Strategies Of Learning Foreign Language


Strategies of learning foreign language

There is a legend that once upon a time God was angry at people and that’s why he punished them. They began to speak different languages. That is how religious people explain existence of many languages all over the world. If you want to speak different languages and take classes pay someone to take online class at an easy rate: money spent for education are not spent in vain. We won’t argue about way of appearance of languages. The only thing that should be said is that languages are one of the greatest inventions: no matter whose one.

Each language is unique, full of its charm and features. Every nation is proud of its language. However, sometimes people face a real necessity of learning second or even third language. Of course, those who are native English speakers are lucky because this language is widely spread. However, it is important to learn other languages to be able to communicate with different people from other countries. Some languages can be very hard to learn, that’s why we will try to create some stages of effective learning of the language. You can also look for the best languages to learn. Now, we start our list of tips for language learners:

1. Why do you want to learn foreign language?

This is the first and the main question everybody should answer. You should mind that if you are learning language just because it is needed at school and you will have an exam you will never learn it well. So try to find another goal. For example, you want to visit Italy and that’s why you learn Italian. Or maybe you want to work as an interpreter and need to know second or third language or want to write your own book in foreign language. This is a serious goal and it has logic. Learning language just because it is beautiful is not a good idea. Another thing if you really like it and want to speak with native speakers.

Right reason why you want to learn language will be the best motivation for you during the whole course and after you will become fluent speaker you will be thankful to yourself for a certain and strict goal and reason to learn language.

2. Make your choice once and for all

After you have chosen the reason to learn language, choose what language it will be. It is very important to choose one you really like and have passion to. In another way, you will abandon it, as the first difficulties will appear on your path. Of course, you can learn another language, but it’s better to learn one language at a time and when you achieve a good level, start to learn another one. Want to learn some subjects and be good at them? Read more about our online classes and feel free to ask for some of them.

Mind that such languages as French and Italian for example have many things in common, so if you know French at a good level, you can boldly start learning Italian. It’s the easiest way. Anyway, you should understand that each language has its features and there are always some differences even between similar languages. If you like to find differences in sport you will like to read about world of tennis:

3. Control yourself and be disciplined

Finally, the third general advice that can be always remembered is that you should always control yourself. Be disciplined because to learn foreign language you should devote at least hour a day to it. It another way it will be just a waste of time. On the other hand, if you spend two hours a day three times a week, after a year you will be able to speak this language at quite good level. You can also read about levels of language proficiency.

This part was devoted to general advices everybody should know before starting learning language. Next part of our article will be about methods and ways of learning language itself.

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So, hope now you know what language to learn and have enough effort. So we have some tips for you:

1. Learn from the easiest to the hardest

It’s very important to start with the basic things like pronunciation and basic grammar rules. For example, if you learn Italian, try to memories three groups of verbs and their conjugation. Learn things you will need anyway: numbers, names of months and seasons etc. Of course, you won’t speak as Queen Elizabeth with this knowledge but don’t panic and just go forward. If you want to know, Queen Elizabeth had hard life and you can even read about it here:

Gradually, you will know more and more so you will feel that you are ready to new stage and new, harder themes and rules. For example, if you learn English as a foreign language, learn such tenses as Present, Past and Future Simple and only then pass to Perfect and Continuous aspects. Or if you are learning French, make sure that you understand conjugation of verbs and only then try to learn different tenses (which are very many in French, by the way). Have problems with test in French or other subject? Ask our company for help with test online.

2. Only the most important words and rules at first!

It’s not a secret that language has huge amount of words as well as it’s not a secret that speaker in general uses less than a half of this scope. It will be a great idea to learn words in the frequency they can be met. The great way to learn words is to create associations between word and definite object or situation. It will help you to learn words easier and better.

The same thing is with rules. For example talking about tenses, you don’t need to know all of them in French or Italian. For example, you need to know only three tenses in Italian and it will allow you to speak at quite good level. Read about three Italian tenses you should know. Of course it doesn’t mean that you learn just Present, Past and Future Simple for example, and forget about other tenses. But for the first time it will be enough.

3. Practice in speaking as often as possible

You may know grammar perfectly and write huge sentences with many adjectives. However, this all has no sense if you can’t use the language in speaking. The main reason to learn new language is to communicate using it. So don’t become a grammar maniac: always remember about speaking. It can help you to learn new words because you will understand that some objects, which seem simple can’t be named by you in foreign language, just because you don’t know words.

Of course, the best way is to find a native speaker and speak with him via skype. But even if you don’t have such opportunity, find different groups in Facebook, for example, where people who learn that or another language gather. They always speak to each other and often they have speaking club when they gather in real life and try to speak the language they learn. You may think that foreigners don’t want to talk to you, but believe: it’s just one of many types of different stereotypes.

4. Listen to the language as often as possible

Another important thing is listening. You can try to speak to a foreigner but it will be no sense in it if you have bad listening skills. To understand what he or she will say to you, train you ears for perception of new language. Listen to music, movies etc. It’s very important to be in so-called language environment and it is one of the most important key to success.

Except the fact that you will get used to new language and its sound system, you will also have a possibility to hear words that were learnt and new ones that should be learnt. It will also remove barrier in your conscious and fear to new and unknown language.

5. Read books in chosen language

Listening is important, but reading books is also good. It allows making lexicon bigger and it is just interesting. Everybody has his favorite writer. If you learn French try to find French author that can be interesting for you and read it or if you want to improve English, choose American or British author be it fantastic books of Stephen King or Ray Bradbury. This is the best way to enter the new language. All you need is to have at least basic lexicon.

6. Make mistakes and don’t afraid of it

The biggest problem for all beginners in learning languages is that they are too afraid of making mistakes. That’s why they don’t speak much and it means they don’t develop at all. So it is very important to talk as much as possible, use new words you have learnt and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Just don’t skip it if you did it. Analyze why you have made this mistake and what is the right way.

7. Make as many exercises as you can

To practice speaking you should speak with others, to make your lexicon bigger you should read books, to be able to understand what people are talking about you should listen to radio and watch serials. However, the best way to understand grammar and to remember some rules is making exercise. The more you do the better you will remember definite theme. You can practice in making sentences, in making dialogues and turning texts from one sentence into another. There are many interesting tasks, which will be a pleasure to do.

Hope these advices will help you to learn a new language. In fact, you should just be patient and disciplined. Just go forward, be aware of mistakes and different language subtleties. Practice language as much as possible and you will become a good speaker in less than a year. And remember: always use this language so you won’t forget it. Have a good luck and learn any language you want with pleasure.

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