How To Grasp New Information In Few Minutes?


As one wise man said, “Person who owns information owns the world”. These words need no prove because they are absolutely right. However, does information always can help? Nowadays with a lot of media sources, we receive great amount of different information. Sometimes it may be of no use. So one of important things is to be able to select only useful information. Sometimes many students have problems before exams, because they have many things to learn. You can always get help with lower priced classes online in any subject you need.

Not only students have such problem: all of us sometimes face this problem. While one person has great memory and can remember anything in couple of minutes, another one will spend hours for the same thing. Ways that are good for somebody are not always good for somebody other. That’s why we decided to gather absolutely different approaches to this problem and share them with you. Hope you will use some of these methods in your job or study. Because they can help to learn some languages even if you already know some. You should read about bilingualism pros and cons to understand is it good idea to learn some languages or not. There are many different approaches to learning new information, so we singled out some the most useful and those, which really work.

1. Determine what kind of memory is the best for you

First of all, one of the most important steps is to understand how you acquire information in the best way. Some people do it through listening, while others need to see it or touch. There are some kinds of memory: visual and auditory are two most noticeable among them.

If you always remember what people said to you and what that or another person was talking about, distinguish different rhythms and pitch, you probably have auditory memory. If you rely on your eyes, you probably have visual kind of memory (as most of population on Earth does). Finally, there is mixed memory, which includes mechanical and visual memories. How to understand that you have it? If after you have written down something and then can remember huge part of this information you definitely have visual-mechanical type of memory.

However, sometimes in different cases person may use any of these memories depending on the circumstances. For example, we all know Disneyland as popular tourist destination. If everything around is like there, there is no need even to pay a lot of effort to remember something – information will in magic way go to your head and stay there.

2. Divide and rule!

One of the easiest ways, which can help you to remember huge volume of information. Everybody of us have faced situation when there is a text for fifty pages, and you have to learn this information. Sometimes it is in Word and some people constantly have problems with this redactor. We offer you to learn Microsoft Word hacks for everyone and make your life easier. Now let’s go back to our huge text which we should learn.

First of all, don’t panic and loose hope. Better, divide this text into smaller logically completed parts and learn it part by part. The whole text may look scaring, but small parts are not so frightening. If this doesn’t motivate you, put some candies in the end of each part of your divided text and eat it as you learnt this part. Hacks are everywhere, so just get to know them.

3. Association and imagination

Sometimes when it is needed to learn some common, dull information person get bored very fast. Why not to make this information funny? You can create any association between word or term you have to learn and something funny. There is only one rule: your association should be connected in some way with term or word you try to learn.

You can go even further and make some story in the head with participation of terms you have to learn. For example, we all know about cathetus, the hypotenuse and other related thing in triangle. Why not to make a story about them? For example they travelled in the triangle and finally found their places and decided to live there and so one. It more pleasant than just learn by heart all these terms and their explanation.

To make a short break we offer you some essays:

4. Draw a picture or write down something

Another good method is for those who like to make some schemes or drawings. Read some information you want to remember at first. Then try to write it down, not word in word but schematically and only the most important moments. Then try to revise the information using only schemes.

If you read a story and want to remember its plot, which can be complicated sometimes, you can draw some pictures about key moments in the story. Make schemes or draw? Or maybe mix it? It’s only you who can decide this. Anyway, there is one of interesting ways to remember information that includes writing and drawing. It is called storyboarding and can be very useful. Read about it:

5. Repeat and read and repeat again

Repetition is the best way to remember something. For example, there is a text that you have divided into some parts. Read first part at first, and then try to retell it. If you did it, go to the second part. Read first and second parts and try to retell them. Follow this scheme to the end of the text. It may take a lot of time, of course, but you will be surprised by how great you can retell the whole text. Need help with exam and can’t remember all required information? Ask us to for help with exam and we will provide you with it.

6. Let your brain have a rest

It is very important to make a break. If you have learned something, take a short lunch break or just do something other: go to the street lay on the sofa – anything to digress from what you were learning. There are many ways to spend short break with pleasure and profit. Want to know how to do it? Just follow the link and read about it:

Remember that too much learning is not good too. You will just overload brain with information and finally will remember less. After this short break check yourself and find out places you haven’t remembered. Then make a short break and learn information you haven’t remembered.

7. Listen to what you are talking about

Good way to remember information better is to listen to it. It is not a problem nowadays to record required information. You can do it by your own or find some audio lectures. It will be useful to listen to this information while sleeping. However, it works better if you have learned the information before than with some new one. For example if you haven’t read about WTA ranking system and don’t know what it is, you won’t remember many information while listening it during sleep.

8. Different colors for different items

If your visual memory developed better, this method will be good for you. Take the text and highlight it by definite color. Then while reading another point highlight it by another color. Try to color only the most important information, not the whole sheet of paper.

9. Short notes in front of the eyes

This variant can help to learn something even unconsciously. Take small stickers and write down some key words there – only the most important words or dates. Stick them somewhere above the table or anywhere you always look at. This will help to learn and revise information without spending a lot of time; all you need is just take a look at the paper. Feel free to look at information about our service – class mentor provides students with help and always has some good offers.

Interesting kind of memory and how to use it

We mentioned methods for two main types of memories, but there is another one, which is also quite interesting. We will talk now about tactile kind of memory and how to use it.

First of all you should understand if this type of memory is appropriate for you. If you like to feel information, touch it you probably have tactile memory. People with it, usually like to practice, to get knowledge from actions not from theory. So let’s look at some methods for such people.

10. Find appropriate place

For people with tactile memory predominated, working place is very important. Find the best one you want and feel free to move from room to room while learning.

11. Use practice

Don’t try to remember theory with this kind of memory. Use imagination and try to reflect theory in the real life, to touch the object you are learning. Feel free to behave like this object, to do some actions. For example if you are reading about Napoleonic War try to imagine yourself as Napoleon, for example and do things he did. It will help to remember information and to make this process more interesting.

Of course, there are many other methods and here are just some of them. Remember that every person has each kind of memory but it is important to find out what exactly type of memory gives you the greatest result. You can try to combine different methods for different types of perception. Don’t stop on these methods, find out some more ones. Try to find your ideal way to learn information fast and conquer the world!

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