Counter Strike VS Dota 2: Let's Compare


Computer games become more and more popular nowadays. With the development of computers and their resources games also develop and nowadays they have great graphics and sometimes can be really dangerous as they are more interesting then real life. It’s a huge problem especially for children and teenagers, because in games everything is bright and easy. Some games are not free and people ready to donate money in order to get some extra things he can use via game. However, if you are ready to pay someone to take online class go to our site and learn how to write great essay or order one if you need. But today we won’t talk about these problems, let’s talk about great world of games. We will get acquainted with two online games today: Dota2 and Counter Strike or, as many people call it, CS.

But before it we should say that computer games can be of different types: online games, offline games, browser games. Sometimes even bad graphics can’t be an obstruction for players. Even something people played on old consoles nowadays becomes playable in browsers and has great success. They don’t require many resources and all you need is just stable Internet connection. Some games as browser game are very popular nowadays as well as people return to old games. By genres we can distinguish real-time strategies, simulations, first person shooters, adventure, sports and some others. Let’s at first determine to what genres Cs and Dota 2 can be attributed. Counter Strike is a first person shooter and online game. Shooter means that you need to use guns and different ammunition to fight and online means that you will play with real players. What about Dota 2? It’s a real-time strategy and online game. Latter had been already singled out, so what about real-time strategy? It means that players don’t wait for each other and do something independently, not one by one. Now we are ready to talk in details about Dota 2 and Counter Strike.

What unite these games?

At the first sight these two games are totally different and we will talk more about their differences later. But there are some interesting facts that unite them.

1. They were not games at first.

It’s hard to imagine that Counter Strike was not a separate game at first as well as Dota. Counter Strike or simply CS at first was a modification for another famous game called Half-Life. However, then it became a separate game. So if you can’t live without CS now, be thankful to Half-Life, which in fact gave birth to this game. What about Dota? It was at first just a modification for real-time strategy called Warcraft. Nowadays most people know Dota 2 better, which is separate from Warcraft and is an improved Dota.

So as we can see both these games came from other games. It is hard to imagine nowadays that these outstanding “monsters” were just parts of something other.

2. Main principles

CS and Dota 2 have some common principles. Although they are totally of different genres (shooter and strategy) in both of them people fight with each other in a real-time divided in two teams. In Counter Strike they use guns and ammunition while in Dota 2 they have magic and different artifacts. We will look at game process later.

Also, both these games are online and real-time and players can get some advantage buying unique things (artefacts as for Dota 2 and guns or ammunition for Counter Strike) for the real money.

3. Championships

Finally, championships are hold both in CS and Dota 2 and people gather to watch these competitions or watch them online. The best teams gather in a cyber café, where powerful computers are put and one team play against other. In such countries as Japan, China and Korea you can get great sum of money in case of winning the championship.

When cyber cafes just began to appear and when Cs and Dota were only modifications there were something like championships but teams consisted of random people who just hang out at the cyber café and wanted to play with each other.

4. Steam

This is a source that provides different games, mostly online ones. So as first versions of CS and Dota weren’t played via Steam, current modifications are mostly played there. As statistic shows in 2015 these two “giants” were played by more than 30% of people while other games at steam were played by 70% of auditory. Can you imagine that? Two games are played by 30% of Steam users while thousands of others - by 70%. If compare Dota 2 with Counter Strike, the first one is played by people more frequently and longer however, latter one is played by bigger audience. But these results can differ.

What features each game has?

However it would be wrong to say what is similar but not mention equalities of every game.

5. Development

  • Counter Strike

When Counter Strike was part of Half- Life it became extremely popular very fast. Then as computers developed people lost interest to this game, because it didn’t have good graphics at first. However with coming out of Counter Strike 1.6 which was much better than its predecessor people returned to this game again. Then many people used it as a shooter – online that can be played in team. Tournaments of this game are quite popular and sometimes people play in team or one against one.

  • Dota 2

This game is an independent extenuation of Dota, which in its turn was a part of Warcraft. Dota 2 came out in 2013 and became very popular. It is a real- time online strategy which is based on two teams’ competition. World of Dota 2 is magical and you can play for definite hero who has certain special abilities to develop further. Also there are different resources and artefacts which give extra opportunities. Dota 2 was firstly based n the same game engine as Counter Strike but then was removed into a new one.

6. Game process

  • Counter Strike

People are divided in two teams (number of members can be different, but every team should have equal amount of players). What is interesting is that one team plays for terrorists so they have different tasks as to drop the bomb or not allow another team to free hostages. Another team plays for police. Their task is opposite: to find an explosive and demine it or find hostages and lead them into a safe place.

Big choice of ammunition, different maps and tasks made game process easy but very interesting at the same time. It is also not hard to learn how to play and with the time to gain skills and become important to your team or even venture to fight in one vs one tournament.

  • Dota2

People are divided into two teams 5 players in each one. Everyone has his own special role in struggle. The task is to overcome the team of the enemy. Team game is very important as well as skills of every player. Different maps and artefacts bring some mystery and tension. The only way to win is good command playing and warm atmosphere between team members.

To sum up both these games are similar in some and different in another. If you liked this essay you can be curious about writers so feel free to read this information. You can read more about both Counter Strike and Dota2 and try some different versions of the first one, as it has some modifications and the last one is called Counter Strike: Global Offensive or simply CS: Go. So try and don’t be afraid of learning something new even in the world of computer games.