Top Football Clubs You Should Know


Let’s leave some argues if football is good for others and talk about another part of football – clubs or teams. They make this game great and some outstanding ones like Barcelona or Real Madrid always give fans a lot of interesting moments during a game. Read how to take online classes and it will give you a lot of possibilities. Of course, football clubs are different and some of them are not good enough, however each one has supporters. The question is only in numbers. The better club is the more supporters it has.

Today we will make a list of the best clubs ,which was formed during last years. It is based mainly on their budget but also on result they have shown. So be ready to find out that some clubs have overcome a great path and appeared in the top, while some years before they weren’t as good. There exist different versions of different lists and besides UEFA – football association of football, there are some other organizations who create them. So we will make our own list, hope you will enjoy it.

1. Real Madrid

It should not surprise you that a lot of good football clubs are from Spain. In our list, we will also meet some Spanish ones. Real Madrid was called the best club of 20 century by FIFA. Moreover, it is one of three clubs, which has never left the highest Spanish division. Of course, it has great number of titles and huge budget – talking exactly their budget of this club is the biggest in the world. What do you think about women in football and in sport in general? You will definitely change your bad attitude to this phenomenon after reading this article:

The main prizes that are worth mentioning are nineteen King’s Cups and five victories in UEFA Champions League in a row. Talking about International football association and its championship, we can say that Real Madrid has 2 Cups from this championship. It also has three UEFA Super Cups. This team shows what a good budget means.

However, it won’t be right to prove that only money make this club as it is. Of course, such outstanding players in club as Pepe or Toni Kroos make the club stronger, but without effort, it won’t achieve such success. Moreover, time will make these players to end a career sooner or later but it is not doubted that team will be able to play without them. Look for other examples of merciless time versus famous people struggle.

Another interesting fact is that team consisted mainly of Spanish players and Brazilian ones. So we can see connection of two probably, the strongest nations in football joined inside one team.

2. Atletico Madrid

This is a team from Spain, so there are no questions about why they became the second best team in UEFA list. Their results are great and last game they have played with Valencia, ended with their full victory. They won the opponent having made three goals during the match. It shows that club regaining power and becoming greater and greater every day. If you also want to become better every day, you should go to a gym for example. And all you should do is know some weight lifting gym tips.

Although its humble name, team has great history and achievements: it has won championship of Spain ten times playing in La Liga – the first division of championship in Spain, where the strongest teams compete. The club also won UEFA Europa League twice, but unfortunately it happened quite long time ago. Talking about age of Atletico, we can say that it is a club with more than hundred years’ history.

The last interesting fact we should mention is that no great stars with a world name can be found in club, however it achieved great success. It shows what can be done with effort and team game. Have you ever thought why such professions as football player will never die while some jobs are about to disappear? You will find some answers in the article about jobs that will vanish.

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3. Bayern München

The third team in our list is not from Spain. Fortunately, we have some champions from other countries because in another way, football won’t be as interesting. Bayern is a football club from Germany. In UEFA, rating it is on the third stage, so let’s figure out what makes it so good. First of all Bayern for Germany is like Real Madrid for Spain. It is a club that has the biggest number of titles among all Germanic clubs. The team has won 26 cups in Germany Championship and also club has two victories in Champions League and in 2013 Bayern was the first German club that won FIFA Club World Cup. Do you want to be good at any subject as Bayern is good in football? Online mentor can help with tests or with some other tasks and you will be the greatest in this subject.

Talking about local championship, we can say that the main opponent of Bayern is Munhen – another good football club from the same city. Talking about team members, we can find many players who became famous especially after FIFA World Cup. Such players as Philipp Lahm, Jérôme Boateng and Franck Ribéry. It should be also mentioned that most players are from Germany, so most of players from Bayern can be also seen in World Cups. If you like sport and decided to choose one, you should know about bicycle and its pros:

4. Barcelona

This football club doesn’t need any extra presentation. Amount of fans it has, is huge and maybe, only real Madrid has more. During last years, Barcelona has become especially strong and famous. Let’s see what they have done. Like Real Madrid, it is one of the most titled clubs in the world and like Real Madrid, it has a lot of famous football players. Like Real Madrid Barcelona is one of three teams that hasn’t ever left the highest division of Spanish Championship.

Let’s talk about some victories, because Barcelona has a lot of them. In 2009, Barcelona won everything. They won all outstanding championships and became the first club who did that. Here we can name not only Spanish Championship but also Europe League and Champions League. So we can see that Spanish football is great, so you can observe the latest news in Spanish football in order to watch some matches.

Talking about budget, we can say without doubts that Barcelona has a big one. In 2013, the club was the richest one in the world. Of course, Barcelona won’t be powerful without some players as Jerard Pique or Andrés Iniesta. However, the key player of the club is without doubts, Lionel Messi. Nobody knows if Barcelona can be powerful without this awesome player. Talking about the club we can see great combination of talented Spanish backs with strong and the best forward. This combination makes Barcelona undefeatable and extremely powerful. Stories of many football players show that sport can help to change life. There are also other ways to do it and we want you to know two people who changed lives. The story is motivating and worth-reading.

5. Manchester City

Although some years ago this club wasn’t very successful, it has changed its situation and in 2016 it is the forth club after Barcelona in UEFA rating. Let’s look at success of this team and its history. This is a football club from England, which has a 137-years history. In 1990s club wasn’t good and appeared in the lowest divisions three times. However, in 2012 Manchester City has defeated Manchester United, came to the final and became champion of English Championship. Do you want to know more about online classes we give? You can do it without any doubts and will receive great marks and a lot of pleasure working with us.

Since 2012, things became better for the club and it has won some other championships. It is worth to be mentioned that last year Manchester City became one of ten teams from England, which could come to the final of Champions League. This team is a team, which doesn’t have a lot of stars in its command structure, however long years of trainings, made this club really strong and allows them to achieve good status especially during last years.

To sum up we can say that some football clubs don’t have huge budget and outstanding players, but they are still good. It means that good coach and long hours of training can make great effect. Of course, some clubs like Barcelona are better than Manchester City, however what will they do without such players as Messi? However, every person has favorite club, so no matter what players play there and no matter what position this club takes in the world of football. Sometimes even clubs from lowest divisions can show great game. So, support your favorite team even if it seems to be in a hopeless position and who knows: maybe one day it will become a champion.

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