10 Major Problems around the World on Our Classes Website


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While many students are fed up with studying, others literally have nowhere to go because there are no educational institutions in their countries. For them, being able to read or write is a high achievement. Today, we are going to talk about common problems young people have to struggle with in poor countries.

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Read on Online Courses Website about Education in Poor Countries Based on Experts’ Study

Unfortunately, many kids and youth have no opportunities just to attend school, let alone higher educational institutions. And it is not their fault. This problem is complex in nature. It is not about one person to blame on. We explored which factors led to it.

1. Scarce Funds

Over the past five years, a number of funds allocated for education has fallen by 16%. As a consequence, now we observe a deep crisis in education which is only going to accrue. The lack of money is the primary reason why kids are deprived of primary and secondary education in about 60 countries.

2. Poorly Educated Teachers

The second reason on the list is incompetence of people who are charged with tutoring. Here, we have predominantly poorly qualified teachers who are not capable of beating illiteracy because they also need to be taught. They fail to complete ordinary and basic responsibilities: to learn kids how to write with no mistakes and count correctly. It is not easy to be good at tutoring. An ideal teacher in school has to possess numerous qualities to be able to give right lessons.

3. No Space For Learning

This sounds absurd for those who are accustomed to living in comfort. But in fact, this is what millions of learners face, in particular, in South Africa where teachers are forced to do their job under the open sky. Those available classrooms are few in number, run-down and crammed with pupils. The same problem of scarcity is with school facilities. Running water or toilets are enormous luxury for African children. In addition, less than half the toilets that are present there are for female learners, which truly deter girls from going to school.

4. Shortage of Learning Materials

While US students benefit from using tablets and PCs for study purposes, children of poor countries are obliged to share books to get basic knowledge and skills. Workbooks, sheets and other necessary things to succeed in learning are desperately needed but not provided. This explains why illiteracy is reigning here. Both children and pupils are not to be blamed for. It is hardly possible to explain phenomenon and rules on which our world is built up being in need of ordinary paper and desks.

5. High Discrimination

It becomes clear that in this part of the earth school is a high privilege. As a consequence, there are those who are allowed to be taught in the last turn. These include disabled children who demand special care and conditions. If usual pupils suffer from conditions they are put in perforce, there are no chances for pupils with disabilities. No wonder, they are out of learning here. The right to education that is embraced in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is violated, and there is no excuse for it.

We offer you also to read about education in other countries to be aware of both merits and drawbacks of other systems.

6. Gender Inequality

This problem has in common with the previous one. Worldwide, numerous girls are refused in education, and the reason is their sex. Though Europe and America settled this matter a century ago, it exists yet on other continents. To date, more than 100 million girls cannot read. Because of all-around poverty parents have to choose which child to send to school. It is always boys. Girls are left for household duties.

7. Armed Conflicts

Half of the children deprived of adequate education live in conflict zones. This is a huge impediment to learning. When the war is under way, it is difficult to stay alive, let alone doing studies. Military flare-ups are one of the reasons why these areas are poor and therefore why the problem of good education is left behind. Both children and teachers have to run away in search of better life. Here is the list of good countries in the world where living standard is rather high: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/the-best-and-worst-countries-to-live-in

8. Long Road To School

It is uncommon here when it takes less than half an hour to get to school. Since transport is not what people can afford, children have to go a long way to get their knowledge. It is dangerous for young pupils to be on a 6-hour journey every day, in particular, for girls who are at risk of becoming rape victims.

9. Starvation

This problem is often understated, but it has a huge impact on a child’s ability to grasp and process information they are taught. Ongoing hunger leads to inhibited brain activity. Since every child of developing countries suffers from poor nutrition, their cognitive abilities are weak, and they are not able to develop fast not of their own free will. Good nutrition is directly connected to high academic performance. When the body is weak, learning is the last thing to focus on.

10. Tuition Costs

Education is to be free according to the Declaration of Human Rights. Hence, a poor family should have an opportunity to learn. Numerous countries canceled tuition costs, and the only thing that matters is desire. In reality, African schools introduced so-called informal fees that are obligatory to pay by parents for school essentials, such as pens, workbooks, and uniforms. Besides, sometimes additional funds are charged under the pretense of redoing school buildings. Public schools are not everywhere when private ones are not for the poor.

If you liked this topic, our course site contains a blog where you can read posts on diverse issues, for example, how to write and publish a book: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/15-important-steps-to-write-a-book-of-your-dreams

Use Your Chances

As you see, you have the opportunity which others cannot even dream of. Children of developing countries are in a much worse position than you do. Fortunately, there exist organizations which are aimed at helping poor countries in a struggle with illiteracy, for example, the Global Partnership of Education.

If you are fed up with studying, think about those who do not attend schools because there are no schools in their areas. Besides, if you do your studies in private institutions, do not spend your money in vain, and catch the moment to become well-qualified. If you lack some knowledge to complete tests or pass exams, our company deals with problems of this kind. Our team of experts comprises only professions who are versed in various subjects. That’s why we are able to solve any task and do any assignment.

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