Best Site for Online Courses about Things a Teacher Never Do


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A good teacher is one that can both encourage students to study and explain materials clearly. Unluckily, not every person working as a teacher acts correctly to create an appropriate learning atmosphere and bring student’s focus on nothing but studies. The question is ‘What a good teacher should never do to students?

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Get To Know About the Worst Things a Teacher May Do On Our Best Sites for Online Courses

No matter how long is your teaching experience, there are rules that can never be violated because they favor student’s successful learning.

1. Do not be too amiable to students

Yes, the primary task of all teachers is to ensure a positive learning environment that disposes students to work effectively. This means that a good teacher should never be out of sorts but shows students that their relationships are only about teaching and learning. Friendship always obliges to do a favor, which is inappropriate between a teacher and students. A teacher should not strive to gain students’ admiration and affection. Feelings are what can destruct the learning atmosphere and blemish a teacher’s authority.

2. Heed all wrangles and disputes

Students in any group have disagreements, but it is not a reason for a teacher to mind these troubles. Class time is for obtaining knowledge and not for clearing up all discords. Once a teacher gets involved in students’ confrontations, first, it proves that studies can wait and it is not a big deal to distract a teacher’s attention to diverse trifles. Second, trying to take the role of a mediator in disputes a teacher is at risk of picking a side, which will make the party believed to be an aggressor resentful and indignant. Consequently, it may entail even graver conflicts. What is to take up in this situation is to remark upon feuding students that they have after-class time to sort out things out, or it is also possible to help settle a dispute vis-à-vis when classes are over. It is important to provide mental health support for pupils in their trouble times. Adolescent age usually causes numerous problems in both school and private life. A good teacher should back up students to prevent in their struggles. Timely provided help is a guarantee against misbehavior, alcohol drinking, drugs, suicide and other frequent adolescent problems. As a rule, students fall back on back habits to draw adults’ attention:  

3. Humiliate students to have them behave

A teacher has no right to use implicit or explicit affronts towards students even if their demeanor is inappropriate and indecent. This is the worst way to have students focused on listening to a lecture. This will not make them respect their teacher. On the contrary, this is a surefire way to arouse a serious conflict where justice is likely to be on students’ side. Apart from being unprofessional, the humiliation of students is only a proof that a teacher is not competent and lacks decent manners as a person.

4. Yelling is also a bad idea

Those teachers who fall back on yelling achieve the same results as those accustomed to humiliating. First, it is not enough to win students’ attention. Second, it only aggravates the situation. No matter how people behave, it is always possible to explain everything in a low tone. Besides, a raised voice invokes even more irritation and resentment. A good teacher is able to make students behave with no need to appeal to bawling or shouting.

5. Power is in a teacher’s hands only

This is a popular mistake of novices in the practice of teaching. They believe students to be their partners or friends. Yes, it is crucial to respect the opinion of students and their right to object or disagree, but it is only up to a teacher to decide which material is going to be elucidated and which activity is the primary in class time. It is important not to give in to students’ demands because in most cases they are ready to do everything but not their studies. Make them always follow your lead.

If you are interested in effective teaching strategies, here is one that any teacher can benefit from regardless of experience obtained:

6. This is not a contest of favorites

Yes, teachers are also human beings, and they can like or dislike their pupils. Sometimes, there is no need to be a reason to feel resentment towards someone. Nevertheless, it does not give a permission to let personal feelings get control over the way of students’ treatment. No matter which kind of people a teacher like communicating with, it is always vital to stay biased and impartial. Since the main purpose of student-teacher relationships is sharing knowledge, all prejudices and personal principles should be left behind. The same is about affection for some students. Certainly, it may happen that some learners gain a teacher’s favor because of a good sense of humor or an interesting manner of talking. However, this should not affect their grades. Grades are a marker of student’s academic progress but not the level of teacher’s favor.

7. Hearsays about colleagues

It happens that sometimes students may start rumoring about other teachers, in particular, those they displease. Whether their judgments are genuine or fallacious, a good teacher remains neutral to this kind of remarks. Why? The first reason is that students can equally gossip of the teacher they are sharing secrets with. Second, students are not friends to a teacher to bandy about all the staff working in an educational institution. It is vital to keep in mind that it is not within teacher’s duties to talk about personal relations as well as those of colleagues, in particular, with students.

8. Set solid rules

A teacher should be strict in the rules for students. For example, if it is obligatory to hand in tests before a bell, it means that it be not only a word and those who are belated will have to re-do their exam. If a teacher makes frequent concessions for students, first, they stop being respectful to a teacher; second, they become confident that the rules can be easily violated. Hence, it will be hard for a teacher to make students behave and study diligently.

Having read all the rules of good teaching, you should have got a clear image of who is an ideal teacher. If you liked this post and found it useful, you can find out more posts on our blog where we unveil plenty of secrets for successful learning:

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Teaching is hard. Learning is not easier, either. If you have troubles with studies, you should not fall into panic. We are here to help you. No matter why you fail to complete some tasks, whether it is a teacher that is biased against you, or an assignment is excessively intricate, our specialists have enough experience to find answers to any questions as well as a clue to any puzzle. You are a lucky one if you have chosen our service. Since we have been helping students for more than 7 years, it is a piece of cake to help you with studies and boost your academic performance. You should consult our online learning course site to find the whole range of services available for you as well as to see gratitude reviews from our previous customers. We have managed to meet expectations most of them. If you are ready to join the team of satisfied customers, contact our support representatives and find how you can submit your order and get required assistance!

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