Pros And Cons Of Creating Netflix Account


People all over the world can’t live without films and T.V. shows. They have become very important and indispensable part of modern life. We can find some fan groups via Internet dedicated to some T.V. shows or films. Some people go to the cinemas as often as they can others prefer to watch their favorite films or best reality shows lying on the sofa with a cup of tea. Internet gives us a great possibility to watch a lot of videos, films, and T.V. shows. But what is appropriate way to do it? Some people still watch films and T.V. shows on the pirate sites which without any rights place films and T.V. shows for audience. That’s sad but some people even proud to be a pirate – person who watches films on a pirate sites. Nowadays there are many good sites which offer you films and T.V. shows for a very low price. Today we will talk about one of them.

Netflix: what is it and why you should create Netflix account?

People who are fans of films and T.V. shows have only one wish and dream: “To find a place where all T.V. shows and films are gathered”. Netflix is one of these sites, dream for many people. So what is it at all and what history it has?

Created in 1997, Netflix at first rent movies on the DVD. People all over the USA could rent them and receive them by post.

In 1999  it was created a project called Video on Demand. That meant that the person could choose definite movie he wanted and watch it for the definite sum of money.

Firstly the service was available only in some countries like the USA and some European countries.

In January, 2016 it was declared that Netflix became available in more than 130 countries.

So all you need is to create a Netflix account. First month is free and then you can decide whether you like this service or not. Many people nowadays create Netflix account and it’s really popular among housemaids and teenagers and common people. Everybody likes this service. Low price (about 6$ per month) and great amount of videos – that is the secret of Netflix popularity. Without any doubts, it’s up to you to decide to join this community or not but you should know some features and some cons and pros of creating Netflix account.

Netflix as an alternative to common TV

Many teenagers like to watch T.V. shows and different T.V. shows. Netflix allows this and quality of video is really great. It’s not a secret that adults like to watch something on television too and with Netflix they can choose any program and show they like.

However teenagers have too much access to films and T.V. shows so from one side they have their home task and from other side favorite serial which is available on Netflix. Of course many of them will choose Netflix instead of homework. But if you have some problems with home task or have to write an essay just go to our site and feel free to write us something like “do my online class”.

So we can say that in this case plus is a high quality of videos and great choice of them. Cons are that children spend a lot of time watching T.V. instead of doing their homework or communicate with friends and sometimes children can watch some films that they shouldn’t watch at all.

What about available content?

As it was said above Netflix gives a great choice of T.V. shows. Moreover Netflix produces its own original T.V. shows and only this service has rights to do it, so other services can’t publish Netflix T.V. shows. Some of these T.V. shows like “House of Cards” or “Marco Polo” are really popular. But there is something very sad about Netflix: some T.V. shows which are very popular all around the world cannot be transmitted via Netflix. Are you ready to hear about this? You should better sit down on you chair and try to control yourself.

Have you ever heard about “Game of Thrones”? Everybody knows this T.V. show and it has huge audience. People all over the world are waiting for new seasons. Some people ready to watch it in disgusting quality, with subtitles and without good voice. You may think now: “It’s great that I have Netflix so I can watch Game of Thrones there in great quality”. Sorry to disappoint you…but this T.V. show is not available on Netflix. And it’s not the only example. As one of the resources claims that’s because Game of Thrones is made for HBO company which is one of the main rivals of Netflix.

That’s quite sad of course however you should remember that Netflix has great amount of other T.V. shows and films so you will always find something to watch. But everything can’t be so great, can it? Yes, unfortunately some people complain that many T.V. shows on Netflix appear at the time when the same T.V. shows or film had already appeared on other resources. So while in Netflix you may watch only second season on other sites you are able to watch series of third season. As well if you want to watch the film and hear your native language and it’s different than English you may be disappointed because not all the films and T.V. shows have different languages of postscoring.

But Netflix has something to be proud about. It is very flexible and smart service and it remembers films and T.V. shows you have watched in order to offer you something similar. So Netflix is caring about you and find something for you to watch. Be thankful for it.

What devices can be used for Netflix?

There is one great thing about Netflix. It is so made that can be watched on many devices. So you can use no only computer to watch films in Netflix. You can also use your T.V., smartphone, even X-box.

Without doubts, this thing makes Netflix very popular and great: you can watch your favorite T.V. shows using your smartphone or T.V. Only if that T.V. shows is not made by HBO or other companies, which don’t allow Netflix to transmit their creations.

To sum u what can be said about Netflix? From one hand it is a great service with many videos available and quality of those videos is high. Some films will appear in Netflix very fast. The service is cheap and available for many people. Of course there are some cons as in everything. The main disadvantage is that some famous T.V. shows can’t be found in Netflix. Also if you have children be careful because they may spend too much time watching T.V. shows or cartoons as there are many of them in Netflix. If you like to read about Netflix you may visit site with other essays in order to find something interesting for you. It’s only your decision to create Netflix account or not but it’s free for a month, so why not to try?