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If you want to have your assignments done without making any effort, you need to find a helper who will do this work for you. Get help with classes online at onlineclassmentor.com. Company Olineclassmentor is the guarantee of an excellent result, high grade, and successful studying. Our company works in the sphere of educational services provision for over 10 years. We have already proved ourselves as a safe partner, secured a great reputation, and created an impressive client database.

Onlineclassmentor com stably secures the results of high quality. We always use only credible information, practical relevant data, we process a big amount of material, and every work is always carefully checked. We format your document in accordance with the requirements of your educational institution, your teachers, and your personal demands.

Every order is valuable. This is the most important rule for the specialists of our company that ensures an individual approach to every client. However, this is not the only benefit from collaboration with us.

  • A big team of certified professional specialists in various spheres, teachers, and professors works for students;
  • There is a wide range of subjects we work with, so we can help with any assignment on any subject you have;
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  • Every document is necessarily checked for plagiarism (if it goes about academic papers), it guarantees a high level of uniqueness and achievement of a wanted result;
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When you order to do homework, write an academic paper, or have any other student assignment done, you get a document created specially for you, taking into account all your requirements and personal desires. As a result, A+ is guaranteed and your teachers will be definitely pleased with your work.

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Home assignments: is it worth doing or not?

Many students of all types of educational institutions often say that homework is too much and it is too complex even for specialists. That is why they have doubts whether homework is useful at all. Do they really help improve academic performance? How much time should be spent doing assignments at home? And what is more important: the amount of knowledge or its quality?

There are schools where teachers ask parents to dedicate 20 minutes per day to do homework with their children. Some types of home assignments might require more time, some others less, sometimes there can be no homework at all, or parents do not have time to help their children with doing homework.

There are some parents who do not think that only 20 minutes a day can bring any result and worry that their child might not perform well. That is why they ask for additional assignments. However, according to scientists, there is no need in them. All you need is time and patience.

In the very beginning, it is hard to judge if an educational institution is good or bad. You need to study there for some time and only after that you can draw any conclusions. For example, a child goes to a new school where he / she is asked to dedicate twenty minutes to do home assignments every day. In just 4 months a child can demonstrate really impressive results. Even such difficult subjects as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and so on will not cause problems if you study a bit day by day. Now you can see how much use only 20 minutes of homework a day can bring.

By the way, we have a great post about how to teach children mathematics. You can check it out right now: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/easy-ways-to-teach-young-children-mathematics.

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Homework: effects and consequences

In Russia, for example, to dedicate only twenty minutes to homework is kind of luxury and gift for a student. Students of different educational institutions often spend hours doing home assignments, and not only students but their parents as well. It is a quite usual situation when a whole family helps with homework. It is often too complicated and big, and a kid cannot do everything without additional help. The point is not that the parents want their child to do everything perfectly. The point is that this is the educational program, i.e. curriculum and system of education that demand too much from students. If a student does not do all of that, he / she will start to perform poorly.

Of course, you should not think that there is a mess in Russia and in the USA, for example, everything is perfect in terms of education. The schools in the USA suffer from the lack of financing, they are closed, groups of students get bigger, curriculum is cut, etc. Every school tries to survive as it can and at the same time tries to be the best and most successful compared with the other schools in the district. Not every school approach homework reasonably. Many parents claim that they often face the same problem as Russian families. The assignments are too many, they are too complex. Parents have to do homework with their children for many hours.

Some parents try to convince other parents that there can bee too much homework. There are psychologists for children who have “little” patients with neuroses got because of studying at school. The conversation about “too much learning” quite quickly comes to the dead end. A lot of people think that the more knowledge you put in a child, the smarter he / she will be, and the happier life he / she will have. To let a child study less hard at school as if to give up. Many parents are afraid that if a child’s head is not occupied with classes and studying all the time, the kid will turn into a criminal / alcoholic / drug addicted, etc. It means that homework doing is another way to avoid the problems that are coming.

However, the amount of knowledge does not guarantee protection from unwanted factors of life. Also, it is important not how much knowledge is put in a child’s head but how much knowledge is left there after learning, and how a child will apply it in practice. The most essential thing: junior school is the most favorable time for parents to make their child learn much. However, it will not always be like this. A child will turn into a teenager, and everything can change. A student should want to learn and find motivation to continue learning. In other words, the point is not about the number of classes and home assignments but in the quality of education.

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Fatigue, ability to absorb, and motivation

You cannot argue with the system of education. There is a curriculum, and all you can do is to follow it. There are some author’s programs of education, however, as a rule, they are even more complicated than ordinary one. In the USA, the system of education is more tolerant, so it is easier to discuss whatever objection you might have. There are various approaches to education and their pros and cons can be studied, and people really do this. So other countries can use American studies to have an idea of how the amount of homework influences the general level of education.

