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Onlineclassmentor com - all types of custom services

The lack of time to do your student assignments does not mean that you should give up and accept the situation as it is. There is always a way out, for example, turn to Onlineclassmentor com, the specialists of which will do any assignment competently and as quickly as required. If you need to get help with classes online, you have come to the right place.

Services for students from all over the globe

Company Onlineclassmentor is an officially registered big organization, the activity of which is directed at a comprehensive support of students. Since the moment of company establishment (over 10 years ago), we managed to get recognition and trust of our clients as well as expand the geography of our work. For the last several years we opened new offices in the USA, the UK, Australia and many other countries. Thus, everyone who needs assistance with studying issues can get it from

The features of our activity

We help students with various assignments, and on our website you can order the following types of papers:

  • dissertations;
  • thesis;
  • coursework;
  • term papers;
  • abstracts;
  • reports;
  • essays;
  • presentations;
  • tests;
  • homework, etc.

We work within the frames of humanities, law, technical, economic, and many other subjects. Only the best professionals will work on your order. They are the practicing teachers and professors, specialists with a university degree who have a wealth of experience. When we work on order, we focus not only on its quality, relevance and uniqueness but also on the existing academic requirements, desires of a customer and his / her supervisor. If refinement is required, it is provided free of charge.

Do not think that our services will be too expensive to order - we always try to meet students halfway and propose affordable prices along with bonuses and pleasant discounts. We work to ensure A+ for you!

If you are interested in the opportunity to order from our company, do not hesitate to contact us anytime. Every assignment will be done at the highest quality level using the newest sources and methods. You are guaranteed to get the best grade with us!

Experts provide correct mymathlab homework answers

Three signs that a profession is dying. What specialists will robots replace?

With the development of robotic technology, there also increases the probability that the machines will replace people in many spheres in the near future. According to data of a consulting company McKinsey Global Institute, already today about 5% of professions can be automatized. In the long run, the robots will be taught to do one third of the tasks included in 60% of specialties. We have studied the signs of dying professions and are ready to share them with you.

The extinction of professions is a natural process. Technical progress changes our world gradually. There were times when people used to ride horses, now they use taxi. Before a refrigerator was invented, there was the profession of an iceman or ice deliverer, since the products were stored in special cabinets with ice. There was time when a whole team of accountants worked at an enterprise and did calculations manually. Then, they were no longer needed because computers appeared. Changes happen all the time because science moves on.

For now, it is hard to judge when exactly global automatization will happen. However, we will tell what features unite the professions that can be eventually performed by robots.

  1. A lot of repeated operations. The easiest thing is to automate a profession connected with the repeated actions. The machines can do everyday work of economists, accountants, cashiers much more quickly and qualitatively. A robot cleaner excellently copes with some duties of a cleaning service. On Amazon, devices-storekeepers work 5 times more effectively compared to people.
  2. If there is no need to set the tasks at work but only to fulfill them. The workplaces of service staff can also be occupied by robots. Voice interfaces can replace the secretaries. There have already appeared automatized cookers and drivers. International exhibitions of robotic technology (such as Robotics Expo, China Industrial Robotics Exhibition and others) let understand that the machines get improved and become more serious competitor for a human in a professional sphere.
  3. If there is no creativity. When there is no need to be creative in a profession or “use brain” too much, such a profession risks dying. Guards, longshoremen, drivers are the first people who risk losing their workplaces.

Which one of the specialists of creative professions will be replaced by robots?

Previously there was claimed that robots were not able to replace scientists, researchers, artists, and writers. The machines can only imitate some actions and cannot create something new. Although, the latest inventions prove the opposite. The automated guides can do tours, the programs-translators also cope with their duties well. Some robots already work in the spheres of journalism and editing.

The first Chinese program-journalist wrote an article of 300 hieroglyphs in just a second! That is why the “programmed brains” can also cope with creativity. However, they will hardly manage to create some deeper and genius things as people do who can feel and think out of the box.

What a human should do in this situation?

Endangered professions are a quite promising issue. In order to have robots, people do not possess enough knowledge, tools, and means. Not everyone can afford to have at home or enterprise a robot, and for now, robots can do not so many tasks. If the machines replace people in some particular spheres, human resources will be needed anyway in the professions that will appear in the future.

At least now you know what professions are threatened, and maybe, this information will help you. Anyway, you can always appeal to us for advice and any kind of assistance. We will be happy to serve you.

