Top Places That Are Worth-Visiting


There are some cities, which are always popular for tourists. However, there are some people, who don’t like typical places for travelling. Every place has some charming things and great atmosphere. If you want to feel such atmosphere while studying, think about taking courses online: you will sit at home and it is the best conditions for study or work. Of course, tastes are different and if for somebody Paris is the best destination, somebody will like to go to other places, which are mysterious or even dangerous. Today we will talk about both common places which are beautiful and lovely and some that are quite mythical and not for everybody’s liking.

There is no need to strain everybody’s patience, that’s why, without spare words, we start our list of worth-visiting places:

1. New York – place where jazz was born

Maybe it will sound trivially but why not to go to New York, home of Frank Sinatra? If to think about this city, we can say that it has all sightings for everybody’s taste. If you are fan of movie “The Wolf of Wall Street” or just can’t live without trading, don’t miss the Wall Street. This street is associated with powerful economy of the USA and place where the richest people sale their money, where traders gather and other affairs happen. You can also know who is the richest footballer in the world.

Of course, it will be quite misspend to be in New York and not to visit the Statue of Liberty. This is not just a huge and beautiful sculpture, but also symbol of the whole country and every American is proud about this monument. You can come close to it and see it in your own eyes.

If you like history and want to find a place where all centuries and events are gathered, you should go to American Museum of Natural History. Huge skeletons of dinosaurs, figures of African people and many other things are preserved there. In fact, there are three huge categories exhibited: old world mammals, mammals of Asia, and new world mammals. However, there are also huge amount of monuments of famous people and different types of living creatures. Those who want to see how it looks like, can find movie “Night at the Museum” which depicts this museum with all its inhabitants.

Finally, if you have some evenings or days, don’t miss the opportunity to visit famous streets: Broadway and Times Square – streets with a lot of interesting places, buildings and cafes, description of which may take more than hundred pages. But it’s better to see than to read, isn’t it? If you like to look at interesting thing or to look at things at a different angle, you will like an article about 3D movies:

2. Scaring and mysterious Chernobyl, Ukraine

As we told at the beginning of our article, places of interest can be very different. If first one in our list looks quite common, this one doesn’t. Excursion to Chernobyl and Pripyat is not for everybody. However, those who can’t live without extreme and new feelings, will definitely like it. This is not the place of fun and famous artists, you won’t find outstanding monuments there, but only abandoned cities and huge trees. The main sightseen is amusement park in Pripyat, which looks as in horror film.

Chernobyl and Pripyat are cities, which remains an ecological disaster, which happened at Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Thousands of flats are empty and left. You may enter the school and find there exercise books, which are still on the desks. A lot of flats are still standing untouched as if somebody lives there. Probably there is one place more mysterious than this and it is Bermuda Triangle. We recommend you to read information about Bermuda Triangle and know more about this place, especially if you like such destinations.

Of course, to go there you should like such places and find a good tour because it’s prohibited to go there alone. We also recommend you to read more information about history of these cities:

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Hope you are ready to continue because we still have a couple of good places for you to visit.

3. What about Albion?

Fans of Sherlock Holmes may go to London just to find Baker Street and walk along this street. However, nowadays it is more like a commercial center than a quiet street. Anyway, if you went to this street it would be a good idea to find a first Madame Tussauds museum of vax figures, which was opened in 1835. Moreover, London is full of other interesting places and we can’t avoid mentioning them.

First of all, mysterious and dark building of Tower of London. Place which was a prison, a palace, a fortress and now it is one of the most popular destination for tourists. Tower of London is as Chernobyl is not for all. It makes quite dark impression and it’s huge walls are stand silent but ready to everything and even to tell a history of the whole country.

Westminster Palace is not just a building it’s a symbol of power for the whole Britain. This building was rebuilt and has overcame a long history. It lived with the whole Britain and nowadays it’s a place where the noblest people of Britain meet. These people are members of parliament of Britain. If you want to know more about history of Britain, feel free to read about life of Queen Victoria.

4. Antelope Canyon in the USA

This Canyon is a great piece of art created by nature. It looks like a bizarre walls and a small path between them. But these walls are of red color and they are not walls at all. At first, it was huge sandstone. Gradually wind and water made their job and turned it into something than we can observe now. Many tourists say that the best time to visit it is spring and autumn.

You can find a lot of photos of this place in the Internet. It’s very interesting and is like nothing else on earth. Colors and light inside, structure of rocks – everything is like a miracle, but it’s all real and you can prove it – just touch it by your hand. If you liked this article, feel free to read more about online class mentor – our service, which is always ready to help students with their tasks.

5. Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan

This is a huge park, full of different flowers. This place won’t leave you indifferent. It’s full of different colors and flowers. Even if you get bored of it, there is a swimming pool and an amusement park. This huge garden was built on the place of American military base and somehow shows to people that nature and peace is stronger than military and war. You can also watch some movies about war and on other themes and find good one among the list of best movies to watch.

6. Sea of Stars

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t like sea. Some people like to swim there, some prefer just to admire its beauty. However, Sea of Stars is an outstanding one. It is called in such way not because it reflects stars. The sea itself is like a sky full of stars. Scientists say, that it’s because of organisms in the water, who relieve some kind of particles, which can produce light.

Anyway, it looks very beautiful in the night. It seems like there are two skies – above you and in a one step from you. So, this sea is one of the most beautiful in the world and has its own secret.

7. Loch Ness

The last destination in our list is a lake. It is situated in Scotland and that’s why it’s called loch – as Scottish people call it. Of course, it is famous for a legend that a huge monster lives in this lake. Nobody know whether it is true and nobody has seen this monster, however huge amount of tourists every year visits this place in order to see the lake. However, even if you don’t see the monster, boating along this lake can give you an unforgettable time, because nature in Scotland is extremely beautiful. If you want to go somewhere but can’t pass a test in school or university it’s not a problem anymore: ask class mentor for help with test and feel free to spend time as you like.

As you can see, there are many places for different purposes and different people. Even those with extraordinary tastes may find something interesting, because our earth is full of surprises. Even if you don’t like beauty of urban areas and some monuments or museums, nature will always find some place to amuse you. So it’s time for you to find your own best place in the world, where you’d like to go.

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