Why Every School Must Have 24/7 Mental Health Support


It’s not a secret that all people can suffer from stress. Some of them have enough strength to overcome it by their own while some go to the psychiatrist. Finally, there is a category of people who just give up and it may lead even to a suicide. We can say that children also may have a lot of troubles and stress. They spend so much time at school and it means almost constant stress because of tests and exams and sometimes, child may have other kind of problems. If this is a trouble with classes you can just find a mentor, but what if you have problems of another type?

School seems to be a good place, convenient for mental support, because it’s quite easy from the first sight, to provide it there. Just put a psychiatrist and that’s all. However, today we will answer the question why mental support is so important and if it is needed at all. Sometimes there are questions with no answers. Just miracles. If you think that nature can’t create them, we advise you to check it here: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/top-nature-miracles. Talking about our questions, we won’t leave them without answer.

1. What is the situation with mental support now?

As statistics shows, the situation in the field of mental health support is not very good. First of all, it was found out that about seventy percent of pupils have some cases which required mental support. Sometimes these problems may be simple and sometimes they may lead child to actions with irreversible consequences. Read also about possible consequences of neglecting cyber education in school.

The problem is that not many teachers are really ready to help child in this area. Teachers can give first medical aid, they can help you with subject, but most of them just don’t have any preparation to provide a mental help. And that is a real problem. There seems to be two possible ways: first – to hire a specialist, or second – to oblige teachers pass special courses in mental support. Both these variants are quite good, but although psychiatrist is not a profession among top strange jobs, it’s not for everybody. So probably, teachers should be able just to give some first mental aid while then, specialist will give further support.

To sum up we can say that many children nowadays need help, but unfortunately, they can’t find it sometimes. That’s why government should pay more attention to mental support in schools, and mental support for children in general. If you need any support with exams online we can give it to you without problems.

2. Why children can’t be left without help?

One may say that children have parents, so they can help with any sort of stress and similar problems. Well, first of all, not all parents are prepared to it, as well as many teachers aren’t. In addition, it may be something that child can’t tell his parents, like problem with studying, for which parents always punish children. If this is about you, you should read about upbringing child and maybe find some alternative ways better that punishment: https://onlineclassmentor.com/blog/how-to-bring-up-a-child.

Sometimes we can also hear that child should struggle with his problems alone, and it will make him strong in future. Unfortunately, it is not a right position. It was proved that psychical system of child is much more vulnerable than that of adults. There is another important thing, which can’t be forgotten. At the age of about fourteen years, there is a special period in every child’s life, when he can feel stress and have different suicide thoughts, even if before he was totally normal child. That’s because of age. You can read about main emotional problems in adolescence.

So, problematic age is not a myth. If add to this some stress in school like bad marks, exams or tests we can see how endangered the children are. Moreover, such cases as bullying and fought and violence can put an unforgettable patch on child’s mental health. With all these cases and problems, child may find help visiting a psychiatrist or teacher. Unfortunately, teachers sometimes decide just to be aside and not to notice any problems child has. However, special trainings and courses will definitely help to better the situation.

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3. Possible solution of the problem

As we can see situation with mental support is quite sad. It’s clear that children have mental problems and stress and in addition to adolescence in may cause really bad consequences. For example, if can’t find help anywhere, he will earlier or sooner think about suicide. It’s scaring but it is a fact. Sometimes students say honestly that they just didn’t have a person to share all problems with, because they couldn’t believe teachers or parents. It means that problem should be solved immediately. Here are some general thoughts about making the situation better. If you want to better your situation with definite subjects, you can just read more about our online classes and find any help at our site.

- Make process of studying more individually oriented.

We don’t mean choosing of methods and so one, but that teachers should pay more attention to mental mood of the children. For example, they may make something like a calendar of mood, where children can choose what mood they have. Of course, some children may lie about it, but sometimes it may help to see a bad tendency in mood of students. For example, here is some information about making students’ self-esteem better. With good self-esteem, students will suffer from stress less and will be more capable to struggle with such kind of problems.

- Give teachers some training

As we mentioned earlier, some teachers just don’t want to help students with their mental problems, but others just don’t know how to do it in the right way. So, some countries have already got it and made changes, and some countries should also think about it: teachers should have some trainings about mental support and how to help child if he has troubles and stress. Of course, it doesn’t mean that help of professional psychiatrist won’t be required, but teacher sees students every day and it’s easier for him to notice any possible problems. Without preparation, he won’t be able to do it, and it means, child may be abandoned alone with his problems. He will become a real secret for teachers and even psychiatrists a secret even more puzzled than secret of Bermuda Triangle.

- Organize something like a club

We all know such clubs, where people who have definite problems can come and share them. Something like this, can be created in each school, so children may gather and with the help of experienced psychiatrist they may share their problems and support each other. So they won’t feel neglected and will share their problems with students – people with the same problems, of the same age and same interests. All in all many students want just to speak out all thoughts they can’t discuss with parents and teachers and such club may be a good place to do this. This point may become one of the best life hacks for solving the problem.

- Create separate lesson devoted to mental health

Although mental health is something abstractive, there may be a good idea to organize even a separate class, when teacher and pupils will discuss some problems, which may happen with student and ways of their solutions. Of course, it won’t prevent stress or problems, but children will be prepared to it and will meet it dignifiedly.

We can see from all these point above that schools definitely should have mental support. Not only psychiatrists should be able to do it but also common teachers. We can also see that there are different variants of making the situation with mental help better, so the only thing needed is agreement with government and its frank desire to help.

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