Designer in IT - profession of practical creators

A creative personality can also find its place in the world of IT. In this case, we are talking about a designer. Beauty, style, bright and unique image are what IT products need, as well as any other thing. Onlineclassmentor agency wants to introduce the profession of a designer in the sphere of information technology because this is one of the professions of the future.

Read more about how technology brings the future in schools already today:

A designer is a specialist that creates a visual component of an IT product. Creative abilities can be realized in three directions: graphic design, web design, and game design. It would be wrong to treat a designer as a free eccentric personality that works only when the muse comes. A designer brings to life the requirements of a client that are clearly formulated in the form of instructions, and if a designer derogates from them, the result would be different from what a client wants.

A designer in IT possesses some professional features. Creativity, aesthetic taste, sociability, organization, responsibility, performance, patience, quest for self-improvement - these are the features appreciated in a designer first and foremost. A specialist can work both remotely (and contact with a client only) and in a team. The ability to negotiate, prove one’s point politely, and react to criticism and remarks adequately are the essential components of a professional image.

A designer is led by the interests of a client, performs work exactly as scheduled, and presents a commercial product. A professional designer in IT, except for artistic basis (knowledge of art, painting technique, composition, ergonomics (science of the adjustment of the items and objects to the specificities of human body), perception of colors) possesses at a high level such programs as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel DRAW and others.

  1. A graphic designer in an IT company is responsible for its corporate style, i.e. brand book. A specialist creates a corporate sign (brand) and logotype, chooses the colors and fonts, creates the mock-ups of clothes for employees, etc. A true professional is able to form a visual image that attracts a target audience.
  2. A web designer is responsible for appearance (artistic presentation) and perception of an internet resource (interface, logic structure of a web page, information placing). This specialist approaches the creation of a product from the point of view of a demanding user.
  3. A game designer creates the style and gameplay mechanics. It implies inner specialization in the artists and programmers. Game designers artists work on a visual world of a game - they create the concepts of the characters, architecture (if it is present), landscapes - everything that you can see. The others program the events in a game, interaction of a player with the objects, artificial intelligence for the characters, etc. In this case, except for artistic taste and feeling for art, a specialist needs the knowledge of 3D modeling, physics, and mathematics. The work of a game designer can be compared with a toy workshop, where the toys are created with love for others.

All design directions in IT are promising: a rapid development of information technology and the appearance of new companies in the market will provide every designer with a workplace. Of course, it will be necessary to prove your talent to a prospective employer. For this purpose, a designer creates a portfolio - this is the presentation of the best author’s works. So if design is your choice, start working on your portfolio already now when you are a student.

A specialty “Design” can be learned at many educational institutions. However, if you do not have a degree but you are talented, you can also find a job. Talented self-taught designers are welcome in IT as well. The most important is the quality of work, is not it?

Experts take my mymathlab test and any other exams

Probably every students dreams about receiving the highest grades for the tests and exams and have a deserved rest. However, some students can only dream about something like this because they have enough problems with their classes. Do not get upset - Onlineclassmentor com is ready to solve all your studying problems at a professional level.

The main directions of our work are such student assignments as tests and exams, homework on all subjects, coursework and term papers, as well as other academic papers. All orders are fulfilled by competent certified specialists who are the practicing teachers and professors with a wealth of experience. Our company not only provides professional assistance but it is an official organization, cooperation with which is legal and safe.

This is one of the few companies that works successfully with not only American and British students but also with the scholars from all over the globe. You can visit our official website and calculate the price of your order on your own or email us, and we will do it for you. Our pricing policy is clear and transparent.

Although, the price in many cases depends on the type of assignment, urgency, and specific demands of a client, we can assure that it will be reasonable and affordable. You can pay using any payment method online. It is convenient, and it saves time greatly. Thus, we will get to work sooner and deliver your order before the deadline.

Onlineclassmentor com secures premium quality of every fulfilled order and complete confidentiality of a student who appeals to us (more about student privacy is here: All texts we provide are unique - there are no analogues or copies on the internet. Also, all the documents are formatted in accordance with the established norms and particular requirements of a client.

If you decide to cancel your order, you will get your money back. This is another positive feature that proves that cooperation with us is beneficial. In general, if you read feedback from our customers, it becomes clear that you can trust Onlineclassmentor com as you trust yourself. Working with us, you will never face problems with your assignments doing and presentation again.

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