Top Extreme Sports And Places Where To Practice Them


Sport serves humanity for many years. People who go in for sport can be divided into two categories. One category consists of people who use sport to relax and just to change kind of activity. However there is another group of people you should know about it as well as you must know about Disneyland. These people hate sitting in one place and sport for them is great opportunity to spend energy. Such people like extreme kinds of sport and as usual successful in them. There is a great variety of these extreme sports and that means you always can choose one and even if you won’t like it there is always a chance to choose new one.

There are different reasons why people do such sport. One of them we have mentioned above: they just want to release all energy they accumulated. Another reason is that they want to go through some unusual feelings. We decided to write about some extreme sports and another important thing: places where you can develop skills in this sport. Feel free to read about quite interesting sport which is not very wide spread: Of course it would be logically at first to understand what extreme sport is.

Extreme sport: why is it called so?

There is no definite term for this words, however it can be said that extreme sport is a sport connected with danger sometimes it can be a real danger for health and sometimes even for life.

As usual extreme sport somehow connected with high speed or stressful situations for organism. As the result adrenalin is released and it gives new and unusual feelings. Want to know more about this or other topics? Join online classes at a low price.

So we know now what can be called an extreme sport, but of course examples are needed. These are such activities as skateboarding, snowboarding, BMX, climbing(and ice-climbing as kind of it), surfing and many other activities.

Although not every person can go in for extreme sport, almost everybody will be interested to know more about some of them. Feel free to look also at some computer games and their comparison as Counter strike vs Dota 2. We prepared list of some interesting extreme sports. Enjoy it.

Choose your favorite extreme sport:

5. Parkour

Briefly about the sport:

This sport became popular in 1970s and appearance of first parkour team Yamakasi strengthened its positions. Home of this sport is France. Later team of these people participated in such movies as “Yamakasi” created in France and “District 13”. Those times were times of great raise of parkour as sport and new trend. Later there were some argues between parkour developers as one gave free lessons while another took money for them. However philosophy of this sport tells that it is not only sport but a style of life and life itself so taking money for it is absurd. Like low prices and shopping? Feel free to read about results of black Friday.

What you need to try it:

Parkour is a constant moving. Moreover, it is art of overcoming different buildings and roofs. So before you go in for it, be sure that your level of physical training is good enough. You should have at least some basic level of it. Otherwise it may end in a very sad way. Remember that parkour is a constant adrenalin and great risk especially if you want to overcome some roofs and jump from one to another for example. So before doing serious steps you should come through many trainings. Maybe one time parkour will become more popular and somebody will write a book about it. However, you can also do it just get acquainted with tips to write a book.

Appropriate places:

As parkour was born in urban areas, city with all its barriers, building and obstacles will be the best variant.

Before we go to next sport, we have something for you.

List of interesting articles for you:

4. Climbing

Briefly about the sport:

Great extreme sport for those who are not afraid of height. There are many organizations which proclaims this sport in countries all over the world. First climbing can be observed in times of ancient people who were made to overcome different slopes and rocks. But they did it for life aims. As sport for enjoy it appeared in 19th century. Such areas as Germany, Scotland, Ireland became very popular for this sport. In 20th century climbing became popular in the whole world and competitions are regularly organized in this sport. To be successful in this and any other sport you should keep to a good diet. Read why eating of gluten food is harmful.

Another kind of climbing is called ice-climbing and is also quite popular in areas where rocks are covered with snow and ice.

What you need to try it:

First of all you should not be afraid of height. This is the main condition. Another important thing is that you need good ammunition: different clips, climbing ropes and in case of ice climbing – ice ax. Of course snickers should be convenient and very solid. Nowadays different interesting inventions make life easier. They can be very useful for different kinds of port. Feel free to take a look at top kickstarter projects: some of them can be good for sportsmen others are just very interesting.

Places to practice:

Earlier the only way to develop skills was to go somewhere to a mountains and rocks. Nowadays however, some special areas are created. Climbing is great because it unites people so you can go somewhere in group and it is recommended to do so in order to have somebody to insure you. You can see bright example of heroes of climbing in movie “Everest”.

