Systems Of Education In Different Countries


Each country has different level of economy and level of life. Mostly it is because of government quality of work. However, all factories and all companies need people who work there. These people don’t come from anywhere, of course. They are graduated from the universities and it is a very important point. Why in Japan, for example they have good economy? Does it depend on level of education and its style? Today we will answer these questions and will look at different in systems of education. If you want to start self-education, look at courses to take online.

Top countries, which have great systems of education

We all think that such countries as the USA, Germany, China and last times Finland, care of children and have good systems of education. So let’s look at some of these countries from the point of view of education.

1. The USA education

The first interesting thing about the USA is that in this country, each state can make changes in system of education. So, if you don’t like education in you state, for example, you can go to another state, however subjects and other features may differ even inside one state. Feel free to read more about education in general and get to know disadvantages of modern education.

Talking in general, system itself is quite clear and schematic: pre-school education, which is not compulsory, primary school, secondary school, high school and higher education. Let’s look briefly at each type of establishment.

As we mentioned, pre-school education is not compulsory, although it gives child some advantages when he enters school. These establishments may be both private and public. It should be said that pre-school education is popular because it allows parents to go to work, while their child receives some knowledge at kindergarten. There exist many private establishments of such type and even some extremely expensive ones. Look at the most expensive kindergartens in the USA.

Talking about school years, we can say that system is quite similar to other countries, however there are some unique things. There are three types of schools: academic schools, professional and multidisciplinary. The interesting thing about school is that all they have some subjects that student can choose for his own. Not all countries have such a great opportunity. Moreover, the number of subjects in high school is not big, which allow student to understand where to go further and what kind of university or college to enter. You can get acquainted with this theme closer and read about one of the universities here:

Higher education shows a great variety of establishments – from private to public, with different systems of education and different approaches. However, all universities have a great feature: student studies according to individual program, not by standards imposed.

In general, we can say that system of education in the USA is flexible and pays great attention to professional skills. It can be seen in high school where students can choose definite subjects. Finally, we all can see how things are going in the USA and with its economy. Huge part of this, was contributed by high quality education. Look at profession you shouldn’t study for, because they will disappear soon:

2. Germany and its system of education

Germanic system of education is quite similar to those of other European countries. It is divided into pre-school, primary and high school and higher education. Let’s look briefly at each of these steps in education.

Kindergartens are mostly private or there can be met those of mixed type when government is the co-owner. The main features are development of logical type of thinking and attention to individuality of each child. It is interesting but children in Germany don’t learn how to write till school. Kindergarten teaches them only how to draw and some basis of music. If you can’t live without music, feel free to choose the best headphones for music.

Talking about school period, we can mentioned that in Germany child is ready for school not when he can read or write, but when he can demonstrate social skills as to do some team work with his coevals. Primary school lasts for four years everywhere except two cities – Berlin and Brandenburg, where children stay in primary schools for six years.

Secondary schools are of different types and it depends on your intentions. If you want to work in some practical spheres and to finish vocational education, you should go to one establishment, if you want to study at the university in future, you should choose another type of school like Gymnasium. It should be said that you can’t give child education at home and it’s illegal. However, there are many kinds of alternative schools like Waldorf School or Montessori Method schools. Alternative kinds of education are quite developed and common in Germany. Feel free to read about one of unusual schools in Germany.

The main feature of higher education in Germany is its liberty. It is made in such way, that every student can visit lectures and practical courses free. Germany is proud by this principle. However, it doesn’t mean that teenagers in Germany don’t study at all. They should choose definite specialization and subjects for learning. High schools are very popular in Germany. Here students can get diplomas of workers in sphere of medicine, engineering IT industry and some other spheres. If you like different IT technologies, read an interesting article about world of top consoles: Xbox and Project Scorpio.

Dual system becomes popular too. Every student dreams about practice not only dull theory. In Germany it’s possible to visit lectures and get some theoretical information and at the same time work at the definite company.

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As we can understand from a previous two examples, system of education in different countries differs, but no too much. Maybe that is because they are European ones and system of education in Europe is similar. Let’s look at Chinese and Finland systems of education to check if they are different from those of the USA and Germany.

3. China and its system of education

In China, there is a problem with education. Not because its quality is bad, but because there are too many children and very high competition. However, during last years, thanks to government policy, schools became affordable for almost all children. Talking about system itself it is similar to European countries: there exists pre-school, school and higher education.

Kindergartens are presented both by private and public ones. However, government encourages development of private kindergartens constantly. There is also a difference between private and public kindergartens. In private kindergartens, attention is payed to art and development of creativity while in public ones children acquire different practical skills and preparing to school. So it seems like stereotypes of some cultures are not stereotypes at all.

Unfortunately, there is a huge minus in Chinese education: there is no goal to develop sense of individuality in child. Vice versa children’s behavior is controlled by teachers and every their step is under strict control. Discipline is above all, while individuality is not evaluated.

School consists of three stages: primary, secondary and high. There are about six main subjects in Chinese schools among which is math and Chinese language. It should be also mentioned that higher education in school is not free. Another minus is that there is too much pressure on students: volume of home task is huge and they studying almost during the whole day. If you don’t want to study for day and night preparing for exam, ask us to pass your online exam.

What about Chinese universities? Only those who graduated from high schools, which are not free, can go to university. There are two ways: finish two years and receive certificate, or to study four years and become a bachelor. Government cares about higher education and that’s why Chinese diplomas are quite appreciated all around the world.

The main feature of Chinese universities is their narrow specialization. Education is held on English and Chinese, so people who came from other countries could study in Chinese universities too.

4. Finland – new star at the sky of education

Finland gained its power and level of life during last years. Students in Finland showed one of the highest levels of quality of knowledge among the world. At the same time children in Finland spend quite small amount of time in school and government’s investments in education are quite moderate. So, let’s look at its system of education and find out its main features.

Talking about school, it is divided into two periods in Finland: there exist lower and higher schools. First lasts six years and second one –three. There is a tenth form but it’s not like in other countries. It is for students, who want to fix their marks or to better them.

Then children can go in for professional studying or to lyceum. Lyceums ae only for those, who really want to study and can bear big volume of knowledge and comparatively big pressure. However, it Is not obligatory.

There are some principles in Finnish schools:

1. All schools are equal and there are no bad or good schools.

2. All subjects are of equal importance. There are even schools where subjects are hold not in Finnish language.

3. No status difference, moreover teachers can’t ask parents about their job and things related with position in the society except cases when it is needed.

4. No comparing. We can often hear when teacher says that one student is great and other is lazy. In Finland, it is prohibited and teacher, who says it, will have serious problems. Child is also equal in rights with parents and teachers.

5. What about payments? Education in school is free; moreover, children also have free dinners and buses to carry children home, books and other materials, even pencils and pens.

6. Help for students with definite subjects. In Finnish school children are not differentiated into weak and talented. Those students, who have problems with definite subjects, should visit special additional lessons which are absolutely free.

In general, we can see that Finnish educational system stands out because of its democracy, awesome conditions for students and high awareness of each child’s uniqueness and individuality. Talking about subjects, they are different in different schools; however, foreign language and music lessons are important for Finland schools.

Talking about technical education, it is very popular in Finland and people with professions of applied type can easily find a job. Higher education is also present and is characterized by democracy in it.

To sum up we can say that different countries have different systems of education, with some similarities and differences. Each person may like definite country for its education. However, we can say with sure that education influence level of life and economy in the country. As we can see with Finland, where education is democratic and great. So feel free to know more about education in other countries and try to enter university of the country you like.

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