Top 10 The Easiest And Hardest Languages To Learn


Starting new language learning is always a thrilling experience, which inspires and gives your imagination a new push. Capturing of a new language is one more advantage to your knowledge-box, which is a feather in your bonnet. You are in need of this, right? By becoming a pro in one more foreign language and culture, you will necessarily get more chances to stand out from the crowd.


Do you have enough free time now to dedicate to a new skill mastering? insists: let it be a new language, which you will learn independently and present as one of your main achievements then. Be sure that such persistent and self-organized people are hardly ever left without any attention while applying for a job.

Get ready that a lot of memorizations are waiting for you and the fact that you will commit a lot of mistakes shouldn’t become unexpectedness for you. Despite this be afraid of nothing!

Can’t you still choose one language for yourself to start learning? Don’t worry! That is why we are here to help you with! Here are 10 of the easiest and the hardest languages for English speakers to learn.

New Language Learning: Nothing Difficult

  1. Spanish. 500 million people around the world speak Spanish and this language is considered to be among the most widely used languages (after English, of course) in the world. Although English and Spanish belong to different language families, they have very similar verbal tense systems. Moreover, a lot of Spanish words have already assimilated into English. Why not to start learning it?
  2. Dutch. Although it will be not an easy task to find a partner to speak Dutch with, this language won’t be too hard for you to learn. Dutch and English are two closest relatives in the Germanic language family and their vocabularies are rather similar. Good news: it has a lot of words that are borrowed from Romance languages as English does. So that’s that.
  3. German. Have you ever tried to learn German and you are surprised to see it in this list? Undoubtedly, this language is not the easiest to learn, though it is not the hardest one too. While visiting Berlin you will find it easy to understand the German speakers. Our friendly advice for you is to start learning it right now.
  4. French. It was determined by history that being of two different language families, English and French have a lot in common. You will be surprised when you get familiar with the French vocabulary and pronunciation. Although nobody promises you unproblematic learning, you will catch the basic knowledge rather quickly.
  5. Italian. It is Italian that is super close to French in its lexis. As you have already known that French and English have much in common, it is quite a good reason for any English speaker to start learning mellifluous Italian right at the moment.
  6. Norwegian. Being a language of Germanic family, its learning is not very easy for English speakers, though Norwegian is considered to be the easiest one among the other Scandinavian languages. Go for it!
  7. Swahili. This language is the best example of how a language that is unrelated to English may be easily learnt. A great number of English loanwords that are in Swahili make it perfectly understandable just after several lessons.
  8. Romanian. Is Romanian so easy to learn? Not exactly so. The main aspect that makes it easy for English speakers is that Romanian was greatly influenced by French. That is the main reason to start learning this Slavic language to get some new experience.
  9. Portuguese. Being the fifth most widely spoken language, Portuguese is one that is recommended to be learnt. Just after your first Portuguese lesson is over, you will notice a great number of words that are common for both English and Portuguese.  
  10. Indonesian. Do you want to speak the fourth most popular language in the world? Come on then! Start learning Indonesian! Its grammar simplicity, a big number of borrowings from Portuguese, and not less number of Dutch loanwords make this exotic language interesting for the learners.

Breaking The Code

What are the languages, the symbols and letters of which resemble none from your native alphabet? Here are top 10 the hardest language to learn and one should be extremely enthusiastic and optimistic enough to wade through all the difficulties and break the mysterious code.

  1. Japanese. Hardly an English speaker may boast of being proficient in Japanese. Besides its numerous peculiarities, a Japanese learner should get acquainted with Japanese culture as closely as it is possible. Do you have enough perseverance? Start learning it then!
  2. Korean. The Korean writing system is a mixture of unique alphabetic combinations to remember which one should apply great efforts.
  3. Polish. Strange and very specific pronunciation, badly understandable combinations of sounds, a number which are lacked in English, and a multilayered grammar make Polish not very popular for learning as the second language.
  4. Arabic. Spoken Arabic has so many dialects that it is hardly possible to understand them even if you have already done your best and have learned its written version. Impossible language to learn!
  5. Mandarin. Standard Chinese (this is another name of Mandarin) is the language, which has no tenses and in which intonation of a speaker may create two different words. Its written version is not simpler. Instead of an alphabet there is a set of various characters, each of which means a word.
  6. Georgian. The Caucasian language that is spoken just by 4 million people is able to drive any English speaker crazy. The unique grammatical structure of this language and fantastic pronunciation of sounds make this language almost unattainable for the learners.
  7. Thai. Even the alphabet of this Asian language differs greatly from any traditional alphabetic concept. It has 44 consonants, 15 vowels, and some diacritics. Both spoken and written Thai versions are difficult for understanding.
  8. Hungarian. The main problem, which an English speaker may meet when acquire a desire to learn Hungarian, is that a whole combination of English words may be transmitted just in one Hungarian word. 
  9. Mongolian. The Mongolian alphabet that is written up and down is just the first wonder, which an English speaker will face, if he decides to learn this language.
  10. Finnish. Very long words, 15 grammatical cases, and extra difficult rules of sounds’ combination will make an English speaker gape in amazement.

Just ask two persons to give their own comments about their native language and you will hear two cardinally different answers. One will say that it’s super easy and you’ll learn it hands down. Another one will give a sigh and say that this language’s complexity will never let you speak it fluently. Everything depends on a person and his desire to make his dream real. If you want to learn this or that language, try to do this and listen to nobody! At least, if you make any mistakes, it will be your own experience.

Do you have any stories about funny language’s learning? Share it with us!