Ready to Pay Someone to Do SPSS Homework? Trust Only Qualified Experts


Experts Do My SPSS Assignment, Homework Properly

What can we do for you?

Onlineclassmentor website is the best helper for students that can take classes online and take care of any educational issue for you. On the website of Onlineclassmentor com, you can order to do any assignment on any subject - economics, law subject matters, humanities and exact sciences, mathematics and SPSS. Our clients are guaranteed to get the following benefits:

  1. Complete compliance with the demands of a client.
  2. Doing an assignment from the ground up according to the standards and requirements.
  3. Promptness of performance.
  4. Work with the most urgent orders regardless their size and complexity.
  5. Reasonable prices.
  6. High professional level.
  7. Total literacy, logic statement, clear and competent solutions.
  8. Convenient payment methods.
  9. Absolute privacy.
  10. Professional qualified team.

Your assignment will be delivered fully competently done exactly on time and in any format you want. The quality of result depends, first and foremost, on properly set requirements. That is why our specialists always clarify all the nuances and subtleties of every single order. So do not be afraid that you might need to redo your assignment. We guarantee that your teacher will be satisfied with the work we will do for you!

Our professionals work on all subject matters, including SPSS assignments. If you need help with it, you have come to the right place. In general, our team can help you with literary any assignment you have. So do not hesitate and delegate your tasks to the specialists.

SPSS program

SPSS is one of the most widespread programs for the processing of statistic data. We want to present how this program has managed to succeed too much, and also, we are going to speak about it in more detail.

The main and the biggest advantage of SPSS software complex, as one of the most essential achievements in the sphere of computerized data analysis, is the broadest scope of the existing statistic methods that is successfully matched with a big number of convenient means of visualization of the results of processing.

A software complex SPSS has been developing for over 35 years. Every new version offers greater opportunities not only in the sphere of psychology, sociology, biology and medicine but also in the sphere of marketing studying and management of production quality. All this broadens the application of the software complex.

Material presented in this post in enough for a student or a young scientist who wants to take the first steps in the generalization of statistic data and search for hidden regularities, and experienced professionals will get another powerful tool that increases the efficiency of practical activity. SPSS software complex will be useful to everyone, especially to a wide audience that specializes in the processing of data in marketing, sociology, psychology, biology and medicine.

Course for beginners

Usually, the course for beginners presents the introduction to statistical methods of analysis with the use of SPSS. The course contains the basic issues of using the software IBM SPSS Statistics for statistical data analysis. If you take this course, you will learn to navigate in the complex SPSS, create, correct, and analyze your data, transfer and take data from other applications, create graphics and tables, as well as properly present the results of analysis.

In the process of learning, in a simple and illustrative form, there is presented theoretical data about mathematical statistics (statistical criteria, value, confidence interval, and so on). The course contains many examples that help those who study in groups, as well as those who study individually.

The course for beginners is intended for people who just start to use the package SPSS for Windows, who work in marketing, management, sociology, medicine, biology and other fields related to data analysis. The only preliminary preparation you need is general computer literacy. A basic knowledge of applied statistics and data analysis is desirable but not obligatory. Anyway, you do not need to take SPSS course if you do not want or do not really need it because our experts can do any SPSS assignment for you.

SPSS statistics assignment help from specialists

How to deal with assignments more quickly and effectively

How many hours should students spend doing assignments after classes? How to reduce the load? We are going to answer these and other questions in this post.

How is it supposed to be?

The Ministry of education in different countries has different rules concerning the time that school students should spend doing their assignments after classes. The differences can be really great, however, on the average the numbers are more or less the same.

  • The first-year students do not have assignments to do after classes.
  • The second- and third-year students should spend no more than 1,5 hours.
  • The fourth- and fifth-year students should dedicate about 2 hours to their assignments.
  • The time for the students from the sixth to eighth year is no more than 2,5 hours.
  • The time for the students from the ninth to eleventh year should not exceed 3,5 hours.

Usually, these numbers are regulated by the legislation of every country. It is recommended to start doing the assignments at 15-16 o’clock. This time is considered the most appropriate for work. It is better to begin with a subject of medium difficulty and take breaks after every achieved goal. It is not allowed to assign anything for weekends. Even if you have something to do on weekend, you can ask us, and we will do it for you quickly and without any effort from your side:

How is it in fact?