3.Roller – skating, skateboarding and biking

Examples of sports and features:

We united these tree activities because they have something in common: you have to overcome different boundaries be it stairs or steep slopes. The only thing which is different is way of moving. Of course each kind of sport can require different skills and object for moving. In case of extreme roller-skating for example, usual roller skates won’t be a good idea. You will need special ones which are very solid and have smaller wheels. The similar thing is with biking: bicycle should contain strong frame. Sometimes BMX bicycles will be good decision. Sometimes you may use bicycle to travel. It is quite interesting to make list of top Christmas destinations for example and visit them.

There is no sense to talk much about these activities, because everybody should try them. If you have any doubts feel free to watch movie called “Lords of Dogtown” which contains true actions in its plot. It will shows you skateboarding in all its beauty.

Why exactly this activity?

Well the answer is easy: first of all, because you don’t need a lot of equipment. Another reason is that this sport will give a lot of great emotions as well as many interesting meetings because as usual all fans of skateboards gather in one place and the same is with roller-skating and biking. Sometimes different championships are hold people from different countries come. So advantages of being bilingual are obvious in such cases.

Skills required:

You should have good sense of balance first of all in all these activities. Good reaction and ability to overcome fair will be always very useful. Even if you don’t know how to roller-skate or skateboard don’t be afraid – that is the only key to success: try and fall rise and try again. Read about class mentor – site which can help students to overcome study difficulties.

Where to practice:

Any place with good road will be okay. At first time try to find places like alleys with grass on both sides in order to make your fall less painful. Sometimes of course you will find your knees red and hurt and sometimes even nose. Read about holiday of a red nose and be calm about it next time:

2. Sky-diving or parachute jumping and rope jumping

Why these sports?

Everybody wants to feel as a bird it’s quite exciting no matter how scaring it may be. Imagine that you can fly at least for limited period of time. Isn’t it great? In both sports you will receive this feeling. Of course it is very exciting and may be scaring especially for the first time. Don’t afraid and jump. It is a unique experience you will never forget. Then you will celebrate first jump with parachute as people celebrate pancake day.

Equipment and some difficulties:

There are some possible difficulties in these sport. Talking about parachute jumping, it is very expensive pleasure. Even if you rent parachute and don’t buy your own one. Another problem is place. Of course you may jump from some high rocks but it will be very dangerous. The best way is to jump from airplane. However it is more expensive. Talking about rope jumping it is quite popular to jump from bridges and high buildings. However it is more dangerous than parachute jumping. Of course rope is well secured but who knows what may happen. Anyway we can say that these two sport are like tweens regarding to their danger. Maybe it’s just one of many myths. Is twins language myth or reality? What do you think about it?

1. Surfing

It is really one of the best kinds of sport if you like water and swimming of course. Because as you will study surfing you will appear in water very often. This is not just a sport: it is struggle with ocean or sea, very fragile balance between slipping on the wave and find yourself bitten by it. Surfing if great and very beautiful sport and can be seen in many different movies as “Chasing Mavericks”. There is even a cartoon about surfing and penguins called Surf’s Up” which won’t live you indifferent and will show all beauty of surfing. It may be a good test for your sense of balance. If you have problems with any kind of test at all you can find help with tests on our site.

There are only two big problems with surfing. First is to find a good board and second is to find a good waves. Good board is not so big problem because there are a lot of shops selling them. And what about places? We have some for you:

1. Rincon, Puerto Rico is a small town which is famous for its opportunities for surfing. So don’t hesitate and go there if you want good waves and a lot of emotions and challenges.

2. White Beach, Okinawa, Japan is a perfect place to practice in your surfing and as you will be successful feel free to go to another more dangerous and cliffy locations as Suicide Cliffs.

3. Tofino, Canada is city of great fun beautiful beaches and of course great beaches and waves. It is the first surfing city in the whole Canada, so it is without doubts, worth-visiting.

So there are a lot of interesting kinds of sport and you can always choose extremal sport for you. It worth trying and emotions you receive will be unforgettable. Just don’t afraid and try. If you like ocean and sea surfing is what you need. Can’t live without height? Choose climbing. Want great speed and challenge? Go in for parkour. Just remember that there is always a good activity for you. It is waiting for you to discover it. Don’t hesitate!

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