An American psychologist who specializes in the sphere of education has conducted several studies concerning the issue of the effectiveness of homework for general performance of a student and how much time it should take. According to his data, homework at junior school does not influence student’s performance, in general. An exception is mathematics, the assignments on which really improve understanding of the subject and performance. Classes are not useless in this age. They teach students to follow a schedule and school pace of life. However, on average a student in this age can use effectively only 20 minutes. Senior students can use from 1,5 to 2,5 hours.

However, there is the way to not waste time on homework doing at all. Our professionals can do everything for you: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/while-experts-do-my-homework-and-i-can-choose-my-profession.

Besides, it is necessary to bear in mind the issue concerning the motivation of students to study. The students of junior school are more motivated to study but their effectiveness lasts only for short periods of time. They like to do little assignments that can be rewarded with praise from adults. The situation is more difficult with long-term assignments because it is harder for children of this age to keep attention for a long time.

Children of 12-13 years old are the least motivated to study. They start being interested more in communication at school and relationships with friends. Speaking about senior students, they start demonstrating a high level of motivation to study and start getting pleasure from a continuous process of studying. They can do an abstract, report, solve problems, or read something additional for a long time on their own.

What will happen if school load is increased? Will students perform better? Increase in time spent on homework does not lead to the improvement of performance among the students of junior school. The students of middle school improve performance up to 7%. The senior students demonstrate the best result, and more homework improves their performance up to 25%.

Right in the brain: methods and techniques

The numbers look amazing, as always, and we are happy for the students who have free time to be just kids and enjoy their childhood. However, what to do with the amount of knowledge that a student should learn? Annually the number of just “basic notions” increases, and the students should learn them to learn other basic things. What to do and how to teach all this in just 20 minutes?

The matter is about the techniques and methods of teaching. A student should not only get knowledge but also be able to get them from memory and apply when it is required. The methods of teaching allow reducing the time spent on homework doing and increasing effectiveness at the same time. For example, they are interval repetition, mnemonic and mnemonic techniques, the technique of memory reconstruction, and cognitive interruption.

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On each side: irresponsible teachers and nervous parents

We do not say that there are no responsible teachers or responsible parents. It looks like the ratio of responsible and irresponsible ones is quite good in favor of the former. Parents are sincerely interested in a good academic performance of their child, and teachers are interested in good students who are not much common. However, there is such a situation when teachers and parents try to pass each other their problems concerning teaching the students.

Some teachers believe that the problems of a student are the problems of his / her parents, and if he / she cannot understand material, this is the parents’ responsibility to arrange additional (private) classes and study harder at home. There are also parents who believe that when their child goes to school, the teachers are 100% responsible for his / her education.

As a result, the situation is that neither of the parties is interested in how a student performs and copes with homework. In this case, home assignments turn into something senseless. Not having understood material at school, a student does not do any significant try to learn something at home.

There is more, parents are often incompetent in some issues. To be honest, some knowledge got at school is absolutely useless in life of an adult. For example, mathematics is necessary only at a basic level. In 2013, a British newspaper “Telegraph” announced that 30% of parents were not sure that their knowledge of mathematics would help their children to do homework. In general, only 1 of 20 parents manages to cope with mathematical problems successfully. Luckily there is always Onlineclassmentor com that will help cope with any assignment and problem you have.

Besides, since the time of school years of parents the methodology of education has changes, and parents try to explain something in the way they used to learn it, and thus, they only confuse their children.

Homework also influences the life of a family greatly. A child can be focused on a set goal only for some time. After that, attention gets weaker. It becomes harder to do the rest assignments, and the process becomes very slow. The parents get nervous because of a slow pace of child’s work, they become irritated, try to accelerate the process in different ways, including screaming and physical punishment.

That is why, in some families, the process of homework doing turns into kind of violence both physical and emotional. Parents start arguing. Thus, school problems turn into family problems. In the meantime, support and praise of parents improve academic performance significantly.

It is hard to answer the question about what to do about this. The one thing is definite - students should not spend hours doing homework, taking into account the fact that something like this is not effective. There is more, it often leads to neuroses. For sure, these issues should be considered by the government.

However, the parents and teachers should also take this information into account if they care for children. Maybe, the introduction of the mentioned methods will allow reducing the time that students spend on homework doing and help preserve natural interest in learning.

So if you have difficulties with homework on any subject, if your student assignments seem too difficult or you lack time to do everything properly, the best way out is to delegate this work to our experts. Onlineclassmentor com is your best friend that will always support and assist you with any studying issue you have.

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