A student real world is that students spend much more time doing various task than it is supposed to be. They need to do independently after classes everything that they have not had time to do at classes. On average, a class lasts for 45 minutes, 30% of which are dedicated to organizational issues.

The teachers not always can explain material clearly. That is why students need to clarify unclear point independently or ask parents (or someone else) to help. According to the studies on the International Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, Russia takes the first place in the world concerning the scope and complexity of assignments.

In order to reduce the load on a student, parents have to help do the tasks after classes or leave their child in the after-school groups, i.e. the groups that operate at the end of a formal school day. However, such groups exist not at every school and, as a rule, they are paid.

How to reduce the load?

The main reason for spending many hours doing the assignments is the absence of individualization. There are too many subjects, and every teacher assigns the maximum number of tasks.

If we speak about online schools and courses, the learning load is often much lower. The scope of tasks does not make student seat for hours with the textbooks. Also, they often assign to prepare some creative projects. If a student is diligent and attentive at the classes, the tasks to do after the classes do not take more than 30-60 minutes. However, if you see that you cannot cope with something, we will be happy to assist:

The ways to do a class interesting

There are no excuses - any class can be interesting. A young teacher of history shared what he was afraid of the most in the first year of teaching and how his first staff meeting passed. Now he has gained experience and shares pieces of advice on how to apply “the traffic light rule”, the examples from shooters (this is kind of game), and how to achieve the wanted results. So here is what he is saying.

When he came to school the first time, he had three questions: a) how to make students interested? b) how to make lessons productive? and c) how to have enough time to prepare all the lessons for a week and do it well? It does not mean than now he has definite answers to all the questions, however, the reflections on them have brought some fruit. The teacher is ready to suggest some ideas that are easy to implement. They do not require some special effort and will facilitate the studying process in just several classes.

How to make lessons productive

A classic opinion about a school student is as following: if a student keeps silence and listens, it means that everything is okay. However, the productivity of a lesson is defined not by a total silence but learning of educational goals.

What is the sense in a total silence if at the end of a lesson nobody knows anything? Discipline is much more complicated than just obedience. For example, for the Spartan, it was not only complete obedience to the orders. Even discipline in the army is not only about silent obedience.

First and foremost, it should be controlled. Noise at a lesson is not always bad. There is more, even running through the classroom can be useful. It depends on the answer to the question “what for? / why?” - why do you want to achieve this or that results? Why do you organize your work in this very way? If you are a teacher, you need to ask yourself a lot of such questions when preparing for a lesson. Here is a list of simple recommendations for the teachers that can be really helpful.

1. Set the traffic light rule. Everyone knows the traffic lights from childhood. In any region of the world, at any school, any student can explain the basic principles of the traffic laws. The traffic light is a great idea to manage discipline in the class. Red light means that only the teacher speaks, or the students need to do an individual assignment. Yellow light means conversation and answers one by one (the teacher is not allowed to interrupt a student as well). Green light is for the work in pairs or team work - it means real freedom of communication. In five or six lessons the students will start to react to the words of a teacher much more quickly, if the teacher does not forget about the traffic light rule.

2. Get written consent. Dedicate one lesson to it: discuss with the students in what way it will be more convenient for them to work. Make up a list of rules, let everyone sign it, and hang it at the entrance to the classroom. This will be the comfort zone of your students and you. The students will get your message: it is always safe in your classroom. Remember that you are also not allowed to break the rules. If you have agreed not to yell and insult others, you have to follow this.

Notice punishments for the violation of the rules. Of course, punishment should concern both parties - the students and the teacher.

3. Give the examples from life. Nowadays, it is not enough to just teach the students to obey orders and meekly implement the tasks based on some instructions. Any educational institution should teach the students to learn, set life goals, and reflect. All this seems to many people unnecessary. However, this is the only way to let children understand what they need education for.

You can find a clear and simple example from the life of students for any subject and any topic. For example, “How are you going to play Counter-Strike if you do not know how to find weaknesses in the strategy of your opponent? Let’s find out how Napoleon used to do this”. This is just the most banal and obvious example.

