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Onlineclassmentor com is an undoubted leader in the sphere of custom writing for students. We do assignments of all complexity types. We offer help for students who for different reasons cannot cope with their assignments on their own and need professional assistance. If you are one of them, it will be useful to learn about our company in more detail.

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Onlineclassmentor com has a quite long history. The company appeared in the professional market for over 10 years ago and started providing services related to the creation and correction of various academic papers and student assignments on different subject matters. The years of professional work brought us the reputation of a reliable and trustworthy partner. We gathered the team of specialists and achieved outstanding results. It does not matter at what faculty and how long you study - we will do a competent work for you in the shortest time possible.

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How to train memory: tips and advice

There are so many people, and everyone is different. Some of them can easily memorize a big amount of information. Someone can catch even the tiniest details. Can you do the same? Yes, you can! There are several quite simple techniques to improve memory, and we are going to tell about them right now.

First and foremost, let’s figure out what memory is and how it works. Memory is the storage of information of a person about previous experience. Memory possesses a unique mechanism of memorization of the images, experience data, and reproduction of information in the future.

There are distinguished two types of memory - long-term and short-term.

  1. Short-term memory is used first. Thus, for example, you can repeat a phrase said by your interlocutor at once. However, over time you will remember only a general meaning of your conversation. It happens because the volume of short-term memory is not big. In general, short-term memory is kind of temporary storage of information, as well as a free filter to let information pass to long-term memory.
  2. Long-term memory works differently. Here information is stored for a long time, maybe even for the whole life. It is better kept if a person recollects information from time to time. Generally, only important information goes to long-term memory. The information that can be useful in the future.

There is also so-called random access memory. This is an intermediate element between long-term and short-term memory. Information is usually stored there for some time, for example, till the moment when a student takes an exam, after that, this information is either memorized for a long time or deleted for good. Speaking about tests and exams, we can take them for you and secure a wanted grade.

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If you want to learn to store necessary information in long-term memory, check out the methods presented in this post. They will help improve your memory and mental abilities, in general.

