Benefits And Disadvantages Of Dual Monitors


In some movies, we can see a person in front of computer with three or even four screens. It looks quite interesting and glorious. However, is there any sense for common users to have more than one monitor? If you want to know answer on this or other questions connected with your classes write us: “do my online class for fee” and be calm for your subject. So, question of dual monitors worries minds of millions. We can roughly distinguish people into two categories. One category thinks that dual monitors are advantage and should be used. Others think that it’s just waste of money.

Inside of the first category, we can also find people who really have need in dual monitors and those who don’t use them in a full volume. That’s why it’s time to answer the question. First of all we will look advantages of dual monitors then their cons and finally we will have an answer. Like to find answers on difficult questions as death penalty pros and cons? Today’s answer will be easier of course, but still very interesting.

Pros of using dual monitors:

1. It saves time

For some people dual monitor will be of no use however, for definite professions it will be really needed. For example if you are a designer and have many different applications open. Agree, it is easier to open some of them on one screen while other will be on the second screen.

Or let’s take another example. If you are a programmer as usual, you have redactor where write a code and program where you can see the result. Feel free to read more about Word as powerful text redactor here: What do you usually do? You write a text, then wrap this application, open another one and see the result. You digress on this switch to one or another application. Won’t it be great to have text redactor open on one screen and another program on another?

Firstly, you will save time a little bit; secondly, you will have two programs on the two screens open in a full screen format. Finally, if you work as designer it will save a lot of time to have two monitors for Photoshop, for example and for some other programs opened on second screen. Let’s see the next plus.

2. Use one computer simultaneously

Imagine a situation when you live with younger brother or sister. When you need to write some articles or do you job, she wants to watch her favorite “Shaun the sheep” cartoon. With one monitor it is impossible. When you have two, it becomes real and extremely convenient. So, you can open a cartoon on the one screen and let your sister or brother watch cartoon or some best TV series, while you will have your notepad open on another screen and will be able to write article or whatever else.

3. Gives productivity

From one point of view, this statement is obvious. From another point of view, we may think that person who uses two screens while working may digress and won’t be attentive. So let’s go to numbers and facts, because they don’t lie.

There was a research dedicated to this question and what were results? As statistics shows using two screens increase productivity for more than 40%. Let’s switch on money. Another research showed that using two screens increases year profit on some thousand dollars. Quite interesting results, aren’t they? Want to increase your productivity? Then, you should know how to learn new information quickly.

Moreover, in such professions as tester or electronic engineering, where screen size is quite important, using of dual monitors from 20 to 24 inches led to a twenty percent decreasing of errors.

So, as we can see, multiply monitors can be helpful and will lead to decrease of errors and decrease of productivity.

4. Concentrate on job better

Sometimes it is really needed to be accessible twenty-four hours a day seven day a week for colleagues or clients. That’s why you hold Facebook and e-mail open always. However, you always have some browsers or programs open too, where you do your job. So when you want to check e-mail you wrap main program then look at your Facebook, digress on it and forget about job.

With second screen situation will be different. First of all you won’t have to wrap main program or browser, because your e-mail and Facebook are open on the second screen. Secondly, one look at the screen with Facebook will be enough to see if somebody wrote you or not.

In this case, second screen helps you to be concentrated on job and not to digress on other things like reading about red nose day charity organization.

5. Use laptop with usual monitor

Some people have to move to different places during a day but at the same time need to have a laptop with them. However if you have big screen at home and in the office why not to use it? Just connect it to your laptop and use two monitors simultaneously.

6. It makes life easier

Here we should mention that first of all, connecting second monitor is not hard and moreover you will be able to tune it as you like, without any difficulties. Feel free to look at instruction about how to connect second monitor. Then, it makes everything easier. For example, if you want to compare something or show some things in an overall plan and on a larger scale simultaneously two monitors will be irreplaceable.

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As we distinguished some pros, it’s time to talk about cons, which are always present everywhere.

What is bad in having two screens?

1. It can distract you

From one point of view, having e-mail or Twitter open on the second screen is a good idea because you can concentrate on another monitor and plunge in a job. From another point of view, one may always digress on the second screen and it can influence productivity and make it worse. However, it mainly depends on person’s character. Want to know more about our online classes? You should do it, because we have a lot of different offers that will be interesting for you.

2. Stress on video card

Another minus is that video card doesn’t have endless resources. That means two screens will require double resources from video card. Or in other words, it’s power will be divided between two monitors. It’s not a problem. If you have good and powerful card, but if you don’t it may a real problem. If you have stress because of exam feel free to ask us for help with exams and receive more time for things you really like.

If you run a program on one monitor, it will be one result. However, if you use two monitors and run couple of programs, result will be worse. Remember about it before using two monitors.

Another thing you must remember is that not all video cards allow you to connect two monitors simultaneously. So be aware of this.

3. More space needed

Another problem is available space. Put one monitor on the table is not a problem. However, put extra screen may be a real problem, especially if your room is not large. Of course, modern monitors don’t require as much space as first monitors, however it may be a problem anyway. Feel free to look at history of computer monitors.

4. It needs money

Of course it’s not a surprise that you will have to spend money to buy second monitor. If you are sure that will use it, it is not a problem; however, some people are uncertain about it. Moreover, good monitors are still quite expensive. So it would be quite sad to spend money, buy monitor and then don’t use it at all.

As you can see, using two or more monitors has some pros and cons. Of course there are more pros in it, however let’s make some things clearer. Dual monitors are good decision if you have a lot of money and have job that requires second screen. For example, such job as designer or programmer. Do you think it is possible to learn programming by yourself? Find answer here:

In another way if you will buy second monitor just to watch movies on it and surf in the Internet on another screen, it is quite doubtful decision and maybe it is just waste of money? So think twice before buying second monitor and check your video card abilities properly. Enjoy world of dual monitors and bright colors and have a good time testing your new monitor!

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