Online Education Classes: Problem For Teachers?


Online education classes

Idea of receiving education without going to school is great. Children who can’t attend school because of different health problems can receive education online. They need only Internet, good classes and teachers. Another plus is that, children who live very far from the nearest school and can’t get there every day, may also study by distance learning program. Unfortunately, such kind of education is not very developed yet. Although using technology in the classroom has become common, using Internet and online sources to make students’ life easier still has more problems than pros.

Another problem is online studying in some universities. Online education websites can be slow and students will just hate them. Sometimes online classes are not interesting, or it may be hard for students to find time for such type of education, because near it they always have “real courses” in the university, in classrooms with their mates. That’s why instead of “Oh what a great online subject here” we can hear “Oh god, can somebody do my online class for me?”

Fortunately, you have just found a good assistant. Online class mentor can help you with different types of problems, connected with studying online. First of all, we can take your course and finish it for you. Yes, we can really do it! Just go to our site and find section course there. Then you will need to fill some information about the subject. After it, we will find a professor or tutor, who will take your course online and you won’t have to do all tasks during it. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Check the sections called “course” for more details.

Our company also understands, that online class may be interesting for student, so we can’t take this great class away. However, there is still something we can do to make the course even better for you. It’s not a secret that students hate tests and exams, even if they like subject. So, forget about stress and nights without sleeping: we can take your exam online or we can do the same with your test. Just fill in the information fields, our professor will enter your account and pass exam or test for you.

Finally, if you have any problems with creative writing, writing your essay or review or your professor is just too strict and kills any desire for writing, you can ask us to do it. Any type of work from review to dissertation – we can do it all. If you write great essays, but make mistakes, we can just proofread your work, so you will receive the highest mark possible. You can also get to know how to create a convincing public speech, so you will be able to show your teacher what you meant in your essay. We understand that sometimes teachers are not ready for new technologies and can't make online classes interesting. Stay with us and you will know why online studying is such a big problem for most teachers.

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As you understood from information above, online classes may not be good enough. The main reason for it is that teachers don’t like them. We decided to think why teachers don’t like online studying and why it may be a problem for some of them to admit that online education can be also effective. You will be surprised, but there are just two main problems, but how many troubles they make!

Teachers vs. On line education courses

1. Students are always cheating

In modern world it becomes harder and harder to believe anybody. That is what we can hear. Teachers think that student can cheat everywhere and online classes will give them even more abilities to do it. Let’s look at this problem from the point of view of student. If the subject is interesting and teacher can give information in an easy and understandable way, student won’t have to cheat: he will remember the entire course. So we have another contra argument here: does every teacher try his best to make his subject easy and understandable? Does every teacher know about unusual teaching methods that are listed here:

Let’s continue our thought. If teacher just reads from paper, lection is dull, student won’t be motivated to learn anything, so of course it will be easier for him just to cheat then learn everything by himself. That is a serious problem: make student motivated through online classes is harder. However, if student has chosen this class by himself, it means that he is motivated, so he will try to learn everything. Teacher should just give interesting material.

To sum up, we can say, that if teacher makes subject interesting, no matter if it is online studying or not, most students will never cheat. Most of them understand that they studying for themselves, so they need that information. However, if teacher won’t help them to understand it, they will cheat and no matter if it will be online studying or class in the real classroom. Look more reasons why students are cheating.

2. Is it so hard to create online course?

The answer is “yes”. Many teachers admit, that online studying is really hard for them to organize. First of all that’s because they have huge amount of materials printed. As you can understand, turning them into electronic materials requires time, but teacher always have luck of time. And it’s not the only problem. Students may help their teacher attending his online classes regularly and knowing top rules for online students.

Another huge problem, is that online class differs from common one. Teacher has less control, so he should find other ways to check whether students are still interested or they just abandoned the class. Another problem is organization: online studying means flexibility and possibility to avoid healthy snacks for school, but it doesn’t mean the same for teacher. Teacher should always check if there are questions from students, whether everything is working fine… and many other things. So it’s not easy for him to do.

Finally, we should admit that teachers are different. Some will understand basic principles of online classes and do their best to create an interesting one, while some teachers can’t deal with technologies at all, and it may take years for them, to understand how it all works. Maybe, that’s why cyber education should become part of education. Look for all “for” and “against” here: We should also admit that some teachers can’t be good online teachers, even if they are great teachers in the university and during “real” classes there.

Probably the best solution is to train teachers who have predisposition to online studying and make them online teachers. It may become one of the top interesting jobs. It means they won’t have to hold any real world classes, but will be devoted to online courses, while teachers who are good for real classes will handle them. It may give great result and profit both for students and teachers. It will reduce strain on teachers and they will create interesting online studying programs for students. Students will be interested in such classes and teachers, who are professionals in creating online education. Everybody will be happy.

As we can see, there are only two main problems, which make a wall between online classes and teachers. Others are not as important. We hope one day, it will be changed and all students will be happy to attend their online classes with online teachers. We hope that one day online classes won’t be worse than real ones. Even now, they have a little secret: getting to know something using your own skills just with the slight hints from the teacher is the distinctive feature of online studying. It really motivates a lot of students.

Anyway online class mentor always ready to help you, if you have a boring online class or if it is not organized well. Don’t be afraid and hurry up to hack your life! Let us do your class online, so you will have more time to do something you really like. However, we wish you to have only interesting courses and great teachers. Have a nice term and exciting courses online!

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