How To Find The Job Of Your Dream?


Find The Job Of Your DreamJob: this word is so short and simple but has so many associations which are absolutely different. Some people smile and tell that job is something they really like. Others just stay indifferent. Sometimes it’s even worse: people’s mood changes and they begin to cry or shout at you not to say this word in their presence. If you are not at work but study and upset because of some subjects ask us to do your class : we will do it with pleasure.

People may have different job however, as we have seen, some are satisfied while others are totally not. In this article we will look at some problems, variants of job and finally some things that may help you to find a good job. At first we will look at some problems people may have at work or with work itself.

Different problems with job and their solution

1. You feel uncomfortable

Sometimes it so happens that people don’t want to go to the office because they really feel like fish out of water. It may be because of your boss or because of colleagues as well. It is a well-known fact that when newcomer appears in collective where everybody knows everyone for years, it’s very hard to join such people. Sometimes problem is in gender, because, unfortunately, inequality still exists. You may read more about it in global gender gap report.

So, if you have troubles with your colleagues try to look at yourself: maybe you do something wrong? For example if they hate smell of coffee and you drink it every day, maybe it’s not their fault. But if you are sure that problem is because of them it’s better to find another job. Or if you really like this one try to concentrate on your job not on troubles with coworkers.

However, good boss should make regular training. It will improve relations in the office and raise productivity of each worker. Another good way to solve such problem is to make a small box for example “I don’t like this”, where all workers will be able to put some papers and write honestly what they don’t like in other partners. If you deal okay with some criticism you can just ask your coworkers why they behave like that towards you.

Variant that will solve a lot of problems is to work from your home. So at first there will be no people with you, there will be no office if to be precise.

2. No job no problems?

Sometimes great problem with job is its absence. Some people finish universities and then just can’t find any job. Talking about this problem we should ask you some questions:

  • Do you really want to work at this job?

This question may sound funny or silly but it’s not so. It’s a great problem, because many young people graduate from university and then understand that they openly hate this job the profession they got and everything connected with it. Of course maybe there is also a problem of education in that. But think of it deeply and don’t be afraid to admit that you don’t like this sphere. It’s better than work the whole life at the posts you hate.

  • Are you ambitious enough but not too much?

This problem is mainly connected with students but sometimes not only with them. Of course it’s good to appreciate yourself as a specialist but sometimes we all can’t stop and go beyond our conceit. Of course it doesn’t mean that you should agree with the first offer you see, even if it is job of a cleaner for example. Just try to see all your advantages and disadvantages and what is your real salary should be.

However this question is quite disputable, because when people are ready to work for small sum of money it’s like a sign for employer that small salary is norm. But at the same time salaries in companies can’t be higher than definite line. So try to remember and understand it.

These two problems are probably the most spread. Now, when you get acquainted with them, it’s time to go to the next stage and talk about variants of job. Of course, here will be only some interesting ones but it doesn’t mean that you must choose exactly them. Remember that there are a lot of unusual or even strange and interesting kinds of job to do. Some of them are even well-paid. So, let’s start:

1. Programmer

This job becomes more and more popular nowadays. It is also well-paid. However programmers say that it’s not only money that was a reason for them to choose exactly this sphere. At first you will work with computers and technologies. Everybody knows that this is our future and all this is developing very fast. Also, while working as a programmer you will create something interesting and new every day. Although this job has some cons it’s really interesting and great. Of course people have different propensity, that’s why somebody will not like this job. However it’s worth trying.

2. Teacher

No matter how trivially it sounds but teachers give future to many children. So if you are self-assured enough go and try you in it. It’s really great to look at those children’s eyes which are full of desire to know something new. You will also know how communicate with all sorts of children and people in general and how to solve various conflict situations. One may say that this job is connected with constant stress however there are many other stressful jobs and every job is stressful. The question is in liking this.

3. Veterinarian or pet detective

Animals are so cute however sometimes they are very helpless. That’s why vet is a good profession and you will be able to help animals: our smaller brothers. For many people pets are members of their families. If you like to help animals and like animals don’ hesitate and try to get this profession. Because it’s unforgettable feeling to see happy animals that received your help and understand how thankful they are, even despite the fact they can’t tell it to you.

Another job connected with animals it is pet detective. Maybe you have seen the movie called “Eys Ventura”. It is comedy about pet detective. If you want to solve different puzzles but also really like animals there is a good solution: become a person who search pets or animals in general.

4. Soldier

If you always protect people and don’t bear injustice this job will be exactly what you need. Soldiers have great respect among people in every country. Soldiers of the USA army are always associated with heroes and it’s true. Of course this is not easy kind of job however it’s very honorable and it strengthens soul and mind.

Of course there are many other interesting kinds of job and we wrote only about four of them. You may look at list of the best jobs of 2016 in order to compare and maybe choose one you like.

Finally we get to the last part and these are some simple things that will help you to find a good job.

Some advices about job of your dream

Here will be some things that people often forget about, although they are quite simple and can be very helpful.

1. Search answers in your mind and inner world

People usually can’t decide what job to search and if it is good for them or no. The only thing you should do is to hear your inner voice. Of you think that you will be happy at definite post don’t afraid and try.

2. Don’t be afraid of changes

If you don’t search you will never find. If you go to the job with ugly mood and you don’t smile at all, this job is not for you. Don’t be afraid to admit this fact. Change it, choose some other spheres. For example if you work as teacher of languages try to work as translator or guide. There are many possibilities. Just don’t limit yourself.

3. Take into account your potential and ability

The worst thing that may happen with person is when he studies something his parents want him to study. It can really destroy the whole life. It’s not wise to follow desires of parents sometimes. If you have great abilities in drawing you shouldn’t go to study and then work as a lawyer only because salary is good and your parents want it. If you are a good painter you will be good in it and also will be able to work as designer, for example. So, job will be good and pleasant.

Maybe these advices seem trivial however think about them wisely. Hope they will help you. Want to get more? Read about class mentor: we are always ready to help with different subjects and essays. Never lose your hope and don’t despair: you will find the job of your dream, just be patient and search.