I Am Never Afraid of Exams – I Hire Someone Pro to Take My Exam for Me


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Professionals of Onlineclassmentor com are always ready to come to the rescue and do their work quickly and qualitatively!

Can someone sit my exam? We can! Trust our experts

Tips from scientists that will help take any exam successfully

Exams and tests always come when you do not expect them. It means that the students use everything they can to increases their chances to get a good grade. Instead of rereading your textbooks for a thousand times, you would better read our tips. They are more working than any other method like praying or trying to use magic. We are going to tell how to get ready for an exam and feel confident when taking it. Of course, do not forget that you can rely on our experts if you need any help with classes, tests and exams.

Prophetic dream

  1. Of course, it is very tempting to spend a night reading a textbook, but science strongly makes you want to go to sleep. When you sleep, your brain puts in order all information you have received previously. Studies in rats have shown that during slow-wave sleep there are produced the same groups of neurons in brain as during learning, with which the rats have been occupied previously. It means that in order to memorize the aphorisms of Aristotle, it is better to act as a rat – to go to sleep earlier. Your brain will process everything you have learned about the philosopher again when you sleep and will lead you to success at an exam.
  2. American scientists carried out tests not on rats but students and proved that it was a bad idea to spend a whole night studying. The side effects of a sleepless night are expressed in the form of a low reaction and tendency to make mistakes in everything. The most effective strategy is as following – to study the most difficult points right before sleep and go to bed before midnight hoping that your brain will not mix up and do everything as you need it.

Food for thought

  1. Scientists suggest that you eat eggs for breakfast before an exam. The point is that eggs are rich in choline – the vitamin of the group B. According to research, choline improves memory and slows down the ageing of brain, which is one of the factors that prevents from giving the right answers at the exams. By the way, we have some more tips on how to memorize more effectively: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/get-online-class-help-and-learn-to-memorize-quickly.
  2. Also, scientists get upset when you refuse eating oatmeal. Whole grain grits contain slow carbs and useful microelements. They give to brain energy that should be enough to stand the whole examination.
  3. What is lying on your plate should be generously sprinkled with curry seasoning. It contains turmeric that is highly praised by scientists. Turmeric improves memory and is a good method of prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  4. Mint can be a great alternative to turmeric. It improves concentration, so can put couple of leaves on your sweater hoping that it will help you and impress your teacher.
  5. When you are going to use a lot of your brain power, you will definitely need omega-3s. There was carried out a study several years ago and it showed that the students who used to eat walnuts presented better thinking abilities compared with others who did not eat them. The products that contain omega-3s more than nuts are fish, salmon and tuna. So before you go to an exam, add a couple of drops of fish oil to your meal.
  6. All the ingredients mentioned previously should be accompanied with water. First, the students who drink water before examination pass it 10% better compared with their dehydrated friends. Second, you just want to drink after fish oil and turmeric.
  7. For dessert, it is better to have some chocolate. Scientists claim that those who eat chocolate at least once a week fulfill cognitive tasks better than those who refuse eating it. It is supposed that the effect of chocolate is ensured by flavonoids in it.

Scientists have continued studying this issue and discovered that it is better to use chocolate with 60% of cacao content. It increases concentration better than others. However, it also increases blood pressure. Fortunately, there is a way out – if you drink green tea when eating chocolate, you will provide your body with the relaxant L-tannin and normalize your blood pressure. Do not ignore your body and take care of your health, just like we do: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/class-help-services-save-time-and-care-for-your-health.

Have doubts? Turn to paid test takers & keep calm

What else to do?

  1. It turns out that you need to jump before an exam. Even if you look weird when running or riding a bicycle before an exam, science is on your side. Only 30 minutes of cardio workout will help improve your memory and reduce the influence of stress caused by a coming exam. Cardio workout will bring a lot of useful hormones to your brain, including serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. This is a great mixture that favorably influences attention, perception, motivation, and ability for learning.
  2. Music playing in your headphones is a recognized means of relieving stress. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will be a good option before an exam. Scientists studied the influence of Mozart’s music and discovered that students performed better having listened to it. Although, there are a lot of opponents of the Mozart effect, this trick is so easy to do that it would be wrong to neglect it.
  3. Meditate. A person who is well familiar with the lotus position when meditating isolates brain from unnecessary noise and maximally unloads working memory. There was carried out research that showed that people who meditated demonstrated some exclusive abilities for concentration.
  4. Except for lack of knowledge, a student can also face the problem of low self-esteem. A good way to improve it is to write a list of your positive features right before an exam. While you are recollecting your strengths, your self-esteem gets higher, anxiety goes away, and also, mental abilities get better.
  5. Chewing gum is a great helper at an exam. You can use it not only to hang cheat sheets under the desk (this is joke, of course) but also to improve your concentration. Scientists claim that it in some magical way makes the brain areas responsible for attention work better.

I never face problems: experts take my exam for me

Scientists have found the best way to take an exam

Students get prepared for exams better and take them more successfully when they not just revise their notes and textbooks but when they retell someone everything they read. Even in a week after exam, memory of a student who gets prepared in such a way is excellent. It seems like retelling of something you have just read is a very effective way compared to mere rereading of books and notes.

Scientists conducted an experiment. Students-volunteers were asked to watch a series of short videos cut from popular movies and remember in what movies they saw the videos. In an hour and a half the students were asked about what movies they had watched, gestures of the actors, details of the plot, interior and other elements that they memorized.

Some students passed such an exam at once without any preparation, and others first trained by retelling each other what they managed to memorize. Every student had his / her own set of videos, thus, the possibility of “cheating” and mutual help was removed.

The experiment shows that the opportunity to tell your fellow about what you are going to present at an exam helps greatly. It helped the participants of the experiment remember the content of videos, and thus, they coped with the questions of the scientists better than other students of control group. This advantage did not disappear in several hours and stayed with the students for a week at least.

A similar or even stronger positive effect was achieved when the short fragments from videos were demonstrated right before an “exam”. As the volunteers said, they surprisingly remembered a lot of small details.

When we get a lead, it looks like memory is returning. It means that we do not always forget the details of what happens to us or of what we have seen. It just means that we not always have access to these memories. This discovery means that human memory is much better than we think.

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