Films That Won’t Leave You Indifferent


Every person can feel something inside: some feelings that come into the heart, touch the soul and even make you cry. Some people find these feelings in music, others in other kind of art, but films can really influence all your feeling and make you cry like a child because of feelings that fulfil you. Sometimes it’s because actors were cast in advantage and played really bright, sometimes music combines with shoots greatly and impression is increases as a result. You can write us to do your class for you and we will write your essay so that you could enjoy a really good film. What film exactly? Well, read the article and you will know some films that you can watch alone or with girlfriend, because these films will show if she has heart and even if she has a cold heart these films will melt it so be ready to support her if she becomes cry.

It so happened that most of movies from the list below are based on real actions and knowing this can enhance the effect of the film. However some films which are not based on real action also will be looked at. So, are you ready? Sit in a cozy armchair take a cup of tea and go in travelling to the marvelous world of films.

First category which will be the biggest in this essay is category of films based on true story. These are some biographical films or just films that are based on some real actions, something that really happened. You may find films under some numbers but it doesn’t mean that one is better than another: they all are great and worth seeing. Some people create the so-called “tops” tops of films or, for example, top ten reality shows. But in this essay you will find films of different genres but mostly drama films, so be ready to it. Even if you think that drama films are for girls, try at least one of these films listed below, and you will change your opinion.

Films based on true story themselves can be of some different categories and we will look at some of them. So at first let’s look at category of films based on actual events, than films based on actual events about sport. Because these two subcategories are quite different, so for you not mixed everything up there will be two subcategories. Please note that you will not find plot description here: only some features of the films and the main theme in general. That’s because every person feel his own feelings and it’s better to watch film you will like from the list. To tell about film and its plot in details won’t make you watch it. So its up to you to decide what film to watch. Bigger list you may find in this resource.

Films based on real events

  1. Probably you don’t know a lot of about the miners. They are not well known and as usual people know almost nothing without them. But the first film in our list called “The 33”will show you a real life of miners and how they sometimes suffer because of the owners of the mines. From the first view this film may seem not very interesting and the name is not really bright. However Antonio Banderas in the acting role made the film awesome. It’s very sincere and shows the actions which really happened in Chili. 33 miners went to their job and suddenly mine began to crumble. As a result 33 people were left under the ground without any possibility to come out. Those people had been staying for 69 days under the ground until they were rescued. The film will tell you about how 33 people can live together almost without food and water and how their relatives will struggle for their rescue and lives.

  2. All around the world there is a problem of poor people who are good as people but are made to survive. But the next film shows how person can struggle for the happiness. Films which lots of people may know. It’s called “The Pursuit of Happyness”. It’s a biographical drama film. In this film you will see the fate of entrepreneur Chris Gardner and his little son. The main hero left almost without money and moreover he had to care of his little son. The film gets such name because the main hero said that there are two periods in life: period when you try to catch your happiness and period of happiness. Why you should watch it? Because you will know many informative things for you and because Will Smith is a great actor and he acted in this film. The interesting fact is that in the film there are two main heroes: Chris Gardner (played by Will Smith) and his son who is played by the son of Will Smith.

  3. The next films are for those who like music and like to look at fates of musicians. It’s called “The Pianist”. The Second World War broke many lives and so many people suffered. But don’t forget that some people suffered most of all. Nobody knows why by Germans thought that Jewish people should be wiped out. In this film you can see how life of Jewish- Polish pianist Władysław Szpilman changed with the coming of German army. He was made to shelter in houses which were bombed out by Germans. The atmosphere is pictured very true to life and can depict the actions of the war as they were, without any embellishes. Sometimes Szpilman got help from his friends but sometimes he found it in place where he could never think he would find it… If you like films about war you should watch this film.

  4. Everybody knows about accident that happened on September 11, 2001. This day was called a black day for America. That was the day when World Trade Center in New York was attacked by terrorists. Plane, which they piloted, cashed into one of the towers. But the film “World Trade Center” shows these actions from the side of rescues and police. Nicolas Cage in the leading role acted great and you will see how police workers who went to help people finally appeared in the trap under tons of reinforced concrete – all what remains from part of the tower. The film will show you real miracles of will to life and mutual support.

  5. Can you give all your money for charity and go to travel around the world? Especially if are a millionaire and your parents think you will go to one of the best colleges in the country. Christopher McCandless – a hero of the film “Into the Wild” could do this. He visited a lot of places in North America; he travelled without money and finished his journey in Alaska. This film may be quite different at first, because it contains many thoughts of the main hero, however it worth seeing and by the end of the film you will understand most of his thoughts and maybe you will even start to think like he did.

  6. How often do you go somewhere without telling anybody about where you go? The hero of the film “127 Hours” did it once but the aftermath was awful for him. He liked danger and climbing however he appeared in quite bad situation being crushed by a boulder, without phone and with limited amount of food and water. So how far a person can go to save his life? You will see it in this film and maybe you will be shocked by it.

You may find more films based on real stories. These can be films about war or biographical films but they are usually worth seeing. These films are just example of how great the true to life films can be. If you want to hear more about these films you can order an essay but first read information about our site to be sure that we will write an essay interesting for you and on every theme you want.

Films about sport based on true stories

During many years sportsmen from all over the world are the example of strength and fortitude. Sometimes person changes sport and sometimes sport helps person to become a new life with a lot of happy moments. Let’s look at couple films about sport. Don’t forget that all actions described in these films happened in a real life. So it’s not just an artifice of film director.

  1. “The Blind Side” is a sport drama film based on the book with the same name. It depicts an American football and how this game helped a usual guy to become famous and loved. So at first time one guy had problems with studying and his mother couldn’t care of him. But everything changed when one rich family accidently meet him. This family took care of him and moreover they found out that he could be good at American football. And he really did. He became one of the best players. You should watch this film and feel all the feelings it gives you. It’s really amazing and shows how people can take care of somebody and also it breaks a stereotype that all rich people are bad.

  2. Another great film about American football is called “Rudy”. It is about a guy who had almost no predisposition to this game and almost no abilities. However he was very persistent and finally he get what he wants. He had a dream: to come out on the field in the championship and play. Finally he did that. This film shows us that talent gives nothing without constant trainings. Even if you don’t like American football you should watch he film because it’s not only about the game but about how to fight for your dream.

  3. “Legend Number 17” is Russian film about hockey. A star of Russian hockey – Valeri Kharlamov, who had great bright life and many difficulties which he overcame. This film shows all the truth about that time and about sport in the Soviet Union. Maybe sometimes some facts are depicted little biased but this film is worth seeing because it shows the path of Valeri Kharlamov from the beginning and to the match between Canada and USSR, when USSR got an undeniable victory. And role of Kharlamov, of course, was very big. This film also will show you a person that couldn’t live without sport because sport was all his life. So don’t be afraid of the fact that film was made in Russia. It is as worth seeing as any outstanding film.

  4. Nowadays we used to think that black people can play basketball greatly and are hosts in it. However what if you get to know that at certain time they couldn’t even play? The film “Glory Road” shows all segregation problems within sport and life. It shows how people can hate others only because of color of the skin. It shows how hard it was for Afro-Americans to play basketball because at those times it was a game of white people. However this film shows how refuted that statement was.

These are only few examples of great amount of films based on true stories. But it’s so strong feelings when you watch such films and understand that these things really happened and such problems and people really existed some years ago. Of course you may find a lot of other films which are not even based on true stories however still very touching. Somebody will not like true to life films at all, but for this time films above can be named as the most exciting and won’t leave anybody cold. So, you should watch at least one of them and enjoy it.