Bill Clinton: Proud To Be A President


Every country has its face, person whom people trust. This is a president of the country. Of course every president has both supporters and opponents. Every president did something wrong, there is nobody who did only right things, so the question is in ratio of them. Many people stigmatize one president and say that his predecessor was great and glorious. No matter how ironically it is, as usual people want to get rid from current president, but when they get new head of government they understand that man before was better. However, it is not always so. If you want to know more, visit online classes our essay writing service maybe won’t teach you to be good in policy but you will know how to write great essays.

Today we will look at such figure as Bill Clinton and about his presidency, main interests and even problems he had, because there are no saints in our world. However we will try to analyze what was good and bad in policy of this person and whether he was a good president. Some people may not like him because this 42th president was a democrat, however sometimes political party doesn’t matter if person made great contribution into development of the country. So, let’s look at this figure from different sides.

Young years and hobbies

Many people think that the basis for development is childhood and without good one, person won’t become famous and important for society. So let’s take a look at Bill Clinton’s young years.

William Clinton came into the world nineteenth of August, 1946. His homeland is town of Arkansas. His family belonged to middle class. William Jefferson Blythe worked as traveling salesman (offered different production to people). Virginia Dell Cassidy, studied to become a nurse. When the Second World War started William was drafted into the army and he overcame the war. He returned safe and sound. But he decided to move to Chicago and in 1946 died in a car accident moving from Chicago to Hope (city where family lived before). Virginia Cassidy, decided to continue her education that’s why little Bill was grown up mostly by Virginia’s parents. They had a grocery and little Clinton helped them. His grandparents sold goods both to black and white people without differentiating them and Little Clinton could see segregation and racism problems in quite early age and that influenced him. When Bill was four his mother married Roger Clinton. However Bill got this second name “Clinton” only when he was fifteen.

As he tells his grandparents instilled him love to education, so hadn’t problems with it. Being among most successful students, he also was in jazz band. Some people said that he was the greatest musician in the city who played saxophone. He was a member of Arkansas Boys State and met John Cannedy in 1963 in the White House. That meeting really impressed young Bill. Photo where he and Kennedy shook hands is as a symbol of democracy, how it was given to younger generation.

Unfortunately not everything was good with his family. His stepfather appeared to be a constant drinker, so he often laid hands on Bill’s mother and his little brother Roger (who was born in 1956). Bill as he grown up at one day couldn’t stand that situation and protected his mother and brother. Roger Sr. stopped to do those awful things, but he still continued drinking. So in1962 Virginia divorced him.

What education should president get?

Without any doubts, president should be very wise and educated. Bill read his first book at the age of 3.

1. Georgetown University

Studying there he made first attempts to take place of a president. During first and second years he achieved this goal and became a president of freshmen and sophomore classes. But he lost this place at next 2 years as his mates charge him for being too political. So Bill started to work in the Foreign Relations Committee under Senator Fulbright. That was usual job of a clerk.

He had some difficulties because of his thoughts about Vietnam war which he thought was unnecessary for USA. Maybe that was an influence of Senator Fulbright who had strong creed against war in Vietnam too.

2. Oxford University

After finishing first university, mentioned above, Bill received a Rhodes scholarship that allowed him attend University College. He had some problems because he received note to come back to Arkansas. He had to go to army. He tried to avoid it for some time and returned to Oxford. However under the pressure of conscience he finally decided to go to the army it turned out that he hadn’t to serve in Vietnam.

3. Yale Law School

You may read about Yale University to understand how prestigious it is. Nowadays it is among eight best universities. There Clinton met his wife: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton. He graduated from Yale in 1973.

In 1975 the couple married and then moved to Bill’s homeland state.

Coming of success

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine that president could work as anybody else before. However Clinton at first didn’t work in that area at all. Firstly he worked as a professor at the University in Arkansas. Only after it he went into policy. His wife also worked in the same university.

Only in 1978 future president won elections as a leader of Arkansas Democratic Party. Clinton got his first position of a governor at the age of thirty two.

He was very ambitious and with help of his wife they did a lot of good changes. However there were also some mistakes. That can be explained by his small experience. Maybe that’s why in 1980 representative of

Clinton had some time to think of faults and mistakes he made, so when he returned in 1982 he worked better than before. The fact that Clinton was reelected four times and left this position only in 1990s proves that his policy was good.

Economy and situation in the state bettered. Before Bill Clinton, this state was one of the poorest, but he could increase its revenues. He also paid a lot of attention to education and that also played a big role. While his wife was actively involved in protection of the rights of children and families in Arkansas, Bill created and improved some education laws and principles. He wanted education to become more accessible for children of different color of skin and different monetary position. Want to order this article or some others? Read about our company and feel free to do it. You may also look at other examples of essays.

Becoming a president

In December, 1991, Bill Clinton announced his candidacy for US president. His campaign was mostly based on bad policy of Republicans and current president George Bush who lead country to extremely bad economic situation. However Operation Desert Storm ended successfully and economy became to improve so campaign of Clinton appeared in danger as well as its result. He might not become a president but another candidate Ross Perot hot a lot of votes that Bush expected to get. That’s why Clinton got win.

Unfortunately as it was with his first ages as Governor, Clinton didn’t have enough experience on such position as president. First years were not successful and some problems were observed such as:

  • United Nations Operation in Somalia II was failure.
  • Reform connected with health care wasn’t understood. After defeat of the Democrats at elections in 1994, the agreement of reform became impossible.

Despite that, economy raised, unemployment became lower so in these spheres president was successful. He also better relations with many countries.

In 1996 Clinton was elected at second time. At this time his main activity was connected with economic development and he was successful in it. In 1996 he signed the law which increased minimum wage. Economic situation in general improved while inflation remained low. However Lewinsky scandal undermined Clinton’s reputation and that of whole Democratic Party. As a result George Bush as representative of Republicans became a new president in 2000.

So, to sum up let’s point out some positive changes that Bill Clinton’s policy led to:

  • Decrease of foreign credit.
  • America became leader in the sphere of IT technologies
  • Increase of minimum wage
  • Decrease of military intervention into other countries
  • The lowest inflation

As we can see policy of Clinton was really great and led to better situation in country. We can say that this person can learn and analyze his mistakes. Although first years of his presidency weren’t very good, he could learn fast and next years were period of economic stability and state flourishing. So, his role in development of the USA is extremely important and priceless.