A lot of actions at a lesson are focused on some skills. The point is that the process should be meaningful. There is a list of universal educational actions - this is the simplest scheme of literate educational results.

When presenting the topic of a lesson, ask the students what exactly they need to learn it. At the end of the lesson reflect on it, ask to remember what you have done and if you have achieved the goals. These are the simple tools, the use of which does not require time expenses. However, turning their use into a system, you bring education to a qualitatively new level.

How to turn any lesson into interesting one? No excuses: any lesson can become interesting with 100% guarantee! The point is that this notion consists of many details for a student. A teacher can provide them easily.

4. Make the lessons comfortable. It is categorically forbidden to insult or humiliate students. It is necessary to respect personal space, privacy of a student. A teacher must leave all his / her difficulties, personal emotions, anger and sadness outside the walls of a classroom. Otherwise, it is necessary to admit that some feelings or emotions can prevent from conducting a lesson properly and cancel a lesson for this time. A teacher, first of all, should be a person who is able to sympathize and understand the feelings of others.

5. Create the territory of happiness in a classroom. A classroom is the territory of positive, light and fun. Make every effort to create such an atmosphere, and then, the students will want to come to your lessons. They will know that they can always find support from you, that there is someone who always believe in them in your classroom, that there is no place for anger or aggression.

Encourage even little accomplishments, including your own. Did you manage to win in a chess game with computer at a difficult level? Tell your students about it! Did you spend a good evening in a restaurant with your friends? Keep this smile and good feelings for the students. They will see your behavior and will try to correspond to your openness, sincerity and friendliness.

6. Use different formats. Work should not be obligation, and assignments should not be turned into banal “you must learn this chapter”. A lesson should be diverse: let students look for the answers to you questions in the videos, on the internet, in the texts, pictures, etc. Try to alternate the forms of work: battle, round table, discussions, quiz, taking notes, mixed learning - you can find many interesting things on the internet.

Use the elements of gamification: instead of a test, you can give the cards with the tasks, hints and clues. If a task is done without using clues, a student gets a point, if a clue is used, a point is lost. In order to get A, it is necessary to get a particular number of points. There are even special websites and applications that can help you with this, for example Kahoot or Quizizz.

7. Approach assignments more thoughtfully. Assignments that students need to do after the classes are the scourge of many modern schools. They kill the desire to study at many students. That is why instead of banal reading of a novel, propose your students to draw a geographical map: where a main character has been, whom he / she talked to, etc. Instead of retelling a chapter about an ancient man, offer to make up a story about him.

Try to create a single assignment for several subjects and make the criteria of assessment clear to the students. Thus, you will teach them treat an educational process seriously and not as a form of obligation.

How to do it all within the load of 30 hours per week? It is extremely difficult to do all this because it takes much time. It often happens that no one and nowhere stimulates creativity in the educational system. A teacher is an abandoned and forgotten profession. This is very sad because there are so many talented people and there are so many truly amazing teachers. We have the power to change the system of education, to make it more human, lighter, happier, more productive and interesting.

8. Start with something easy. First and foremost, no one says that it is necessary to redo all the lessons right now. Most ideas (such as the traffic light rule) can be implemented already tomorrow without much effort. All you need is to want and try.

9. Look for support. It is necessary to look for it from your colleagues at you educational institution, parents, administration. I think if you give strong reasons to every party, you will get supporters. Take the first step, break the wall, fight the system, do not let narrow-mindedness prevail over sound ideas.

10. Think for the future. Every change is the preparation for the future. You can use a lot of things that you prepare now for the second, third and even fourth time.

11. Study the standards. Try to study the essence of the standards of your state. It is really useful. Today many educational systems are focused on project activities. The projects help students learn some share of material independently and reduce the work of a teacher by several times.

12. Use the search engines. On the internet, there are so many perfect technological plans of lessons, structures and schemes to create a lesson and imagining the results. It is necessary to know how to use all this treasure.

We believe in you, and you also need to believe in you. Go for it! Of course, you can always rely on us in case if you face any difficulties. We are always there to support and assist you.

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