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It is not easy at all to choose a company that can do student assignments properly, taking into account the fact that such companies are so many today. Nevertheless, there are many reasons for why we recommend you to give your preference to Onlineclassmentor com. We want to mention just some of them:

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Education will always keep its leading position in the life of people. Of course, there are always difficulties, challenges, and various problems. However, you should try to get as much good education as you can, in any case. Thus, such banal troubles as lack of time to do classes should not stop you.

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You do not have to do your assignments when someone else can do them for you. In fact, no one has to do homework. Do you want to know why? We are going to answer this question in our today’s post.

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Tips from scientists on how to do home assignments properly

Now you will know the scientific reasoning about how to approach assignment doing properly. We have gathered for you the most significant studies dedicated to student homework doing. Based on data provided by credible scientists, we want to share with you, our dear students and their parents, how to solve problems most effectively.

1. At junior school, the tasks assigned to do after school classes can be neglected, according to scientists. There was conducted a great study of educational process at various educational establishments. There was analyzed the relation between a good performance and a habit to do homework. According to the data, there is sense to assign the tasks to do at home at high school. At middle school, the regularity “more assignments mean better knowledge” seems already less convincing, and at junior school, it does not work at all. Whatever time you dedicate to doing the tasks, there will be no use. So the struggle for done assignments is a completely useless thing.

2. Sometimes the tasks assigned to do after classes can be even dangerous. Within the same study, the scientists give proofs against learning after classes at school: the tasks might lead to fatigue, stress, loss of interest in a subject, and it also takes a lot of time that a student can potentially spend on his / her hobbies and family matters. By the way, this amazing conclusion comes to the heads of not only scientists but many parents as well. Of course, when parents know that science is on their side, it is much easier and more pleasant to look at how their children spend time doing something else, except for homework.

3. The more work is, the less backfiring is. A study conducted under the leadership of an American researcher Fernandez-Alonso shows that if a student of a middle school spends more than 90-100 minutes per day doing the tasks assigned to do at home, his / her grades become lower. It concerns the grades on mathematics and natural and exact sciences. Although, maybe students spend too many time trying to solve a problem because they cannot understand the subject at all. Anyway, if you see that a scholar dedicates over two hours to solve problems after classes, tell him / her stop it and have a rest. An excessively big scope of tasks is a direct way to stress.Thus, we would propose to take your courses and classes and do them professionally.

Thus, you will have extra time to rest and relax. Many students face the most difficulties with math problems. Fortunately, this is not a problem for us. We will be glad to assist you: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/experts-take-my-math-class-and-i-get-the-best-grades.

4. Attentive parents help their child study - this is what many scientists say. These are the parents who answer difficult questions, support in complicated troubling situations, cheer up, are interested in performance of a child, and they even sometimes call the teachers to specify some moments concerning their child or learning process, in general. According to scientists, the use from such helpers is great: creation of a connection between a family and school, comprehensive support and motivation of a student. Only mom and dad can clearly explain why it is significant to study and what can happen if student performance becomes poor and grades are low.

5. Parents are better to wait behind the doors. There is a group of scientists who insist that the relatives of a student can spoil something. It turns out that students study worse when they feel pressure from their parents who always control them. A strict or excessively close attention will ruin any motivation. That is why the correct strategy is support and not control. Even if some assignments cause difficulties, and adults see that it is hard to solve something, it is necessary to remember that motivation and good mood (concerning learning) is the most important. It is forbidden to do home assignments instead of a student, however, it is recommended controlling the work.

6. How much more? How much more homework to do? The American National Association of Education supports the rule of ten minutes. It means to spend 10 minutes a day to do assignments in the first year at school, 20 minutes a day in the second year, and so on. However, seniors in high school should not spend over two hours doing the tasks assigned to do after classes. For example, the Ministry of Education in Russia has officially stated that the students in the first year at school should not do homework at all, in the second and third years they should spend 1,5 hour to do homework, in the fourth and fifth years it should be 2 hours, in the sixth, seventh and eighth years 2,5 hours, and from the ninth year till graduation there should be no more than 3,5 hours. At the same time the Ministry wants that difficult subjects should not be in the schedule on the same date, and also, such difficult subjects as algebra, physics and geometry should be “diluted” with the classes of singing, painting or arts and crafts. This is a pretty complex task, is not it?

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The tasks that students are assigned to do after classes do not benefit but can even harm

The teachers try to figure out if homework helps understand material or steals childhood, and students continue hate the tasks assigned to do after classes regardless of what adults say. This is the reason for why a teacher from the USA made the decision to not assign any tasks for her students.

