Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Pancake Day


Spending the whole morning over a hot stove and trying to bake as many fluffy delicious pancakes for the family members can be hardly called just a call of duty. Pancake Day that is also known as Shrove Tuesday is not the usual day for Europeans and the pancakes that are made with love seem to be twice as more delicious on this holiday.


Just look in any kitchen on February Tuesday. We bet that the picture will be one and the same everywhere. Funny cracking noise of the egg-shells, clouds of flour dust in the atmosphere, smell of vanilla, baking sweet dough, and melted chocolate will penetrate into the very mind and call out just one desire: to put the first pancake into the mouth as soon as possible. Usually, even the threat to blister a tongue scares nobody and the first pancake taken out of the pan disappears from the plate in a moment.

Easy Recipe Gives Bombastic Result

Have you never tried yourself in pancake baking? Hey, this gap should be filled up at the next opportunity! Have no recipe? Take my online class and write down the next recommendations: mix a cup of milk, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, 1/3 cup of sugar, and add a touch of vanilla. After the mixture is well whisked, pore one ladle of dough on the preheated frying pan and wait until the bubbles appear on your pancake’s surface. Done? Turn a pancake then. One minute and a sweet-scented, thin, and round shaped cake will be ready to be flavored with chocolate, nuts, lemon sauce, ice-cream, or decorated with berries and fruits. Yum yum! It’s a finger-licking dish! By visiting our online service and following all our counsels then, your pains won’t be left unnoticed. Be sure in this!

Wrapped In Mystery

A pancake that is baked in a pan is one of the most favorite delicacies of the table and not only for Shrove Tuesday, though it is a must-have food for this particular holiday. Pancake Day is celebrated before 40 days Great Easter Lent and is considered to be the last opportunity to treat oneself with fat food. When Lent starts, the consumption of caloric products must be stopped.

Have you ever thought why it is a pancake that is chosen as a traditional dish for Shrove Tuesday? Is this choice symbolic or it is just because a pancake is a breath-taking dainty? Maybe there are any other reasons for making a cult of such a usual and easy dish? We are ready to present several interesting facts about Pancake Day and its most mysterious secrets right now.

  1. Pancake is not an accidental choice. Each its ingredient has a symbolic meaning. Eggs symbolize Creation itself, salt stands for wholesomeness, flour means the life way, and milk signifies purity. Perfect combination, right?
  2. Despite the fact that pancake became so symbolic, its recipe appeared rather accidently and it was an ordinary attempt to utilize the fatty food leftovers that were left uneaten before Lent. The oldest pancake recipe appeared several centuries ago.
  3. Do you know the average inter-country showings on eggs consumption? The facts will drive you crazy! No matter how many egg are eaten daily, their quantity increases threefold on Pancake Day. Really unbelievable growth!
  4. And what’s about a number of eggs a person eats during his life? Have you ever thought of the statistics? Nearly 7,500 eggs per head of population!
  5. The sizes of the largest pancake in the world that has ever been made by a person are able to amaze. It was 15 meters wide and its weight exceeded 3 tones.  Not a bad pancake! Just imagine how many tones of ingredients were needed to bake it!
  6. The amount of calories that were in the mentioned-above 3-tones pancake was over-the-top! 2 million calories in one cake!
  7. Sharp flipping of pancakes is considered to be the sign of real skill. Once, the record was made! 349 tossings in a couple of minutes! There’s a fine master!
  8. How high is it possible to toss a pancake? 329 centimeters is the record! Do you want to try to beat it?
  9. Are you dreaming of your dearest wish to come true? Don’t forget to hold a coin in your hand when you will flip a pancake the next time. This Pancake Day’s tradition really works! At least, the French people believe in this honestly.
  10. If you think that nobody knows how many pancakes you take down on Shrove Tuesday, you will be surprised that it’s not a secret. On average each person eats away two pancakes. Of course, there may be some deviations.
  11. The quantity of ideas for pancakes toppings is colossal! Creamy cheese, berries, fruits, chocolate, peanut butter, very many kinds of ice-cream, and a lot of salty toppings harmonize with the baked round cakes excellently. It even seems to be impossible to spoil the pancakes’ taste.
  12. We bet that those, who put soda while preparing the pancake dough, know nothing about the secret of our ancestors. When soda wasn’t invented, it was melted snow that was the main ingredient of pancakes. What was the effect? Snow really helped to make the pancakes fluffier, softer, and tastier. But don’t forget that the snow was not as dirty as now. We recommend you not to subject yourself to any risks!
  13. Who is the greatest pancake lover? Of course, William Shakespeare is! There is no other celebrity, who liked this dish as much as the greatest English writer did.
  14. Are there any other traditions for Shrove Tuesday in the world? In Baltic countries people prefer to eat pea soup instead of the pancakes. It seems unbelievable alternative for those, who go crazy over the aromatic pancakes.

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