  1. Imagination. A person who can memorize huge numbers has a very vivid imagination. These people, when they see numbers, imagine objects, plants, or animals. For example, when you see a figure 2, you imagine a swan, 1 is a pole or a stick, and so on. In such a way, if you cannot imagine a picture immediately, draw it.
  2. Motion. Start working out or dancing. Move more, in general. When you move, you have a better blood circulation not only in the body but in your brain as well. Psychological processes also start working more actively. They contribute to the perception, production, and processing of got information. If now you are thinking about what kind of sport to choose, we have the list of interesting and simultaneously extreme ones: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/top-extreme-sports-and-places-where-to-practice-them.
  3. Handicraft. Many people think that handicraft is an occupation for the housewives and grannies only. However, they are wrong. Needlepoint or bracelets creation is an integral part of memory activation and brain functioning.
  4. Smell. Before you go to work or take an exam at a higher educational institution, surround yourself with odors. They can stimulate the process of memorization. For example, use an aroma lamp with essential oils. Change and memorize odors, for example, mint, lemon or rosemary and create certain associations with them.
  5. Focus on the process of memorization. Before you remember something, focus on this process. First, draw the parallels between information you have and your life, think about this information, listen to and understand it. The more thoughts and feelings you combine with this information, the faster you will remember it, and you will remember actually significant aspects that you will recollect and apply later.
  6. Make effort. When you forget some information, for example, the name of a rock band, the meaning of a word or some number from your report, do not use encyclopedias or the internet. Try to recollect necessary information during several minutes. In such a way, you make your brain work.
  7. Training. When you finish reading a book, try to recollect and write down the plot and names of the main characters of a read book. It is necessary to look through the notes from time to time and remember what you have read. This is a good way to train memory, and also, you become much more literate and erudite.
  8. No rote memorization. If trying to remember something you do not understand it, do not imagine the pictures, cannot retell information in your own words, this is called rote memorization. It is not beneficial for you because such information will not move further than random access memory. Of course, if your goal is just to memorize something for a test or exam, and you will forget learned information after that, you can use the method of rote memorization.
  9. Associations. Here we want to give an example. If you want to remember the name of your interlocutor, then try to associate his / her name with a famous person (or just someone you know) who has the same name. For example, you meet Michael - he is like Michael Jordan, also tall but not the best basketball player, and they have similar eyes. Believe us, you will remember your new friend Michael for a long time. By the way, if you like Michael Jordan, we have a post about him: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/michael-jordan-birth-of-the-star.
  10. Repetition. An old well-known proverb - repetition is the mother of learning (in Latin “Repetitio est mater studiorum”). The most optimum method is to repeat information that you want to memorize once a day during several days. Also, scientists say that the best time for this is the night.
  11. Proper nutrition. Even a small piece of chocolate can make your brain work better. So proper nutrition plays a great role in the work of brain. Such products as fish, eggs, seafood, vegetables, cereals, and vegetable oils improve the work of brain, in particular memory.
  12. Poems of your favorite poets. In this case, if you start learning four lines of some poem every day and, in the day of a week, you will give kind of poetry readings to your relatives, you will notice that your memory improves. In just several weeks you will manage to memorize a whole poem at once. In just several months you will surprise everyone with your knowledge of some poems of different poets.
  13. Foreign languages learning. This is one of the most effective ways to improve memory - to learn foreign languages. Scientists have proved that the learning of any non-native language is the prevention of dementia.
  14. Reading of specialized literature. Do not be lazy and read a couple of books from specialized literature on memory improvement. You can get much useful information from them. For example, “Nearly Total Recall: A Guide to Better Memory at Any Age” by Danielle Lapp, and many others.
  15. Laziness. The last but not the least is not to be lazy. In fact, it has been proven that lazy people almost never have good memory. So work and train your memory.

We will be extremely happy if the presented tips on memory improvement will help you. You will manage to keep your memory in a good shape for many years using them. Check your memory right now - try to recollect the first tip presented in the post.

Expert homework service online does your classes

Onlineclassmentor com is an international project that offers students of various educational institutions professional services for creation and correction of assignments of any complexity level. Master’s and PhD thesis, MBA dissertation, abstracts, reports, coursework, term papers, essays, and other academic papers - all these types of assignments will be done competently, timely, and for reasonable money. We can do your class for you. It is easy and convenient to work with our agency.

  • Our company has an extensive network of offices in the USA, the UK, Australia, and many other countries. It is only necessary to fill out an order form on the website, and our manager will contact you to clarify all the details of work and inform about the price of an order.
  • If a customer agrees with the term of collaboration, the next step is to pay for the services. Our specialists will get to work right away. A customer can control the process of order fulfillment, monitor at what phase it is now, ask any question that interests him / her. When a specialist finishes working, an order is transferred to the quality control department for a careful check. Experts will check it for errors, plagiarized elements, and any other kind of inaccuracy.
  • Only after a thorough check, a completely done paper is delivered to a customer. If it is necessary to refine or correct something in a delivered paper, the specialists of our company will do it free of charge. If a customer requires, we provide free consultations related to successful presentation and defense of paper.
  • Onllineclassmentor.com proposes a wide range of payment options. Thus, our customers choose that very way they prefer the most. All personal data of our clients is safely stored and never transferred to third parties. We strictly follow the policy of total privacy.
  • On the website, there is a section with testimonials. You can read true comments about collaboration with our specialists and quality of performed work. There are also sections with an order form, online calculator, and our blog where we present useful posts with valuable and relevant information.
  • Also, if you do not need to order paper writing from the ground up, we accept orders related to the correction of customer’s ready papers, writing of separate sections, creation of schemes, tables, drawings, presentations, etc.

Appeal to us, and we will definitely help you with any assignment you have!

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