Scientists Who Changed The Universe


We used to progress and all innovational technologies. However, how often do we think about people who invented all those things? For example, we used phone every day as well as some of us ride bicycle every weekends. But do you know who invented these things and how it happened. The thing is that not only inventions themselves are interesting but the process of invention and thoughts of inventor are also interesting to observe. If you often think something like “what online classes should I take?” it may mean that you are curios person and future Einstein.

Today we will talk about different scientists whose inventions and hypotheses changed the world and lead to progress. One should mind that scientist can be quite wide notion. Person who invents something can be called inventor but as well he can be called scientist, because invention requires theoretical and mental job. That’s why we can say that there are many scientists who are also called inventors. We will talk about them – about people in different spheres and people who were very close to science and about those who were close to other things, but made great discoveries, which are widely used nowadays. You can also read about good life hacks – which are genius and simple at the same time.

1. Isaac Newton – person who changed physics

Many of us know story about Newton and his discovery of The law of universal gravitation. It sounds like young Isaak sat near the tree and saw the apple falling on the earth. In some sources in is said that apple fell on his head, but it doesn’t matter. Most people would just become angry - but not Isaak Newton. He began to think why apples were falling. You may have a thought that job of scientists is a weird thing, however after reading article about the weirdest jobs in the world you will change your opinion.

We don’t know the precise history of invention of the law and this is just one of the versions. However, what is really important is the law itself. It doesn’t explain only why apples are falling, its value is enormous. Without this discovery hundred years ago, scientist will not be able to launch any spaceships and airplanes will be just a dream.

Newton didn’t stop on this invention and he also discovered three laws, which became a basis for classical mechanics. But this is another story and you can read more about these laws here.

2. Person who can handle chaos

Albert Einstein once said that great person can handle even chaos. We don’t know if he was successful in it, but we can definitely state, that he was one of the best scientists in the field of theoretical physics. You may not know Einstein but you will definitely know his Theory of relativity.

You can read more about this theory and we can say that although it is quite puzzled for common people, who don’t know physics well and it may be difficult to give practical proves of this theory, maybe one day some scientists will use it to make time shifts possible and people will be able to travel in time. You may think that it’s impossible, however read one of the articles about time travels and you will understand that it may work.

Of course this theory is not the only thing Einstein did. He made a bunch of theories without which, physics wouldn’t work as it words. At the same time he was activist and humanist – he struggled with usage of nuclear weapon for example. Our next scientist is also connected with nuclear power but he didn’t know how far his invention would go. What about you? How far can you go, on holidays for example? Hope this manual about Christmas destination will be interesting for everybody:

3. The most powerful and destructive discovery

Although atom was discussed even in ancient Greece, only in 19th century scientists began to explore it. There were many scientists, but the most known is Sir Joseph Thomson. He is famous for describing of atom and its components. He also studied atomic decay. Of course at those times it was just a scientific interest and desire to know more, unfortunately nobody knew what consequences it would cause. Nowadays we can see how far it goes and that it is as painful as racism problems around the world.

Later scientists continued to work on exploring of atom, however for other goals: to create weapon and to subordinate it. The naïve assumptions that person can completely became the host of atom lead to awful consequences. The brightest of them is Chernobyl and the nuclear station of this city. Feel free to read more about this place: Other examples are nuclear submarines and nuclear weapon.

Anyway, we should admit that scientists’ work on atom and ways of its usage can be appreciated and can be useful. It should be admitted, it’s not the problem of scientists, but the problem of humanity – nobody knows why but people seem to be obsessed with the idea of creating something powerful, which they won’ be able to control then.

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4. Collaboration can give great results

Previous point is connected with another thing – radiation. Although it is often associated with something dangerous and bad it’s not always so. X-ray examination, tomography and etc. – all these things wouldn’t appear without invention of radiation. So who were these people, who did the greatest discovery?

Marie Curie, her husband and Antoine Henri Becquerel worked together. They didn’t only discovered radiation itself but also opened new chemical elements: radium and polonium. As usual scientists patent their inventions, however this trio decided just to give their discovery as a gift to the world. Later, they were deservedly awarded the Noble prize. If you want to receive a good mark and it’s the best prize for you, ask us for help with your online tests.

Marie Curie became the first women who received Noble prize twice and later the first one who became a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Of course at those times it caused polemic because many scientists thought that women couldn’t do something useful for science. The same stereotypes can be still seen in the field of sport. However, to see women in sport is more and more normal and doesn’t cause any argues. Anyway, Marie Curie proved the opposite. For example X-ray machines, which were based on her invention of radiation, used widely during the First World War and saved lives of many people.

5. Invention which everybody uses every day

Can you imagine that many years ago people sent signals using rifles or huge bells? It sounds like a real nonsense nowadays when we have phones. How it appeared and who invented it? What principle is placed in this invention and how does it all work?

In 1850s one engineer firstly used the word phone. He also invented telephony. About ten years later another person - immigrant of Italian origin used previous invention and created phone, which worked transmitting signals through the wire. A year later another inventor created another variant of phone: it had a microphone and loudspeaker.

However, telephone was patented only in 1876 by Alexander Bell. Device was used both for receiving and sending voice information, but it didn’t have bell. It was invented only two years later by T. Watson. Of course first phones were far from ideal – for example, the distance of their work at first was only about half of kilometer! If you want to know more interesting information, feel free to read about our online service and we promise – you will find interesting offers there.

It was needed almost hundred years before telephone became powerful way of communication. Event which demonstrated this was telephone speech between New York and London. Later other lines were created and united for example, USA and USSR and other countries at quite long distances from each other.

6. Person who gave light to all

You might think that it was God, but you are wrong – person who gave light to people was Thomas Edison. He developed and patented first incandescent lamp, which we still use.

However, he was famous not only for this invention. This person was like an accumulation of inventions. He received more than thousand patents in the USA. So you can imagine how many things he invented and developed. What is interesting is that first years of his adult life, he worked as a telegraphist, so nothing presaged him great path of inventor. However, it was he, who improved telegraph. Later he opened his own company and dedicated more than 19 hours a day to improving different devices beginning with typewriter and ending by phonograph – grandfather of Dictaphone.

To sum up we can say that many scientists worked hard to improve something or to create new things. Without these people our world wouldn’t be as it is. Can everybody imagine world without smartphone? However, if Bell hadn’t patented common phone many years ago, we would have never seen a smartphone. There are many such examples as well as we can’t enumerate all scientists, whose invention changed the universe. However, now you will probably be interested in getting this information by your own. Be curios and maybe you are the next inventor, who will create something great and glorious.

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