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Is it difficult to do your classes? Does it seem that home assignments become more and more complex? Do you want to get rid of your classes, tests, and exams once and for all? There is nothing impossible! custom writing agency and its certified experts do classes online for cheap. Our online company specializes in all school and college subjects and provides the best academic writing services at the cheapest prices. Even the hardest math classes are a piece of cake for our expert team. By the way, do you know that if you cannot understand something it does not mean that you are not smart? It just means that your type of intelligence is designed for other tasks. Didn’t you know that there are different types of intelligence? You are lucky because this is what we are going to speak about right now.

The types of intelligence you are not aware about

It is believed that the more intelligent a person is the more chances he (or she) has to become successful and wealthy. That is why people often wonder how a student that does not have a good performance at college eventually starts a successful business, meanwhile, the best student in the group cannot achieve something great. “What is the secret?” – you will ask. “The secret is in the intelligence and its types” – we shall answer. More reasons for why a successful student fails are published on our blog.

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The meaning of intelligence

Simply put, intelligence is the ability to solve the set tasks and achieve the goals using the cognitive features (memory, attention, thinking, imagination, mind, perception). Depending on what cognitive feature is the most developed, a particular type of intelligence dominates in a personality. If you manage to use your intelligence type correctly, it will be easier to unleash your potential in a professional sphere.

Intelligence types

Most often psychologists distinguish 7 types of intelligence. Here they are.

1. Speech intelligence. People who have this intelligence type express their thoughts correctly and competently in writing and speech. They love to read and know a lot of works by heart. They learn foreign languages easily. A word is their main tool to succeed. Having mastered oratory skills, such people achieve success in such spheres as teaching, journalism, politics, advertising, and jurisprudence. If you are interested, we can share different methods of teaching with you:

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence. Such people easily deal with the numbers and mathematical operations. Work with the abstract notions and categories does not cause any difficulties. Programming, finance, engineering are their strong suit.

3. Corporal-kinetic intelligence. The amateurs and professionals in sport and dancing often have this type of intelligence. They can skillfully control their body and their movements can say more than their words.

4. Visual-spatial intelligence. The fourth type of intelligence helps determine an approximate distance or room area, location on the map and the right route, create a 3D image or figure. Builder, architect, interior designer, sculptor, painter, and driver are the professions that require all these skills. Everyday life, of course, also often requires using this intelligence type.

5. Social intelligence. It implies successful communication with people: a person can establish relations with an interlocutor immediately, understands his (her) emotions correctly, makes and keeps new acquaintances and contacts. Simply put, such a person likes communicating. PR managers, politicians, clerics, lawyers, psychologists, doctors, sociologists – it is hard to list all the professions that belong to this category.

6. Personal intelligence. It is very important to understand people around you, however, being able to establish an inner dialogue is a priority necessity. Control over the expression of emotions and feelings is essential in any profession that can be described as a “person-person” activity.

7. Creative intelligence. The name speaks for itself. The propensity towards creativity, as well as the ability to produce new ideas or improve the existing ones, is a distinguishing feature of people with creative intelligence.

Order nowIf a person combines several types of intelligence, it becomes easier to cope with the set tasks and succeed in a future profession. It is important to consider this fact when choosing a profession. Define what type of intelligence is dominating now. Then, select the occupations that require this particular type. You will get this information having studied the description of a profession that interests you. Make up the list of your possible professions. If you see that you lack some skills or particular intelligence type for a selected profession, you have two ways out: either you master the skills you lack or choose some other profession.

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Professions for extroverts and introverts

There are professions, in which extroverts and introverts feel more comfortable, and vice versa, in which they experience much discomfort. It is necessary to take the personality type into consideration when choosing a profession. The experts of our site will tell what difference between the extroverts and introverts is, and what professions fit each personality type better.

What am I: extrovert or introvert?

There are a lot of definitions of what extroverts and introverts are. An extrovert can be described as a person who directs life energy at the world around. Such a person cannot live without communication, love attention, can speak publicly, and easily makes new acquaintances. An extrovert is an energy ball that shares energy all the time and replenishes it thanks to the contact with the outside world.

An introvert directs energy at the inner world. Such a person is less sociable and prefers smaller groups of people. An introvert does not spend energy but accumulates it inside and feel emptiness after social events, but easily recovers being alone.

Do not confuse introversion with social phobia, misanthropy, or anxiety personality disorder. Social phobia is a strong reasonless fear and anxiety that appear when a person needs to contact other people. Misanthropy is the dislike for people, opposition of oneself to the society. A distant and antisocial misanthrope selects his (her) social circle extremely carefully. Anxiety personality disorder is based on the feeling of inferiority. Such people are often distant, avoid social contact, and that is why they are afraid of being rejected or laughed at by society. A healthy introvert does not experience stress when he (she) needs to talk to someone.

Introvert, extrovert: professional choice

  • Professions for an extrovert: manager, journalist, presenter, guide, secretary, lawyer, teacher, doctor, psychologist, politician, and others that imply frequent communication with people.
  • Professions for an introvert: programmer, engineer, driver, accountant, veterinarian, writer, translator, artist, proofreader, editor, librarian, statistician, florist, laboratory assistant, and others that allow working alone.

Maybe someone has a question: “What if I have already selected my future profession but, according to the list above, it does not fit me?” Let’s think. If an extrovert selects a quiet and calm job, most likely, coming back home after work, such a person will start spending accumulated during the day energy, making everyone around go crazy. An introvert, on the contrary, will feel squeezed if he (she) spends the whole day in the middle of it. Both cases lead to stress.

That is why it is necessary to compromise. As an example, an introvert can choose a specialization inside a profession that implies the minimum of contacts (e.g. in journalism – proofreader, in medicine – dentist). An extrovert should blow off steam during the breaks or after the workday surrounded by friends. It is obligatory to know the ways to take the edge off, otherwise, such a pace of job will lead to the emotional burnout and stress.

In order to prevent it, turn to a psychologist-career-guide: the specialist knows the subtleties of profession choice for extroverts and introverts. Such celebrities as Keanu Reeves, Lady Gaga, Steven Spielberg are famous for being introverts. Nevertheless, this fact does not interfere with the career in show business. The extroverts can also succeed in the professions that do not fit their abilities: inventor Elon Musk, artist Banksy, and others.

“I cannot say I an introvert or extrovert: who am I?”

Ambivert! This is how an intermediate type between extrovert and introvert is called. This is the most flexible personality type that can adjust to everything, and it means that the choice of professions is limitless. In different situations, different features (either extrovert or introvert) are demonstrated. Some people consider ambiverts quiet, others – sociable.

They understand other people well, can deal with any other psychological type, and have leadership skills. Ambiverts can cope with any profession, however, there are some specialties, in which they succeed the most: freelancer, event planner, social worker, manager, reseller, writer, politician, diplomat, actor. Do you want to discuss an acting profession a bit more? We have a great post:

Naturally, mental, creative and psychological abilities determine to a large extent the choice of profession. Nevertheless, it does not mean that it is necessary to give up your dream if theoretically this specialty does not fit you. In fact, the things can be different: an introvert reporter will feel as good at his (her) favorite work as the extrovert scientist and ambivert secretary.

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So as you can see the type of intelligence and personality influence the way every person learns information and works. Fortunately, our professional writers and editors are always ready to cover your back and do any class for you. It does not matter what exactly you order: all our services are affordable. The prices are so cheap that our customers never hesitate to place their orders. Besides, you are guaranteed to get a discount with numerous pleasant bonuses and freebies. So order any service (or several services) and forget about the troubles related to the process of studying.

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