invented in 1813. This machine was like a real monster: huge, very noisy and demanded very accurate handling.

It is still used and has some advantages. For example it is very flexible and can be used for creating absolutely different kinds of lace. So that is how Leavers lace began to be produced and it is produced even nowadays. Some of factories still use Jacquard’s cards to produce old classical lace.

6. Leavers lace appeared in France

By 19 century only Britain produced such lace and it wasn’t exported. However as hard times for England began as strikes of workers, who spoiled machines and war with France, some Leavers lace machines were smuggled to France. So this country received an ability to produce great lace which before could be produced only in Britain.

Now, when we know some history, let’s look at some interesting facts about Leavers lace. They may intermingle with information mentioned before so everything will become clearer.

Some facts about Leavers lace

1. Name

The Leavers lace is named so because inventor of machine was Levers. So at first there was only machine called after this inventor. Then lace began to name Leavers because this machine was used for its manufacturing. Letter “a” appeared in the name just for it to be more euphonious.

2. Origination

Although machine is called after Levers, he just modified earlier version created by John Heathcote. So role of both this people in creation of machine is absolutely equal.

3. Smuggling and best future for Leavers lace

As we mentioned above, during a long period it was prohibited to export Levers machines from Britain. However, in 1813 couple of people planned operation and smuggled machine to France, where they thought, it would have better conditions for development. That is how Leavers lace appeared in Calais, France.

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4. Centers of Lace industry

Nowadays the most famous Leavers lace production is made only in two cities in French: Calais and Caudry. Before appearing of these machines the only center of lace was Nottingham. But its role decreased very fast and center was shifted to two cities mentioned above.

5. Machine which copies a person

Frist inventor of the machine spent huge amount of time observing how handmade lace was produced and how hands of masters were moved. The machine copied these movements and is considered to be one of the most hard for understanding machines in the world in sphere of textile.

6. Flexibility of huge machine

As first versions of Leavers lace machines made only tulle lace and lace as form of a net, however later ones would use cards of jacquard system. That gave more flexibility to lace industry.

To sum up all information mentioned about, we should say that Leavers lace machine and Leavers lace are the result of long years and hard work of inventors. It shows us how simple thing can be modified during century to turn into something enormous huge and at the same time genius. Today it’s impossible for women to imagine life without lace. So after this article you know whom you should be thankful. Now when you will buy something with lace you will remember this long story of development of lace industry and maybe will appreciate its beauty even more.