In American schools, there are conducted special events when parents learn about school life of their children: they come to school, meet teachers, look at where and how their children study. During one of such events, the teacher of second-year school students hand out the notes with shocking information - there will be no tasks for a year. All students are asked to do is to complete some things that have not been completed at a class. The parents were offered to spend free time usefully: to dinner together, to read books all together, to have more walks, and to go to sleep earlier.

By the way, if you would want to learn about other unusual teaching methods, we have a good post on this issue: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/top-unusual-teaching-methods.

Almost everyone liked the idea a lot. It is really so - the tasks assigned to do after school lessons are not obligatory. The reasons are:

1. The things assigned to do after classes are harmful. This is what all parents speak about - studying loading that increases all the time, testing and examinations that make scholars feel stressed damage students’ mental and physical state. Students are deprived of sleep because of high and intensive load. They study their notes until late at night and feel worried because of the assessment. As a result, they start facing sleep disorders.

A healthy student is a quite seldom thing today. Short-sightedness, stomach disorders, constant tiredness, problems with posture - a student has something for sure. So it might be much more useful to quit it all and occupy with something more beneficial.

2. The assigned tasks are excessively time-consuming. Today’s students are as loaded as they have never been loaded previously. This is what British scientists say. They dedicate a great share of time to lessons, have additional classes with a private tutor, attend various hobby circles, and so on. Their schedule is strictly regulated and every minute is calculated.

Scholars study various subjects, mathematics, programming, and so on, but there is no chance to learn how to live. An American researcher conducted studies that showed that the tasks assigned to do after school lessons were not much effective - a student could not memorize an excessively big amount of material. Students need no more than twenty minutes of extra lessons at junior school and 1,5 hour at high school.

There are some countries where 1,5 hour is the norm for the students of the second year, and high school seniors are supposed to spend 3,5 hours. Is there time to live at all?

3. The tasks that students do at home do not have influence on their grades. There is a great educational critic who has created a book devoted to the misleading in relation to homework. The author writes that the scope of assignments does not have any relation to the improvement of grades for the scholars of junior school. For seniors, this relation is very slight and almost not visible if applying sharper methods to measure it.

No one can disagree with this. Another researcher, a teacher and a supporter of the practice of assigning tasks to do after classes, concluded that there was not much use from homework at junior school. However, it helps the seniors at high school achieve excellent results.

It is difficult to measure the benefit from cancelling home tasks in a long-term perspective. A research centre in America has discovered what time school scholars dedicate to homework in various states. Thus, only 7% of the scholars of the fourth year do not have any assigned tasks. Such a small number is not enough to conduct  analysis.

4. Assignments that scholars do after classes teach nothing. The system of education is often totally separated from life. Even after many years of education, the students do not have enough knowledge of a foreign language, do not know geography or basic rules of mathematics. The tasks assigned to do after classes continue filling the heads of poor scholars with unnecessary information and facts that they will never use in their life.

It is important to show children that their assignments have a direct relation to everyday life. First, they are afraid that they will get a low grade if they do or say something wrong. Thus, it is also very essential to assist them to get rid of the fear and demonstrate the relation between something they learn with real life. As soon as they understand that all the things they study are the things just next to them, they start to perform much better.

5. Homework makes the desire to learn disappear. “To do the assignments” still has the meaning either to solve some problems or to look through a couple of paragraphs in a textbook. To be honest, teachers often assign for home something that they have not managed to explain at a class. It is extremely sad that learning turns into a harsh torture. Who would like learning after this?

6. Homework ruins family relationships. There are a lot of parents who help their kids do homework or even do it instead of their kids. The results are often not very nice because the system of education has faced many changes, and everything parents know is outdated already. Most adults cannot remember how to solve some simple problems and try to solve them from the perspective of a grownup. Kids do not act like this.

Most adults are not educators. No one has taught them to look for, select, and explain material properly or to check it. Such education can be even worse than no education at all. The tasks assigned to do after classes are the never-ending quarrels. The scholars have no desire to deal with it, the adults have no idea about how to encourage. The joint work and trying to do homework lead to nothing, and all this causes quarrels.

Is there anything good about tasks assigned to do at home?

The tasks or their number is not a trouble. The trouble is that homework as it is now is completely useless. It only destroys time and health. The tasks assigned to do at home can be useful if we reconsider the way we approach it.

We do homework at home where we feel comfortable. Thus, there we can get the answer to a complex question and make material clear. In case, if there are time and power. If there is created an individual homework for every student, a student can learn difficult subjects better and master one’s strengths. The tasks assigned to the students are an important element of a lifelong education.

Brandy Young says that all the students work the whole day. At home, everyone has more significant things that everyone also needs to be aware of. It is essential to grow in different spheres, so there is no sense to stick to the textbooks and notebooks all the time.

A perfect solution is to delegate your classes to our professionals. We are the best helpers for you in your hour of need with classes and other student issues.

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