Music Lessons: How To Make Them Interesting?


Everybody has different attitude towards music lessons as well as towards musicians. It should be pointed that sometimes, even other teachers treat teachers of music as people of different world and category. Today we will try to single out f music is important at all and how music lessons should be made more interesting. If you ask everybody “where to take my online course” we will tell you that our company will give you the best quality of such kind of classes.

Unfortunately, music lessons are often treated as something of minor importance and something usual. How is it happened that music, which is unusual and can be called a miracle became something usual and common at music lessons? Mainly that happened because teachers don’t really want to make lessons unusual, they just follow the main rules and so one. Children just learn some information and so one. Today we will try to answer the question: “Can music lessons be interesting?” Maybe it’s a current problem of modern education and concerns not only music?

Are music lessons important at all?

We can often hear that music lessons as well as fine arts are of no importance and child shouldn’t spend time on these subjects at all. That’s why first of all, there is a need to point positive influence music does on child.

1. It helps to be creative

First thing, which comes to everybody’s mind is that musicians are creative. It is true and music is the key way to develop creativity. Of course only if children try to play instruments, discover some sounds and arrange their own melody or even song. The great thing in music is that it knows no mistakes. Music is very subjective and abstract and it means each child can produce his music without being afraid that he is doing something wrong. Moreover, they can choose the instrument to play. Feel free to know how to make a right choice:

2. Widens memory and other skills

At the first sight, it may be no connection between music and other subjects like math. However, it was proved, that music lessons have a positive influence on brain. Moreover, when child is learning how to play definite instrument, for example, he develops his memory and always have practice, so he never forgets acquired skills. When child learn songs and lyrics, he also trains memory, which then helps him in other subjects. Music can also help even in learning a new language.

3. What about physical profit?

It is a well-known fact that small children have worse coordination than adults do. There are different ways to train it. You can make child do some exercises, but you can also let him play drums, for example. This instrument needs great coordination so child will develop it without even noticing, because he will receive pleasure - almost every child wants to play drums and it’s not a stereotype. To know what a stereotype is, read our definition of stereotype. Guitar or piano also develop coordination but mainly that of hands and gives child ability to handle things of small size, which is also very important.

4. General shape and social skills

It can’t be unnoticed, that children who play instrument or sing, has adequate self-esteem and usually are more open-minded, have good mood and talk to others with not fear. Talking about general shape and state, music helps child to digress from problems, from other subjects, which he may not like, like math. So after music lessons, if they were interesting, of course, child will feel better and happier. In modern world to be happy you also should be safe from hackers and know how not to be hacked.

Talking about skill of cooperating with others, we can say that music lessons have a great profit in it. What is cooperation? It’s process when child speaking with others. Let’s look at music lesson: children may sing together, play some musical instruments together, or different parts of class may have different functions for creating the holistic composition. As we can see all these things are nothing else than exercises for developing social skills, but as well as in case with drums, child doesn’t even notice that he develops. By the way, music also shows what type of character you have. Feel free to read more about music and type of character connection.

5. Interest to other nations

Fortunately, music is international and each nation makes its contribution to this art. It means that child won’t learn only music of definite country, but of different ones, because music of Ireland and Scotland differs from that of Japan, for example. Moreover, different composers were from different countries, so child will get acquainted with their culture somehow.

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Now, when you are ensured that music lessons are good for every child, it’s time to find ways to make lessons interesting. Of course, this advice is mainly for teachers in schools or art schools, but parents play important role in this process as well. How? First of all child feels parents’ attitude to his music activity and it may both ruin his gift or raise it. Parents can also help child with learning new compositions at home and help him with information e receives at music lessons in school. So, parents’ participation is very important and this advice will be useful for everybody:

1. Compose own songs

Of course, at the beginning it may be boring for child, but as soon as he learns notes combinations and how to produce them using his instrument, he will like such tasks. They should be given as often as trying to play famous compositions relying on his ears. The problem of music schools is exactly in this. Children play famous compositions very often, but they don’t compose something themselves. So, allow child to do it as often as possible.

2. Play with somebody

It’s great to see how children play together. Even if they don’t do everything perfectly, they try and results can be exciting. It also develops social skills of children and they learn to listen not only their instrument but also their partner’s one. Moreover, it develops their ear for music. They get to know that all instruments are in balance and it should be kept. You can also read about how to develop ear to music.

3. Share your music with children

It may be a good idea for teacher to share his music, or his favorite one with children. Then children can also find some musicians, whom they like and talk about them in class. So children will broad their mind and receive many new information. You can go further and advice children to compose a song together. However, it may be hard to organize such amount of instruments. If you want to organize your marks and knowledge and want help with definite subjects, read what our online classes can give you.

4. Make different rhythms

The interesting idea is to create different rhythms, when the whole class is united into smaller groups each of them is responsible for definite clapping sound. You can give students instruments like djembe, cachon, tambourine shaker and etc.

Of course, it won’t create outstanding music piece, but it will develop sense of rhythm and children will be able to get rid of stress and bad emotions they accumulated during a day. If you have stress because of exam, ask our mentor for help with exam and live a happy life again.

5. Watch movies about music

Sometimes we can find great examples of music made by people of different social status and from different places on earth. Why not to show children some of them? Don’t be afraid of showing street musicians’ performances, because they are sometimes the brightest indicators of talent and energy and their songs are full of motivation and effort. You can also find some great music bands and show them to a child. We have list of 15 touching bands, which create great music:

6. Be attentive to students

This rule is for teacher. Remember, that your attitude towards student can raise his desire to become a musician, or may ensure him that he is good-for-nothing and shouldn’t play instrument at all. If you want to be a good teacher, try to show child that you are interested in what he playing or trying to play. Don’t punish him and instead of it try to motivate him as often as possible. That is how children will become musicians and will love music.

To sum up what can we say? Music is gift, it’s one of the greatest miracles in our world. And its people who can create this miracle. The more feelings and effort you will give to child at music lesson, the more desire and passion to music he will have. And, finally a little advice for parents: don’t be nervous if your child can’t play that or another note for 10 times in a row, better show a child what diligence is. Remember, that talent is made of effort and exercising for more than ninety percent.

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